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  1. #1

    Default Sanctioned Psykers Coversion Help?

    Ok guys let me hear some creative idaes you have for making some convincing multiple pose Psykers. GW's metal ones are all the same pose and lame. Not to mention they are metal wich I hate to paint only to watch it chip no matter what i do after several games. Let the creative juices flow
    Games Workshop Range models only and no flagellants.

  2. #2


    I used Fantasy Flagellants. Armed them with las-pistols and for my Overseer I used a Krieg body and head, Cadian arms and some metal legs off of a Reaper mini. Sorry for the crappy picture quality..

    Last edited by crazyredpraetorian; 10-25-2009 at 12:55 AM.

  3. #3




    Games Workshop Range models only and no flagellants.


    I used Fantasy Flagellants


    "The Emperor is with us, His sacred light shields us, and he has sent his wolves to watch over us."

  4. #4


    Thats great...LMAO as well. No worries about the crappy picture but I need peurely GW product and no Flaegellants as mentioned in the original thread. Thanks for the pic though

  5. #5

    Default l

    I'm a big fan of [URL=""]Dave Taylor's[/URL] take on them, granted his are for a Chaos force but I'm sure an Imperial loyalist equvilient could be cooked up based on the same base models, Night Goblins.
    Curious Constructs -
    Kirton Games -

  6. #6


    I have seen those already on and I love them as well. I can't really figure out a way to keep that idea from becoming to alien like. My entire army has no xeno types like halflings or ogryns in it. I converted a unit of guardsman with sniper rifles and extra gear to use as my halfling squad so i can keep the human pue feel. thanks for the help though. Keep the ideas coming guys.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Detroit, Michigan


    Honestly, on my list of conversion projects is to get some type of sorceress models, either from Warhammer Fantasy or some other mini range, and convert them into psykers.

  8. #8


    There may be some inquisitorial henchmen or preachers that will fit your bill, I'm putting together sme right now, and was eyeballing the IG Advisors pack for the Astropath.

  9. #9


    I'm in the same boat, looking to get a psyker battle squad up and running without a major investment. So, I DID read the 'no flagellant' part, but are you anti-flagellant HEADs? With just those bits, you get a different look if you pop them on Cadian torsos, I especially like the ones with blindfolds. They manage to look tortured and different without being non-human.


    Idea #2 - I have the astropath from the Witchhunters retinue, back in the day you could get a Daemonhunters astropath in a pack, but I can't find it anywhere online, it was a skinny guy in a cloak with a staff and a metal plate over his eyes...and I have a bunch of servo skulls following him around...fluffically, they serve as augments to his power.


    See what kind of conversions you can make out of the Empire Battle Wizards set. Non-metal, so converting is easier, and with some Cadian pistols or even just grafting some holsters somewhere you can make 'em WYSIWYG.

    So, there you go.

  10. #10


    Hows about Bretonian Men-at-Arms? or Maybe Battle Pilgrims? or High Elf Archers?

    Lots of conversion work but could be made to work.

    Love those Goblin conversions by the way, They are fantastic!
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

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