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  1. #1

    Default Model Scale Help needed (Custom Thunderwolves)

    Hi guys I am doing a custom chapter using the space wolves rules to represent a divergent from codex chapter and I was thinking since they are based in a very feral and primal world were half the year is day and half the year is night I was thinking of using Carnosaurs and Dark Elf Cold ones as my Thunderwolves and Fenrisian Wolves what I need help with is if some one could do a scale picture next to some 40k marines and dreadnoughts if posible or give me some reference in size. So I know how to go about this project.

  2. #2


    i have a salamanders army and i use cold ones for my scout bikers and marine bikers. you really dont need a pitcure for scale it will fit on a 40k base. the carnosaur will fit on a dreadnaught base. and the cold ones will fit on a bike base

  3. #3


    Lets see some pictures of marines on cold ones please.

  4. #4


    thanks guys when I get some money I will put up some pictures of the WIP. Also can some one give me a reference on canis base is it a dreadnought base or what size?

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