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  1. #1

    Default PDC Gaming Kickstarter - Plastic Wargaming Accesories - Goes LIVE May 4th!

    Hi Guys and Girls,

    Dave from PDC Gaming here.

    Here at PDC we have been hacking around with the idea of making some Injection Mould Tools for plastic war games components and accessories in 28mm – as PDC Ltd, Plastic is what we do for a living – and, as a good portion of us are modellers and gamers, it has been almost a natural progression!

    Below are some of the images from the Concept CAD work we have been doing – you can find more of these on our Facebook page - [URL=""]PDC Gaming on Facebook[/URL] - swing by and see what we have been up to!

    Other Manufacturers Miniatures shown for Scale Purposes ONLY.

    As you can also see from this image, we have been using our Rapid Prototyper to produce First Pass prototype models – these allow us to check things like scale, fit, and whether the components are suitable for manufacture in a plastic injection environment.

    So – to the end of my ramble!

    On May the 4th 2013 (Happy Star Wars Day!) we will be launching our First Kickstarter Campaign!

    [URL=""]PDC Gaming Kickstarter[/URL] - The Kickstarter is now LIVE!

    Our funding target is only £10,000 – this would enable us to lay down 3 different injection mould tools to run here in the UK – using the machines we already have at PDC Towers.

    The pictures below show samples from the Assault Rifle prototype tool which we have manufactured in the run-up to the launch of the campaign – sprues from this will be up for grabs at certain levels of the Kickstarter!

    Please swing by and give us a look – hopefully you like what we’re doing!


    All the Boys @ PDC Gaming.
    Last edited by Dave Driver; 05-05-2013 at 09:15 AM.

  2. #2


    Apologies for the Double Post:

    A couple of our Pre-production units painted up by Rhys - check the Facebook page (link in OP) for further updates over the last two days!

    Thanks for looking!

  3. #3


    The Kickstarter is now LIVE!!!



    After only 40 hours, we are over 25% funded! £2500 and climbing! Thanks so much to everyone who has pledged so far - rest assured, further updates and prototypes will be produced for your viewing pleasure this coming week!

    Keep those pledges coming!

    Last edited by Dave Driver; 05-05-2013 at 11:18 AM.

  4. #4


    No offense to you, but if you put up those Boltgun sprues, GW will be sending you a C&D order.

    Those guns are just too much like combi-bolters.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by pauljc View Post
    No offense to you, but if you put up those Boltgun sprues, GW will be sending you a C&D order.

    Those guns are just too much like combi-bolters.
    I dunno, there are a lot of similar "Not-Combi-Bolters" that tread that same line, I think the design of a bolter is too generic really for them to be able to do anything with, the name Bolter yes, but as they don't use that, I think they'll get away with it!

    I'm in for anything that lets us have more plastic sprues of bits, so in for at least £10 now!

  6. #6


    Thanks for the feedback so far guys!

    24 days left, 39% funded! Way to go!

    We have added some additional pledging information:

    For every £10 you pledge OVER your selected pledge level, you will receive 3 extra sprues of your choice!

    This has been added by popular demand!

    A staged update will be coming over the weekend, more Concept CAD, sprue layouts, and clearer descriptions on the pledge levels - all things requested so far!

    There may also be some sneak peeks of future possible concepts for if we beat our stretch goals! keep your eyes peeled on:




    Thanks for your support guys!

    Admin, PDC Gaming

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Albuquerque, NM


    The mold lines are a bit extreme. Is it just the pics, or are they really that bad?

  8. #8


    Hi Guys, Dave from PDC here:

    I posted earlier (or i thought i had!) but my post has not appeared on the board...

    @Luke: The mould lines on the plastics shown are from our prototype tool - a lot was learnt from it, and rest assured, mould lines will be much improved on the production tools!

    Thanks to everyone for their feedback so far! We are taking it all on board...

    Now over 40% funded!!!

    Many thanks,

    Admin PDC Gaming
    Last edited by Dave Driver; 05-09-2013 at 03:37 PM.

  9. #9


    Well hello Boys and Girls!

    Dave here from PDC Gaming, with a small update for all you wonderful people...

    So far, we are 46% funded, after just over a week! Thanks to everyone who has already pledged, and for all of you who are unsure...

    Firstly, we have the First Pass of the sprue layouts for both the Handheld Heavy Weapons and Tracked Tech Platform Sprues:

    We are in the process of updating the handholds for the Heavy Weapons, we will be able to put up some images of the adjustments later in the week... for the time being, these are the 5 weapons currently included on the sprue:

    The track unit sprue is also in the process of being updated - to take away the split in the centre of the track - as it is supposed to be representing a single solid rubberized section!

    We have also added a new member of the Hand Weapon Stretch Goal family - we have taken out one of the axes, and replaced it with a Scythe blade, at the request of several Pledgers - hopefully we will get as far as this stretch goal!!!

    The Kickstarter page will be updated later this week with these images, at the moment the three of us are still working hard to get all the work done in our spare time - somewhat tricky with families and Real Work to look after as well! Please bear with us...

    Keep your eyes peeled for an additional Pledge level with a very personal reward, available in limited numbers, coming to you this next weekend!

    Thanks again for all your support!

    Admin, PDC Gaming

  10. #10


    I'm pretty keen for this, so free bump.

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