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  1. #791
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    Quote Originally Posted by DrLove42 View Post
    I still take an ADL (or EDL...its custom!) because we need the gun. AA is so short on the board. If i could buy just the gun on its own...i would
    I've found that wave serpents make excellent AA platforms with the added benefit of being able to transport dudes around.
    I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. --Voltaire

  2. #792
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    I'm still debating whether I will do a full on Wraithwing army, personally. I've got my ideal list for 1850 points worked out, but the problem is that after that, there really isn't anywhere to expand except for more of the same. Would be fun though.
    For the record, I think a Wraithknight will work wonders if you use it right. That thing is deadly in every phase of the game and is the ultimate fire magnet.
    Check out my blog!

  3. #793
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    charge the assault blob with the wraithknight and either ignore them with the rest of your stuff, or join in second to prevent teh flamers overwatching, Job done wraithknight!
    Exactly. Kill a couple of guys and force a morale test every turn, even if they are Stubborn Ld 10, you'll eventually make them run. You're tying up a quarter or more of his army with an eighth of yours. 75 Krak grenades? Wraithknight don't care. You won't get them all into engagement range until a couple of turns of Pile In, and even if you do it still takes like two turns for them to kill the Wraithknight, and that's assuming you have all 75 in one big blob and I don't shoot anything in there to kill some first. Realistically, you're tied up there for most of the game. Awesome job, Wraithknight.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  4. #794


    Loving firing all my serpent shields during turn 1 night fighting to ignore cover... With almost no threat of retribution.

  5. #795


    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    I've found that wave serpents make excellent AA platforms with the added benefit of being able to transport dudes around.
    i found guided war walkers with 2 scatter lasers will kill a flyer per round...have shot down 2 storm ravens and a hell drake so far

  6. #796
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    You must roll really well. A full unit barely does a single hull point to AV12 on average dice, and that's not taking Jink saves into account.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  7. #797


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLink View Post
    None of your stuff save the missile launchers and the meltabombs are good against T8, you'd be wasting your firepower. Sure, you might kill it eventually, but you'd be ignoring the rest of the Eldar army in the process so the Eldar player wins. Snipers really aren't all that impressive, it would take them most of the game to kill the Wraithknight.

    I'd just shoot your Meltabomb Veterans a little so you'd lose enough attacks that you couldn't threaten the Wraithknight, assuming I even bothered getting close enough to assault them. Krak grenades aren't threatening. Even if you blob and get into one massive combat, it'll be on my terms thanks to my mobility. Which means I'd probably jump out a bunch of stuff and hose down Guardsmen, then assault with my Wraithknight and tie up a quarter of your army until it breaks and I Sweeping Advance it, or the game ends.

    Missile Launchers are your only real weapon. But, again, it'll take most of your armies shooting to kill the Wraithknight, depending on how many Missile Launchers you have, and that's shots not directed at my other stuff.

    Do you have stuff to make the squads Stubborn? Because if not, the Wraithknight will jump from unit to unit and kill them with Sweeping Advance.

    Before I reach assault, I pop a couple Chimera. Not really that big of a deal, but they're your only mobility, and they're not that cheap at 55pts each. Kill a couple vehicles, soak up your entire army's firepower for a turn or two, and the Wraithknight has served its purpose well. But more realistically, you distribute your firepower and my Wraithknight works its way around on a flank and also gets a couple of squads, or ties up a significant portion of your army in the process. If you don't blob, then I walk through your smaller squads with Sweeping Advance. If you do, then I tie up 50+ Guardsmen in an assault that you won't win.

    Yeah. I can definitely work with that.
    Thing is I never blob up my squads that is a very good way to lose a lot of models. I also never leave my troops inside of the Chimeras. I treat the Chimeras as mobile terrain, they are there to provide firepower with their Multi-Lasers and Heavy Bolters.

    I expect them to get destroyed but until they do and fi they don't blowup they are terrain and LOS blockers.

    Plus models with Krak Grenades can hurt the Wraithknight, sure they would need 6's to wound but hell I am more than willing to throw 10 of my Guardsmen into it just to tie it up.

    Plus you forgot the 7 Demo Charges and I left out that the Chimera's that carry the Squads all have Hunter Seeker missiles.

    But if I faced a Eldar army with a Wraithknight I would not be wasting time shooting it except with the Snipers and some of the heavy support sections. The rest of the army would be busy shooting at the rest of your army and I know what Eldar cost in points and you will have far less models than me.

    This list is meant to have a lot of strength 6 shots and that it does. So if I really wanted it dead in one round of shooting I probably could do it. But why waste shots at it when you have other juicy targets to shoot.

    But that would be focus on your infantry and vehicles because that is where I can hurt you the most. Sure you can move up and disembark an unit of Dire Avengers and they unleash on a Squad and could most likely kill all of them, hell you could do this to 3-4 squads.

    The thing is I would still have 150 guys who will also unleash upon your squads or maybe close assault some of the Wave Serpents if they are in range (which is very likely).

    Oh and don't under estimate what Snipers can do to a T8 model, they hit of 3+ and wound on 4+, sure your get your save but they will wound the Wraithknight.

    Plus that is my current list and I have things in there point wise that I can very easily drop and upgrade Heavy Bolters to Auto Cannons, or take some Missile Launcher Weapon Sections or add in another squad of Snipers or a couple more Chimeras. Which I could very easily bring the number of models in the army over 200+.

    There are 28 units in the list and at best an Eldar army could have around 12-14 in a 2000 point force and more likely less if one of them is a Wraithknight.

    Eldar are not cheap and their average cost per unit will be around 150-200 point and with many being over 200 points.

    A foot heavy Imperial Guard like I run can lose models because there are more of them. Eldar on other hand can't afford to lose models.

  8. #798


    Quote Originally Posted by Power Klawz View Post
    A naked wraithknight stomps guard so hard... man it'd be amazing to have nothing but foot guard on the other side of the board. Like Godzilla vs Tokyo man.
    Thing is out of 186 Guardsmen 75 of them have stuff that can hurt the Wraithknight and 30 of them have Melta Bombs which can kill it.

    Plus it only has the four attacks and the stomp, sure against Guard it will hit on 3+ so it will hit and likely kill some guard. But the rest will attack back with their Krak grenades and it is possible they will wound it as well.

  9. #799


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLink View Post
    You must roll really well. A full unit barely does a single hull point to AV12 on average dice, and that's not taking Jink saves into account.
    3 war walkers with scatter lasers and you only avg 1 hit? i avg 5-9 hits and 3-4 glances.. and one time i killed the storm ravens he was in hover mode .. so he didnt get a jink there

  10. #800


    Quote Originally Posted by rle68 View Post
    3 war walkers with scatter lasers and you only avg 1 hit? i avg 5-9 hits and 3-4 glances.. and one time i killed the storm ravens he was in hover mode .. so he didnt get a jink there
    Doesn't it take 6s to hit flyers? 2 guns * 4 shots * 3 walkers = 24 shots. 6s means an average of 4 hits. Which should be one glance usually.

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