well the 'new codex' bug has bit again to our small group of GW vet night attendees. we have one long time puppy supporter and a few new cronies with big grins.

How do you deal with the Puppy Menace?

i usually play a fairly aggressive chaos list that has done quite well for me in 5th so far, but now i need to change it up as i can't really get over the overly assaulty puppies.

my usual line up is a lord with a landraider and either possessed or CSMs to back him up, 4 CSM squads in rhinos, and some oblits with a dakka pred. usually include a dred form time to time.

i'll change up and swap the lord for a named hq choice or a sorcerer but the base list is the core. CSMs are usually armed with a pair of special weapons (10 man squads).

the counter assault and the big assault choices available to the puppies are what is getting me down. wolf riders are insane, he can hedge around the 'rhino wall' with ease. lesser daemons suffer badly vs troops with frag grenades. some of the psychic rules are a bit flaky but i don't really have an issue with them at the moment (i just sic Kharn at the psycher, i love the 'he ignores it' face)

i was thinking of changing up and throwing a few heavy bolters in the CSMs or pulling a 4 flamer havok squad out of a rhino with a sorcerer and wind combo, but when he is in template range it is pretty much over.

i do have a couple 'zerker squads that i can finish up and throw in for a spice of something different, but basically stumped for now. any and all help or insight is appreciated.
