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  1. #1

    Default I Need Help with Deathwing (Because I'm Really a Tyranid Player)

    Dear Troops,
    I've been playing 'Nids for years. I have had a lot of fun with my Genestealer army. However, I feel that VIth Edition has been unkind to my particular army and I've been wanting to make a change. I've decided to build a Dark Angel Deathwing army. I own more Terminators than you can shake a stick at so this should be the perfect fit for me.

    I really don't know the ins and out of Deathwing so I am turning to you kind folks for advice! I want to field a competetive, hard as nails 1850 Deathwing list. Where should I start? What should I buy? Has this list already been perfected by one of you? Please advise. Keep in mind (again) that I own more Termies than I'll ever need (all flavors).

    Cheers and thanks in advance! Cope
    Looking for a game in the San Antonio area? You can find me here:

  2. #2


    I just wanna say, I have your exact same probl, except I'm a deathwing player not tyranid haha

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Dude, I have a shelf of genestealers and other bugs rendered lame by sixth edition.

    Your gonna want to go belial or azrael to unlock the DW troops. Az is interesting because you also get ravenwing as troops and mobility is almost better than staying power this edition. The dark talon is a perfect fit for belial coming down 1st turn, then you drop the bomb and smash a unit to death. Bike are some of your best support for terminators, bring firepower and some extra cc.

  4. #4


    Here is my current DW list. I know that I definitely want to field Rapiers and that I want a bunch of Termies... those are the only rules I'm following. The Rapiers are there because this is a "Rogue Trader" army... beaky heads and a red and black paint job.

    It has Belial with a ten man unit of Knights. They come in on turn 1. There is one shooty Deathwing squad (with a Plasma Cannon) and two THSS Deathwing squads (those have Cyclones). All three squads are led by THSS Sergeants. They will all Deep Strik in on turns 2 and after (following Belial's teleport homer).

    There is a ten man unit of Scout Snipers and three units of Rapiers. They can hide behind and AGL with a Quad Gun. The Scout Sergeant can man the Quad Gun. All of the Termies can start in reserve.
    Total Roster Cost: 1845

    HQ: Belial (1#, 190 pts)
    1 Belial, 190 pts

    Elite: Deathwing Knights (10#, 475 pts)
    9 Deathwing Knights, 475 pts = 9 * 46 (base cost 46) + Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven 10 + Knight Master 51

    Troops: Deathwing Terminator Squad (5#, 240 pts)
    4 Deathwing Terminator Squad, 235 pts = 4 * 44 (base cost 44) + Plasma Cannon x1 15 + Deathwing Terminator Sergeant 49
    1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant, 5 pts + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield 5

    Troops: Deathwing Terminator Squad (5#, 265 pts)
    4 Deathwing Terminator Squad, 260 pts = 4 * 44 (base cost 44) + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield x3 15 + Cyclone Missile Launcher x1 25 + Deathwing Terminator Sergeant 49
    1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant, 5 pts + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield 5

    Troops: Deathwing Terminator Squad (5#, 265 pts)
    4 Deathwing Terminator Squad, 260 pts = 4 * 44 (base cost 44) + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield x3 15 + Cyclone Missile Launcher x1 25 + Deathwing Terminator Sergeant 49
    1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant, 5 pts + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield 5

    Troops: Scout Squad (10#, 130 pts)
    9 Scout Squad, 108 pts = 9 * 12
    1 Sergeant, 22 pts = (base cost 12 + Upgrade to Veteran Sergeant 10)

    Heavy Support: Space Marine Rapier Carrier Battery (3#, 60 pts)
    1 Space Marine Rapier Carrier Battery, 60 pts

    Heavy Support: Space Marine Rapier Carrier Battery (3#, 60 pts)
    1 Space Marine Rapier Carrier Battery, 60 pts

    Heavy Support: Space Marine Rapier Carrier Battery (3#, 60 pts)
    1 Space Marine Rapier Carrier Battery, 60 pts

    : Aegis Defence Lines (2#, 100 pts)
    1 Aegis Defence Lines, 50 pts
    1 Gun Emplacement, 50 pts = (base cost 0 + Quad-gun 50)

    Thanks! Cope
    Looking for a game in the San Antonio area? You can find me here:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Nice, that list looks awesome!!
    Good luck with it

  6. #6


    I've updated my list one more time: I've changed one of the Termie units into a shooty unit with some plasma instead of a cyclone. I've dropped the snipers and a rapier and thrown in a Mortis Contemptor Dread (this should provide excellent ack-ack). I've dropped the quad gun (because I didn't have the points) and slapped in a comms relay. The shooty squad will give the list a little more flexability. The comms relay will guaranty that my second wave of termies (following my Knights who will come in on turn 1). The Mortis is expensive but I suspect he'll be worth it... Cope

    Total Roster Cost: 1840

    HQ: Belial (1#, 190 pts)
    1 Belial, 190 pts

    Elite: Deathwing Knights (10#, 475 pts)
    9 Deathwing Knights, 475 pts = 9 * 46 (base cost 46) + Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven 10 + Knight Master 51

    Troops: Deathwing Terminator Squad (5#, 240 pts)
    4 Deathwing Terminator Squad, 235 pts = 4 * 44 (base cost 44) + Plasma Cannon x1 15 + Deathwing Terminator Sergeant 49
    1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant, 5 pts + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield 5

    Troops: Deathwing Terminator Squad (5#, 265 pts)
    4 Deathwing Terminator Squad, 260 pts = 4 * 44 (base cost 44) + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield x3 15 + Cyclone Missile Launcher x1 25 + Deathwing Terminator Sergeant 49
    1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant, 5 pts + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield 5

    Troops: Deathwing Terminator Squad (5#, 265 pts)
    4 Deathwing Terminator Squad, 260 pts = 4 * 44 (base cost 44) + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield x3 15 + Cyclone Missile Launcher x1 25 + Deathwing Terminator Sergeant 49
    1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant, 5 pts + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield 5

    Heavy Support: Space Marine Rapier Carrier Battery (3#, 60 pts)
    1 Space Marine Rapier Carrier Battery, 60 pts

    Heavy Support: Space Marine Rapier Carrier Battery (3#, 60 pts)
    1 Space Marine Rapier Carrier Battery, 60 pts

    : Aegis Defence Lines (1#, 70 pts)
    1 Aegis Defence Lines, 70 pts = (base cost 50 + Comms Relay 20)

    Heavy Support: Contemptor Mortis Pattern Dreadnought (IA) (1#, 215 pts)
    1 Contemptor Mortis Pattern Dreadnought (IA), 215 pts = (base cost 155 + Kheres Assault Cannon (x2) 25) + Cyclone Missile Launcher 35
    Looking for a game in the San Antonio area? You can find me here:

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