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  1. #51


    Its not even an argument, more like evidence that its not the only thing that can do it. Simply put I choose to not be amazed by one performance (being the chaos one, as the IG one although still good wasn't in the same realm of efficiency). If people here wish to declare it our new lord and master, great. If others wish to say its the worst thing in the codex, then that also would be their opinion (likely not one shared by anyone seeing those batreps or even playing one, but only theorizing how weak it is).

    Not sure why I have to defend my opinion as anything, but my opinion. I don't feel it was OMGAMAZING, nuff said.

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    You don't think killing two or three times its points, without taking a scratch is pretty amazing?

    oh and bringing anecdotal evidence, like a bike squad performing far above the norm. Isn't a valid argument.
    Well the Imperial Guard player just might have done better if he didn't camp everything behind the Aegis Wall.

    Should have move those vehicles out and not make it easy for the Eldar, plus Reese did get lucky in that game.

  3. #53
    Join Date
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    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    Quote Originally Posted by Sainhann View Post
    Well the Imperial Guard player just might have done better if he didn't camp everything behind the Aegis Wall.

    Should have move those vehicles out and not make it easy for the Eldar, plus Reese did get lucky in that game.
    Firstly I don't see how that's relevant to the Wraithknight killing teh DP and the Oblits, and secondly that doesn't make the Knight the overpriced plastic trash, that serves to highlight the terribleness of the new codex, you've been claiming.
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  4. #54


    Only couple of games under my belt with my Wraithknight "Voitto" (Victory in finnish) and man does he gather some fire! Both GK and BA prioritized it straight up and in both games he didn´t hang on so long. But it wasn´t any Lascannon/Meltagun fire which brought him down, it was DAKKA and more DAKKA...Heavy Bolters or Psycannons and some bad rolling on saves. My loadout is the CC one, with 2 x Scatterlasers and i´m dying to find out , how he fares against Necrons or CSM!

    Today i´m facing Space Puppies and BA or GK in a 3 vs. 3 match. Let´s see what happens...

    ps. Eldar Heavy section´s my favorite, and i always run with at least 2 x 3 WW´s (SL+Star c.). It´s too filled in my opinion, but hey, i´m still starting to love the new codex!
    Last edited by Lost Vyper; 06-20-2013 at 12:54 AM.

  5. #55
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    Tallahassee, Fl


    I just finished magnetising all the wepaons and arms today so i cna do all varients (side note seriously gw just one more weapon base on the sprue would have saved me so much time /growl) , I can retire the flyer base that I have been running. compared to other things in the heavy support I can say I think my bet one most powerful are a stock wraithknight, 5 man reaper squad on a icarus lascannon w/ exarch and fast shot, and either a fire prism or outflanking scatter laser/missile of lance in a pinch (thanks to magnetizing all weapons options are possible)

    so far I have run the wraithknight in stock form and sun cannon. the sun cannon is just so siuational, if the opponent brought termies then you laugh and dance with glee, but against other armies i have found myself missing the heavy d cannons (which i still cannot say with a straight face as it makes me think of early 90's rappers... yo yo yo this is dj heavy d mc) you can punch armor, assault most elite squads without many exceptions. It can die like any monstrous creature but most armies have to list tailor to do it. dark eldar and tyranids being the exception with all the poison, I will in those cases accept the loss and throw my usual 4 wave serpents zippign around and doign the jobs for me.

    is he the end all be all best thing in the game? no... is it a good sue of points? yes. ask any tyranid player what they would pay points wise for the wraithknight as a T8 W6 3= monstrous crature who can have an option of a 5++ ... they would mostly be willing to pay more points than we do

  6. #56


    My own experiences with the Wraithknight are that it is a serious threat and cannot be taken lightly. The mobility + dangerous shooting make it something which must be silenced. It has just enough wounds that you have to attrition it before you engage it with a Daemon Prince w/Black Mace. If even one wound is left it will kill the DP when it retaliates.

    Like all of 6th Edition MC and FMC it is rather effective at its job. More and more I see every game as being a battle between the titans, but perhaps that is just bias speaking. It is like watching old Godzilla movies. The Wraithknight does exactly what it is supposed to do. It ties up a heavy amount of firepower/threat which allows the Eldar a freer hand with their shooting.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    Firstly I don't see how that's relevant to the Wraithknight killing teh DP and the Oblits, and secondly that doesn't make the Knight the overpriced plastic trash, that serves to highlight the terribleness of the new codex, you've been claiming.
    He's been ranting about how his army auto-kills the Wraithknight before the game even starts, and that obviously this means every single other possible army in the entire game can do the exact same thing and the Wraithknight is the worst model EVAR. Even after I broke down his armylist he supplied and explained how I would use a Wraithknight against it in a fashion that would be well worth its points, he was like 'but I have Krak grenades, so I would kill it'. Because wounding on 6's is sooooo OP.

    Should have move those vehicles out and not make it easy for the Eldar, plus Reese did get lucky in that game.
    Actually, if you'd bothered to watch the video objectively, you'd notice that Reece was rolling terribly. He failed/Perils'd half of his Psychic powers, the Wraithknight only hit with like two close combat attacks all game, and in general Reece's dice were crap.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Sonikgav View Post
    Q. How do you kill a Wraithknight

    A. Same way people have been killing Wraithlords for the last 15 years, except twice!

    Moving On!

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLink View Post
    He's been ranting about how his army auto-kills the Wraithknight before the game even starts, and that obviously this means every single other possible army in the entire game can do the exact same thing and the Wraithknight is the worst model EVAR. Even after I broke down his armylist he supplied and explained how I would use a Wraithknight against it in a fashion that would be well worth its points, he was like 'but I have Krak grenades, so I would kill it'. Because wounding on 6's is sooooo OP.

    Actually, if you'd bothered to watch the video objectively, you'd notice that Reece was rolling terribly. He failed/Perils'd half of his Psychic powers, the Wraithknight only hit with like two close combat attacks all game, and in general Reece's dice were crap.
    I never said that it would auto kill it but that the army could kill it.

    Sure you could work at killing off a Squad at a time or get tied up because you failed to kill enough and I throw in another Squad to put more attacks onto it to to keep it tied up.

    Yes you can discount the Krak Grenades that a majority of my Guardsmen carrying but the thing is they are no longer just strength 3 when in Close Combat with most Vehicles or Wraithknights. Nope they will be Strength 6 and yes while they will need to roll "6's" to wound you get enough hit in the "6's" will come.

    As Lost Vyper has pointed out it not the heavy hitting weapons that end up killing but the mass volume of fire from weapons that do need "6's" to wound.

    This is where Snipers shine since they only need "4's" to wound and the biggest defense a Wraithknight has is its toughness 8 and due to this being hard to wound.

    So yes the best suited armies to drop one quickly are Imperial Guard, Eldar & Tau since they can mass the volume of fire needed to drop it.

    Eldar would be the best since they can field units that can drop it in one round of shooting, Fire Dragons, Wraithguard.

    Oh and Snipers will be it worst enemy due to their ability to wound it.

  10. #60
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    Sacramento area


    Snipers? Random grenades in assault? I've already tread those tired arguments before. I give up. Against all reason, rationality, the arguments of some very, very good players that are based on actual experience rather than abstract theory, and understanding of both 40k and simple statistics, you win.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

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