BoLS Lounge : Wargames, Warhammer & Miniatures Forum
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  1. #1

    Thumbs up this is why Forge the Narrative is a good thing

    I've written a handful of articles for BoLS over the past few years. I find it difficult to pick a decent topic for 40K or WHFB to write about because they are relatively simple games when you boil them down to their constituent parts. But lately, there is almost nothing new to write about (especially for 40K) because there is nothing OLD to write about. EVERYTHING is new. Nothing is old. So many new armies are being released on a monthly basis that we have zero time to see a realistic metagame solidify. So instead of writing about 40K, it's probably best to have podcasts like FTN where players can sort of ramble their way through conversational analysis of the game. You can hear the ideas bounced back and forth in real time, and you can relate to at least part (if not all) of the material.

    So go check out FTN's 12th episode (I liked it), or their newest (13th) episode.

    Thanks FTN

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    This topic is not appropriate for the forum. If you have personal issues with the folks that run FTN, please email them: [email][email protected][/email]

    sorry apparently voicing an opinion on a topic is inappropriate, despite that very topic being what is under discussion.

    YAY censorship!
    Last edited by daboarder; 06-02-2013 at 08:31 PM.
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  3. #3


    WTH? Why is it inappropriate? I LIKE their podcasts for the stated reasons. I posted this thread as a compliment.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    Quote Originally Posted by harveydent View Post
    WTH? Why is it inappropriate? I LIKE their podcasts for the stated reasons. I posted this thread as a compliment.
    Your misreading, I commented the FTN have "stolen" the name from an already existing podcast, and that as such I personally do not listen to their podcast even if it is good material.

    The BoLS Mod's took exception to my personal opinion and choose to add that first line, Nice from a country that seems to value "free speech" so much.
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

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