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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Campbelltown NSW (Aussie)

    Default 1500 Point Chaos Marine Army no allies not bad build and a decent game VS Dark Angels

    I had an impromptu game today, and after being asked for a game I simply asked the guy how many points. He said 1500, he wanted to try out his new Dark Angels. After reading the Codex and going against too many Space Marine type armies for 6th edition, I expected to go against anything from the the new fliers, massed Bikers and/or massed Terminators with the special characters to make them troops, and maybe a few extra units to fill it out.

    I designed an army to cover the differnt mission types and hopefully counter what I expected. I was not disappointed. My army was built with the idea of re-rolls from Preferred enemy, and Hatred, lots of Str 7 AP 2 Plasma weapons. With an elite unit of 7 Plague Marines, a MOT Chosen unit, 2 units of 30 cultists with no upgrades, a Dark Apostle- MoT, Abaddon, 2 Obliterators - MOT, and a single Helldrake with Bale Flamer, I quickly worked out the force was about 1500 points.

    We rolled up the Purge Alien mission with Hammer and anvil setup, and he went first player. I set up in one corner with the cultist surrounding the bulk of the forces and both Abaddon and the dark Apostle giving their bonuses to all units. My opponent made the mistake of splitting his forces, and dropped his Warlord and a Termie unit in and positioned his lone biker unit of 6 along an edge out of my range. I concentrated fire from 4 units and took out all except the Warlord and 3 Termies just from shooting.

    Then I charged them with one Cultist unit who took the termies apart over 2 close combat rounds. I failed my morale test (finally) and ran 7" (with about 10 cultist remaining), but he could not follow up because of the Terminator armour. He dropped in his close assault terminator unit behind cover out of sight and moved Belial up to them.

    His 6 bikes got shot up by my helldrake who took out 5 of them, and he complained about the new FAQ being unfair - although I agreed, I said I had to follow the rules because in Tournament they would use the the FAQ rules just as I did with the 360 degree turret inferno weapon. He shot up my Obliterators with one of his fliers killing both, and then shot at my plague marines and I passed my saves (he missed with his TWL lascannon). I scared of his fliers by shooting my Chosen at them with my Chosen's 5 Plasma guns and champs plas pistol and Preferred enemy (from Abaddon). I scored a glance and pen that rolled up a shaken. He failed his jink rolls - 2 hull points lost.

    I kept shooting his assault terminators who had been joined by Belial and kept the pressure up with as many shots as I could. I shot and charged his lone biker losing a cultist to overwatch and another from close combat. I then overwhelmed the bike and consolidated back to my own lines. I then took a charge from Belial and the lone Terminator Champion he had left. I overwatched, and he argued when I caused a plasma gun hit on him, and he mumbled that Belial should be able to take the hit. The squad Sergeant was closer and he had not declared a LoS roll. I allowed him to use the 4+ roll he made as Belial's Save for his Sergeant's LoS roll, and he rolled a 3+ for Belial's invul save (Belial was on 2 wounds by this stage). He kept arguing, so I just let him have it his way.

    He declared a challenge against Abaddon who killed him before he could lay a blow, then my Plague Marines killed the terminator champion after he felled one of my Plague Marines. All he had left was the 2 fliers, so he flew them off table and declared the game over.

    I was a bit peeved that he kept arguing, even though I could show him the rules and had both the FAQs and the rules book + Codex for him to view. Even though I had tabled him, I do not think I won because I had a better codex or his was worse, but by simple tactics and army unit selection. We both had re-rolls form Preferred Enemy and/ or hatred. We both had units we could use as troops instead of elites or other FOC slots.
    The army I tool was designed to take on a wider range of enemy armies, but had enough high strength low AP weapons to handle Terminators and bikers. I had a decent amount of cheap throw away troops to keep him locked in close combat or to use as a shield. I also used both Abaddon's and the Dark Apostle's bonuses to help boost my units by staying near to them most of the time, and concentrating weapons fire on one or 2 units only. I stalled his nasty Terminator unit with my cultists long enough for my other units to kill off his supporting squads. In the end, I was surprised that the only unit I lost was the MoT Obliterators (they were killed of in turn 3, and game lasted 5 turns).

    The list I wrote breaks a lot of the normal list building rules by not having duplicates for most of the units.

