i can see what you mean about the warlock with spear, however there are still objects and smoke in the gap between the warlock and the 'walker' and since its a 2d piece of art there is no true scale of reference.

and rusty dice..... we all knew the knights were based off the old epic dudes, however there are a lot of differences between the old epic guys and the wraithknight, even the proto wraithknight on the codex cover like i said before they arms with the guns on them,rather than articulated guns, the vanes on the backs are also pretty much identical and not the same as the epic ones.

i would have loved it if GW did a bright stallion in 40k scale.... i am just hoping for a subjugator titan for chaos i know that it would need to be FW scale i cant remember the knights names for the slaanesh ones but they were like war walkers and the old 'eggs with legs' sentinels