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Thread: Old Zogwort

  1. #1

    Default Old Zogwort

    Is it true Old Zogwort can no longer use 1,2,3 on the weird boy table because they are shooting attacks? If I do happen to roll one of those and he can use them, do I re roll or just assume nothing happened?

  2. #2


    The FAQ says this:

    Q: If Old Zogwort rolls on the Weirdboy psychic power chart and gets a psychic power that is resolved as a Shooting attack (specifically Frazzle or Zzap) may he re-roll this power? If not then can he ignore the power for the purposes of expending Warp Charge points? (p61)
    A: No to both questions.

    As our readers know, Old Zogwort is BS0 and therefore cannot shoot. He is also a Warphead, which states that he may "re-roll the dice to see which psychic power he uses." There are two ways to interpret this FAQ:

    1. If Old Zogwort rolls a shooting psychic power on his first roll he cannot use it to shoot (because BS0) and cannot use his Warphead re-roll to try and get one that he can use (because FAQ).
    2. Old Zogwort can still use his Warphead re-roll, if available, but yes, it is totally possible for him to wind up with a power he cannot use; if he winds up stuck with a psychic power that he can't use (because BS0) he gets no special exemption.

    Personally I read it as #2. So if you wind up with a 1, 2, or 3:

    1. 'Eadbanger - not actually a shooting attack; Old Zogwort still nukes himself (note the FAQ doesn't mention 'Eadbanger, nor does the FAQ define 'Eadbanger as a shooting attack on page 3) if he isn't in combat, and still gets a power weapon if he is.
    2. Frazzle - Old Zogwort can't use it to shoot, but still gets a power weapon if he's in combat.
    3. Zzap - Old Zogwort can't use it to shoot, but still gets a power weapon if he's in combat.

  3. #3


    Thanks for the response. I only disagree with your tale on 'eadbanger as it specifically says to resolve the "frazzle psychic power" which is a shooting attack. Guess I won't be using him for a while until the new codex hits

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Texas, Dallas area


    The only reason i use Ol' Zoggy is for his squiging powers, turning any IC into a squig? yes plz, afterall, they loose all Wargear and Special Rules associated with the models. This can turn around a good daemon/ CSM turn quickly...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    I agree with Nabterayl, especially in light of the Broodlord FAQ for Tyranids. But like Mr.Pickelz, I think the real reason people use him is the "Abaddon is a Squig" power! Too many that one time I turned the Sanguinor into a Chaos Spawn with my Lord of Change
    Check out my blog!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Campbelltown NSW (Aussie)


    Try the Zarakynel Daemon Lord is a Squig. Happened to me in a 5th edition game.
    The world is Chaotic, so why not join the party. Slaanesh welcomes you with open arms. Certa Cito

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