    This is exactly what I took:

    Abaddon 265 pts
    Dark Apostle - MoT 120 Pts
    7 Plague Marines - VOTLW, 2 Plasma Guns, Champion Plasma Pistol and Power Fist. 255 Pts
    8 Chosen - MoT, 5 x Plasma Gun, Champ Plasma Pistol and Power Fist. 275 Pts
    2 units of 30 cultists - no upgrades (CCW and Autopistol) 130 Pts each Edit - drop a single cultist one unit now 126 points.
    2 Obliterators MoT 86 Pts edit correction 156 points
    1 HellDrake with Bale Flamer. 170 Pts

    1431 points total.

    I underestimated on the points and had an extra 69 Points to spend. I could probably have expanded the Chosen or the Plague Marines, or even added an extra Obliterator if I dropped something else like a few cultist, but it was an impromptu game.

    I think I will keep this list for a 1500 tournament coming up in February.
    Last edited by Daemonette666; 01-24-2013 at 03:53 PM.
    The world is Chaotic, so why not join the party. Slaanesh welcomes you with open arms. Certa Cito

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Planet of Sorcerers


    How comes your two obliterators cost only 86 pts?

  3. #3


    Technically he is correct. If he had nothing on the board at all at the end of his turn, he loses automatically.

  4. #4


    What was the argument about? It seems pretty clear that you tabled the fellow and he surrendered the field of battle with his last couple of models. What is the point of contention?
    Looking for a game in the San Antonio area? You can find me here:

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Campbelltown NSW (Aussie)


    Quote Originally Posted by Saint_Anger View Post
    How comes your two obliterators cost only 86 pts?
    My bad add 70 for the base cost of the second Obliterator. Hmm that would make it 1 point over. I will have to re-work out points, maybe drop a cultist and be 3 points under.
    Last edited by Daemonette666; 01-24-2013 at 03:34 PM.
    The world is Chaotic, so why not join the party. Slaanesh welcomes you with open arms. Certa Cito

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Copeland View Post
    What was the argument about? It seems pretty clear that you tabled the fellow and he surrendered the field of battle with his last couple of models. What is the point of contention?
    The point of the contention was that he said that he should be able to just state that Belial (IC) who was behind the Terminator Sergeant when he declared his charge, could declare that he was taking the plasma shot that I hit with from Overwatch fire. He rolled a 4, and then when I said you passed your Look out Sir roll make your save he said that was his save. He then argued with me even after I showed him the rules for Look out sir, removing casualties. He rolled his save a 3+ and Belial should have gone down to 1 wound, but he then argued that his first roll should have been the save and GW's rules are stupid. After the close combat round, he decided to call it saying he would move his fliers off in his turn 5.

    It was the fact that he seemed to constantly argue with me about the rules. Even after I showed him them all in the rule book, the codex or FAQ. I even got a few other 40K players to come over and check it out and when they said I was right he got even more frustrated and even threw a couple of his models that got killed into his Army transport box. I suppose I should have just called it when he started to argue even after I showed him the rules in the books. The only thing is many people call games because they get peeved off and others do not want to play against them because they do not finish their games off.

    He also argued about the Helldrakes firing arc, even after seeing the FAQ, and generally whinged about everything from the price of GW minis to how expensive his units were, once the Heldrake almost killed his bike unit off.

    How balanced is the army I designed though? It took about 5 minutes with my mobile phone's calculator function and a piece of paper to write down the list. Is it designed to take out just Bikers and Terminators, or do you think it could also handle Balanced armies of Space Marines, perhaps Horde armies, a Grey Knight Army or even Tau or Eldar/Dark Eldar? Do you think it is flexible enough to handle other armies and be used in a Tournament or is it just a one trick pony?
    Last edited by Daemonette666; 01-24-2013 at 04:01 PM.
    The world is Chaotic, so why not join the party. Slaanesh welcomes you with open arms. Certa Cito

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I think Abby and a point sink of 5 plasma chosen is not your usual tourney fodder. Also the cultists would be very prone to running without support.

