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  1. #81


    Previous summer releases have had IIRC 4-5 big kits spread over two months including some terrain so we're probably only talking 3-4 superheavies max, not enough for everyone, this could well be it for July with another couple in August.

    I'd be surprised if there wasn't something Imperial in either July or August with the knight the obvious candidate.

    Some sort of apocalypse only defence laser fortification to give an anti titan weapon (e.g. Destroyer) to all armies (except tyranids ) sounds entirely possible and could address balance issues.

  2. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    Seriously hope that any new Eldar super heavy is new and not plucked from the FW line of models. It would really kill the value of my collection if they released a plastic version of the scorpion.
    I don't see any reason to expect otherwise, the 'no more taking FW kits into the GW range' policy doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    San Diego, California


    Let's do a quick tally of massive kits...

    IG - Baneblade
    Orks - Stompa
    Eldar - Wraithknight
    Tau - Riptide (It's big enough, it counts)
    Chaos - Khorne Lord of Battle
    Necron - Flying Box

    If we can just get one thing for Space Marines (since it'll probably cover SM, SW, DA, BT, BA and potentially GK) then that'll cover most of the armies out there for some uber-mc-huge-bits kits.

    Then the next... well, I have a feeling it won't be Eldar because they got the Wraithknight, and I doubt it's Sisters of Battle because nobody likes them, and I doubt it's Tau because they got the Riptide. Probably won't be Daemons because they will probably share the Battle Lord.

    That leaves the Tyranids and Dark Eldar.

  4. #84


    well to be fair the bugs have 6 wound bugs...

    the DE need a void raven but a new unit would be welcome...giant talos/construct type thing...

    Id also be up for a new skimmer, maybe like the necron transport tank with broad side weapons only fast, can shoot on the move so you can move shoot move or something like that...

  5. #85


    Huge Chaos Warmachine !! YAY !!

    Khorne only ?? My Slaanesh Marines won't like that

    (but anyway... this is great news, can't wait for this month to end)

  6. #86


    That necron super monolith seems pretty unstable to me on that flying stand.

    As for huge things, they did say they would redo a couple of GDs somewhere so they could be something with size.

  7. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by Neelam View Post

    A large Imperial Walker, (smaller than a warhound titan)
    Knight Titan? KNIGHT TITAN!!

    *Much excited squeeing*

  8. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Havik110 View Post
    the DE need a void raven but a new unit would be welcome...giant talos/construct type thing...
    I'd settle for the Voidraven. Tired of new things when there are still Codex entries with no models.

  9. #89


    Strictly speaking, the Titan colleges are their own organisation and really should be treat as such; they could ally to IG or SM... I don't see anything specifically for the Space Marines unless the fabled plastic thunderhawk makes an appearance, it's unlikely that any of the Space Marine chapters would have some Super Heavy something tucked away in each of their respective chapter locations. I know the Fellblade has made an appearance for the Horus Heresy but for me it doesn't really fit with the fluff... After the Heresy finished the Chapters were trimmed down to fit their new roll so their own the Space Marines are not specifically designed for an Apocalypse type game; they are the surgical strike teams where the meat-shields of the Guard can't make headway etc etc..
    As a Chaos Player, i am LOVING the Lord of Battle and am happy in my decision not to attempt to scratch build on a few years back (i did an emperor titan instead).

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Triplex Phall


    Knight Titan
    Our honored friends of the knight worlds........Blurting something in linqua technis and praying to the omnissiah.

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