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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Moruya, AUSTRALIA


    Quote Originally Posted by warpcrafter View Post
    In answer to Assymetrical Xenos and trjames, I have a massive Lost and the Damned army. Mutants, Traitors, Plague Zombies and some imperial guard armor, including a Baneblade. I have not been able to use any of it in battle in years, and in fact have never used the Baneblade. I know there are Apocalypse datasheets that I could use, but I can't get anyone at my FLGS to play an Apocalypse battle, because they are either Noobs with 1,000 points or veterans like me who have grown disenchanted with 40K. I have tried to introduce the idea of using Apocalypse datasheets in regular games, but it was met with much disdain. People just don't want to hear about anything that is not universally 100% GW/tournament legal any more. I suppose with some really imaginative explanations I could use them as Imperial Guard, but the amount of "counts as" required would give me a migraine.
    although Iam a "die Hard" Puritan Inquisitor Imperial type I always thought the "lost & damned" was a really great idea & so fluffy from the many Black Library novels that featured them.
    It gave a huge option for different units & I always enjoyed playing against them.

    Fortunately our club which I help run are very accepting of non codex Armies provided they are based on old rules/codex/ WD lists etc so I can still clense the Imperium of those misguided scum (LOL)
    Hell I just played a 1000 Sons Army based on the old Chaos Codex with Daemons etc. ( & managed to cream them to my suprise!) "For the Emperor!"
    Regards Barry H. "the Emperor Protects!"

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    I think there are other, actual codecies that need to be updated before they go and do an extra Chaos 'dex. Mainly Necrons, Daemonhunters and Dark Eldar. Witchhunters, too.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  3. #23


    I would love to see a 'sub-factions' codex, with something for every race/factions in the 40K universe... so Tau get Kroot mercs, Chaos get LatD, Eldar Ulthwe Strike Forces, Orks Speed Freaks, Dark Eldar Wych Cults, IG a new regiment, Necrons the mad Outsider followers, Space Marines an Iron Hands list and so on... but that's just me dreaming :P


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Albany, NY


    I love the idea of bringing back Lost and the Damned, but sadly I don't see it happening unless they add it as a side option in a new Chaos codex, which is rumored for next year (we'll see). That said, I know it's uber expensive, but why not check out Imperial Armour books 5 - 7. Siege of Vraks lists were the closest thing you'll get these days to Lost and the Damned, and while centered around Traitor Guard, still included some Chaos Marines, Mutants, and a couple other nifty options. Check it out if you'd like.

  5. #25


    I would like to see rules for fielding an entire lost and he dammed army, along with the 13th company.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Des Moines, IA


    I think the only thing that could simultaneously stop the division between "hobbyists" and "tournament players," as well as reintroduce some of the fluffy aspects, is to split 40k into two different variants - game and tournament. The Epic:Armageddon rulebook attempted this in some fashion - it's a fantastic tournament ruleset, but it also had non-points-costed rules for all the fun old models like Imperators, Ordinatus, Capitol Imperialis, etc.

    Why not do this with 40k? Have basic "tournament" army lists for Space Marines (no chapter variant lists), Imperial Guard, Orks, Chaos Marines, Daemons, Tau, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Necrons. The "tournament" lists could be 24 pages long, since people who primarily play tournaments probably aren't interested in 50 pages of fluff or 20 pages of painting and modeling.

    Outside of the tournament scene, why not have a "campaign codex" variant army every two months in White Dwarf, also available as a PDF download? These can cover all the variant Marine chapters, Chaos legions, Grey Knights, Sisters, Lost and the Damned, Guard regiments, Ork clans, Grot Rebels, Kroot Mercs, Genestealer Cults... you name it, it could have a playable, officially-supported ruleset that is far more focused on fluff than perfect balance. You show up with a printed copy of the minidex, give your opponent a few minutes to skim it if he isn't familiar with it, go over a few basics of the army lists, and then play a fun game.

    Tournament players then no longer have to worry about which codex has what smoke launchers, storm shields, psychic powers, etc. Their army lists and options are streamlined, and they can worry more about tactics than list-building.

    The biggest loser, obviously, is the hardcopy codex. But in this world of high commercial printing costs and cheap inkjet printers at home... how much actual PROFIT is GW making on book sales, vs. the extra $20-30 per army that each player could be spending on models/paints/tools?
    You know you want it -

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