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  1. #21

    Default Big Gunz

    The vast majority of the work on the guns was done by Ben. This picture of the Lifta Droppa was done before the three prong claw was finished. It contains a toilet float among other things and was based heavily on the ForgeWorld version as opposed to the one from the Epic Great Gargant, inspiring the following lyrics:

    "Behold Da one Orkasmatron
    Wiff lifta droppa hand
    Built in da Godz image
    Da boyz purge da land"


    Here we have the Super Shooty Deth Kannon, which also gets mentioned in the song. In both of these pictures you can see the smoke stake that Joe built. It didn't make the lyric sheet but is still pretty cool.

    "Super shooty Deth Kannon
    Built by gretchin’ slaves
    Destroy your Titan Legions
    Send you Ta your grave"


  2. #22

    Default Da Backside

    The backside of Orkasmatron also got a lot of attention. Joe did most of the work, using electrical gang boxes, PVC pipe, plasticard, etc. That's Ben taking a shot to the chest from the Super Shooty Deth Kannon.


    This picture is from further along in the project when we started placing glyphs and random pieces of scrap metal on. There is also a ledge on the backside of the model for a few Boyz to hang out on, two exhaust pipes and one exit.


  3. #23

    Default Burn Da Gits Down in Flame

    At this point we started putting a bunch of guns, pipes, scrap, etc. on, taping some of the pieces in place until we felt good about them. You can also see the stage where the band would go along with the frame for the Jumbotron.


    One of Joe's ideas was to place flamers along the bottom\front of Orkasmatron. As the beast lumbers forward he'd shoot out sheets of flames incinerating any foolish enough to get that close. In addition they'd work perfect for band pyrotechnics.


  4. #24


    Hi, just want to say that I registered on the forums here just to say how amazing this construktion is! Just so inspirational and making me want to do some more work on my own badmoonz, the biggest thing I built so far is a scratch built big mek stompa which is about half as big again as the GW kit- this thing is just fabulous thanks for sharing

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by FarseerPaul View Post
    Hi, just want to say that I registered on the forums here just to say how amazing this construktion is! Just so inspirational and making me want to do some more work on my own badmoonz, the biggest thing I built so far is a scratch built big mek stompa which is about half as big again as the GW kit- this thing is just fabulous thanks for sharing
    Thanks, really appreciate it. For the Adepticon Team Tournament one of [URL=""]Da Four Mekaniaks[/URL] that built [URL=""]Orkasmatron[/URL] was from the Bad Moonz Clan (Geartoof). I'll make sure to post some pictures of him along with the other Big Meks.

  6. #26

    Default More Dakka

    We still needed something for the shoulders. There was some talk about turning them into landing pads for Deffkoptas, but it was eventually agreed that we needed [URL=""]More Dakka[/URL]. This turned out to be Dave's (the new guy) main contribution, two shoulder mounted weapons. This is the first one. Eventually we all agreed that this was a turbo laser and definitely looted.


    We starting getting more of the model primed up and ready to paint. On the Jumbotron there is an image from the as of yet to be finished animation for [URL=""]Die Oomie Scum[/URL]. You can also see the drum set hanging out in the belly.


  7. #27

    Default Live From Da Boot

    This project is rooted heavily in an Ork Fleet I made for Battlefleet Gothic. The perturbing stage piece for [URL=""]Orkasmatron[/URL] comes from the display I made for the fleet as do [URL=""]Da Gof rockerz[/URL] miniatures.

    The premise was that [URL=""]Da Gof Rockerz[/URL] performed a concert on Da Boot (the Ork Space Hulk) right before a battle to inspire Da Boyz to victory. When I started writing the songs to represent one of these concerts I started with BFG themes and quickly moved into 40K. The song [URL=""]'Ere We Go[/URL] gets its lyrics from the Battlefleet Gothic rule book and [URL=""]Da Red Button[/URL] is inspired by an Ork special rule from the game. [URL=""]Die Oomie Scum[/URL] and [URL=""]Fight, Fight, Fight[/URL] are about two of the Orks favorite pass times, killin' oomies and fighting. [URL=""]More Dakka[/URL] is about, well more dakka and da boyz can always come back for [URL=""]Annuver Go[/URL].