  8. #8


    Ugghgh... all the arguing. How horrid... drama over toy soldiers. I can't imagine a worse way to spend an afternoon... sorry that you had to go through that...
    Looking for a game in the San Antonio area? You can find me here:

  9. #9


    This is why I never tailor my army for pick-up games... winning tends to be much easier and people get grumpy! It sounds like that guy had a serious stick up his *** though, so I wouldn't blame yourself. You had a pretty good list, albeit thrown-together.

    Helldrakes are awesome, you should take 3.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Campbelltown NSW (Aussie)


    Quote Originally Posted by Chexmix282 View Post
    This is why I never tailor my army for pick-up games... winning tends to be much easier and people get grumpy! It sounds like that guy had a serious stick up his *** though, so I wouldn't blame yourself. You had a pretty good list, albeit thrown-together.

    Helldrakes are awesome, you should take 3.
    I would probably take 2 if I had them. I can not afford anything else for a while (starting a new 3-6 month job next week - Telco Rigger). The tournament in February is 1500 points and there are no Forge World units or IA army lists allowed. Only WD official updates and current 40K Codexes.

    I have about 80 Cultists /Traitor Guard 1 Helldrake, numerous other Chaos Marine troops (enough for 30,000 Points of Battle Companies), Raptors, Obliterators, Havocs, all the Named Lords Daemon Princes, Daemon Allies and so on.

    I wanted a balanced flexible list that can handle most missions, and still be able to make use of my Lord's abilities (unlocking FOCs and preferred en or hatred etc). I know I need at least 3 scoring units. The cultists are good if I keep a dark Apostle near them, and probably add him to a unit that can benefit from the MoT. I want to avoid Daemon Princes as they are expensive, and easy to ground or just shoot to bits. Plague Marines are always a good choice, and I love chosen especially now they can take up to 5 plasma guns. They are a good all round anti-light tank, anti-Biker, anti-Terminator, and even anti-flier unit.

    I have tended to shy away from vehicles of any kind just lately, even Landraiders, but the Helldrake is about the only one worth its points.

    The 2 armies I have had the hardest time against have been Tyranids and Orks. Grey Knights, Blood Angels and Space Wolves have been hard fought battles as well, but I have won more of them than against Nids or Orks. Imperial Guard, Tau, Vanilla Marines, Daemons, Dark Angels, Black Templars, Sisters and Dark Eldar /Eldar are where I tend to either win by a big margin or lose by a big margin. Those battles usually depend up on my enemy getting their reserves in on time and wiping my forces out piecemeal, or my forces arriving when I need and doing the same to them.

    I have tried both Imperial Guard and Daemon as allies, and find daemons to be the better choice.

    I think the list I have designed is quite balanced and well rounded with a variety of units to either take out enemy hard hitters, bog enemy down in combat, or that can sit on an objective ant take the punishment. The only thing I am worried about is that I do not have enough redundancy in my army. Take out the flier or the Plague Marines, and there is not another unit to cover the role they fill. I thought about replacing the Plague Marines with another unit of Chosen armed with Plasma Weaponry. The 2 Obliterators are my only long range fire power and they were easily taken down. I thought about Havocs, but at 156 points the 2 Oblits were cheaper and provided more flexibility.

    I can not think of any other options for the army. Standard CSM units are so-so, but not worth spending money on upgrading them. Thousand Sons are too expensive for what they can do (AP3 weaponry, but no grenades, only 1 weapon, Slow and Purposeful (no overwatch, no running, no weapons upgrades).

    Berserkers have been Nerfed, and I never took them much before. Bikes are a good option, and raptors are only so-so for the points spent on them (better if they could be unlocked as scoring some how). I have used Terminators myself, but only those with a MoT or MoN. They are too expensive for a 1500 point or less game and can never be scoring. I tried Noise Marines, but even with the small reduction in price, they are now almost useless because GW changed the profile for Sonic Blasters, and the NM lost their additional CCW as standard and you have to buy it now (no more move, shoot, then assault).

    I also have to design a 750 point force for a double match in April. I think I will be teamed up with either Dark Eldar, Orks, or Daemons. I was thinking of a couple of cultist units with a Dark Apostle and a unit of Plague marines or Chosen with a lascannon in the the unit.
    Last edited by Daemonette666; 01-24-2013 at 08:05 PM.
    The world is Chaotic, so why not join the party. Slaanesh welcomes you with open arms. Certa Cito

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