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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vallejo, CA


    I do need to point out that after dumping something out of a Land Raider far from it's target, you've typically made back points no matter how quickly they kill you afterwards.

    Having said that, the unit simply doesn't kill tanks fast enough.

    I've dropped the poor scourges, and I'm instead putting in two units of Dark Lance Trueborn (3x model units) and a Ravager with Darklances and a Night Shield. I'm hoping that the extra DLs (and yes, I KNOW the Trueborn are extremely fragile) and re-upping to the Quad Gun will help me better weather the turn 1 storm. Right now, I simply find myself unable to kill transports fast enough to start shooting the meat. Once units are disembarked, I typically find it rather easy to mop up with all the poison and Psychic shenanigans.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vallejo, CA


    So I want to offer a quick but important update:

    I played what I thought would be my last game tonight with the original build. I would like to briefly point out that there was a minor points issue, and I could not legally run a solarite or any other squad leader in the list, so please ignore any that you find there.

    My opponent was a highly durable mix of Plaguemarines, Typhus, Zombies (over 100 of the things!) and worst of all, 3 Baleflamer Helldrakes. As you can imagine, I was rightly concerned about my lists ability to counter these threats.

    Well, I needn't have worried, though at least some of the credit goes to ridiculous luck with the dice in a few key areas.

    First was the rolls of Forewarning and Precognition on the Divination chart for Eldrad. the 4++ saves on the mega-unit are what allowed me to survive until the flyers were dead.

    Second was popping a Skyfire nexus close to my base. As you can imagine, this proved to be a critical element to my victory.

    On turn two, my opponent brought all three of his Baleflamers in at the same time. For most armies, this would have essentially ended the game. I lost a Venom immediately to Vector Strike. But I had been lucky enough to get turn one, and was well-prepared for the scenario: Duke Sliscus manned the Quad Gun alone, and Eldrad sat in front and to one side of the Warriors, ready to lay down his life with rerollable invulnerable saves as necessary.

    Duke returned fire on the Vectored Drake, which had come in on my "vulnerable" side opposite Eldrad. He managed to kill the beast with an interception, and suddenly both flyers were putting all their shots into a Fortuned Eldrad Ulthuan. Eldrad, of course, is a dead man to begin with, so what worry had he for the onslought? The flames passed around him harmlessly, some 16 in total. The last Drake tried to shoot off the Quad Gun and Sliscus, but neither succumbed.

    Turn 3 and my Voidravens finally arrive, flying along the narrow strip of my back field to draw target on the remaining Drakes. The enemy Quad Gun had been destroyed by volleys from the surviving Venom and the Eldar Rangers in the first turn. The first heavy bomber cored a second Helldrake, leaving a single dragon who proved too agile to draw a proper bead on and the second Voidraven missed.

    Typhus and his Plaguemarine squad entered from reserve and proceeded to kill the Warriors dropped from the Venom killed by my opponent. This meant, however, that he was unable to run. Typhus twice succumbed to the very power he represented as Eldrad's Runes of warding protected the pirate host.

    The Voidravens, both heavy vehicles, proceeded to move forward on what ended up as the last turn (with a two hour limit my opponent had taken too long moving his numerous forces while my more compact, stationary force maneuvered around him). One caught The Relic in a multi-objective game of Big Guns, while the other moved to deny a unit of Zombies from holding the objective in his back corner. As this was the final turn, and with a hard two-hour limit, he proved unable to reach The Relic and equally unable to blast away the bomber. The Dark Eldar holding the Nexus and Duke Sliscus moved into range and managed to glance the final Helldrake three times in hover mode, barely overcoming its 5++ and sending it crashing to the ground. As the last few equipped models failed to do any damage to the Voidravens, the 2 hour buzzer for the match went off and the game was over as his turn came to a close, with us tied on Big Guns (1 to 1), my victory on The Relic (4vp), and with my holding Linebreaker while he got First Blood.

  3. #13


    The list looks fun to play, but i get a feeling that Tau are gona wreck your face. Especially if you get Hamer and Anvil against mechy tau. They'll outrange everything, and you have so few units that offer a threat that by turn 2 or 3 you have nothing but cannon fodder on the table. Really your only hope against Tau, or even mech IG for that matter, is to get turn one and hope both ravagers get a vehicle each. Then from their kill his troops and win by bonus points. Cause chances are your gona loose a lot (deepstrike flamer suites wound like to have a word with your 20 man blob squad), and more importantly all your scoring units.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vallejo, CA


    Tau are an odd thing but yes, SOME Tau units cause me headaches. Not the firewarriors obviously. But the Suits and especially the Drones are a big problem for me. I played a wild list at BAO that involved Tau with Horde Orks. The firewarriors were blown away, but the sheer number of bodies and the range of his Broadsides and missile suits was a far greater hinderance to me. Flamer deepstrikes are very risky, especially when you have the Quad Gun.

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