    There are models for an Ork Band, but they lacked a drummer and I didn't want to make a one that looked out of place with the rest of the band. I toyed with idea of just using them and making an Orky drum machine. In the end I decided to make a drummer and the rest of the band as well. Another reason for converting my own band that was I wanted to include an Ork Nob in the band to represent the Bass Player.

    This is Krog Gorkreig, the biggest of [URL=""]Da Gof Rockerz[/URL] and therefore the leader. He is the one that commands the crowd and lays down the low end with his thumping bass. When the song calls for a deeper voice, Krog provides the vocals.


    Morgob BadGof provides the voice and the beat for [URL=""]Da Gof Rockerz[/URL]. Morgob has a bit of a size complex and likes to think he is charge, with Krog having to put him in his place on more than one occasion. His snare drum is a stretched out human face that he beats on so viciously that it often needs to be replaced during the middle of a song.


  8. #28

    Default Da Greatest Koncert in Da Ooniverse

    [URL=""]Orkasmatron[/URL] was build by [URL=""]Da Four Mekaniaks[/URL], the best Big Mek in each of their respective clans: Blood Axes, Death Skulls, Bad Moons, Goffs. They were brought together by Ghazghkull Thraka on an abandoned forgeworld to construct the greatest of the Great Gargants. When there work is done the metal behemoth would be the stage for [URL=""]Da Gof Rockerz[/URL].

    The Koncert begins with synthesized noise and the crowd in a hypnotic chant. This is followed by ear splitting squigpipes right before the band performs [URL=""]Disciples of Da Waaagh![/URL] They follow that up quickly with [URL=""]Da Mob Rule[/URL] and then unleash their rage with [URL=""]Zoggin' Hostile[/URL]. Patronage is paid to the Prophet of da Waaagh! with their performance of [URL=""]Ghazghkull is a Gof Rocker[/URL]. A sonic tribute to [URL=""]Da Four Mekaniaks[/URL] proceeds the finale' [URL=""]Orkasmatron[/URL]. As the final notes ring out the last remaining members of the Imperium on the planet launch a desperate attack.

    Keeping with the theme of Orks looting a forgeworld to build a Great Gargant the songs themselves are "looted" as well. The songs are parodies of Testament's\Disciples of the Watch, Black Sabbath's\The Mob Rule, Pantera's\****ing Hostile, The Ramones'\Sheena is a Punk Rocker, Metallica\The Four Horseman (with a bit of homage to Megadeth's\Mechanix) and Motörhead's\Orkasmatron (tip of the hat to Sepultura's cover version).

    All of this Orkhestration is lead by [URL=""]Da Gof Rockerz[/URL] Lead Guitarist and master of Da Waaagh! Pedal, Wurr Zagskull. He is the main driving force in the band and it is his psychic energy that holds the band together.


    Brock Garbutt is da uvver guitarist in the band. He is unruly even by Ork standards and, if this can even be measured, the ugliest of the four. He barely keeps it together as he lays down the Rhythm that keeps the 'eads banging. While most Orks speak very few words Brock only moves his lips to snarl.


  9. #29

    Default Goff Colors

    It was decided fairly early that Orkasmatron would be painted in the colors of the Gof Clan. We started with the feet, figuring they'd be the least visible so if they got a little jacked up it wouldn't be the end of the world.


    We started with a black primer and then went over it with a silver spray paint. Over this we airbrushed brown, blue, and yellow inks, and sealed it with a clear coat. Then using an air brush we misted water onto the model and salt was sprinkled on. When this dried an air brush was used to spray on black. The salt was brushed off the model before we started on the details. We brushed the riveted strips Bolt Gun and added rust with various brown ink and paint washes before highlighting them with Chainmail.


  10. #30


    That's the biggest Ork titan I've seen. How tall is it? and do you have any pictures of the back?
    "It is easier to deceive people than it is to convince them that they have been deceived."

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