Quote Originally Posted by Nabterayl View Post
but I think the fluff is fairly consistent that even Dire Avengers don't do that except in very select circumstances).

That may not be a perfect representation of the (imperfect) fluff, but I am running a game, and I think this will still give the players shuriken weapons with the right "look and feel," which of course is the ultimate goal.
Fluff and fair game mechanics most likely will never go hand-in-hand anyway... let's face it, fluff-wise for the technology they are supposed to have the Eldar ought to turn up to battle completely invisible due to holo-fields, kill everyone with barely missing a single shot due to advanced targeting systems, make some snide comments about the inferiority of their opponents architecture and pop off back into the webway before anyone even knew they were there. However, this wouldn't make for a very fair game.

Good luck with the project!