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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Chicago, IL

    Default Wreck-Age/Hyacinth Games Update: STITCHERS out now!

    Nick here again to talk about what is going on with Wreck-Age. Since last week was the 4th of July we didn’t all get as much time in on Wreck-Age projects as a normal week, but progress is always being made. This week Anton submitted what he thinks is his final draft of the rules for Matt and I to read over and dissect. Our editor Naomi is scouring various sections of the book. Naomi and Matt were working last night on the Reclaimers section of the book. I spent some time pruning the Staker section of the book and fleshing out the Caravaneer section. Photographer Lisa and I set up scenery and lights and took 100 photos of our Drifters, painted by Samson, to be used for promotion and use in the hobby section of the rule book. This all ties into the big news this week: we are closing in on finally getting the Drifter Box Sets done. This means we will be shipping them out to our backers who are waiting, as well as making them available to individuals, distributors, and stores starting July 15th.
    Here is a video that I put together to show off the Drifter models and the obligatory promo shot:

    Also, to make room for the incoming Drifter Box Sets we need to clear out some space in our store room. We found a bunch of the Adepticon 2013 Exclusive Drifter box art that needs to go. This box set contains the exact same models as the incoming Drifter Boxes, but features temporary box art that had no models displayed, and interim Stat Cards that used model silhouettes for some of the models instead of actual photos. None of these things impair the function of the models or cards, it is strictly an aesthetic difference. Still, we can’t keep around boxes that say “Adepticon Exclusive” so we are offering those up for those on a budget, or you can elect to take an Adepticon Exclusive box set instead of the standard as your KS Reward. You can order the Adepticon Exclusive Drifter Box Sets here:


    Our next box set will be Stitchmen, and that will be coming up quick. We also need to reprint the Stakers box art for GenCon, and expect another rule book update soon. Thanks for reading.
    -Nick, Matt, and Anton.
    Last edited by xNickBaranx; 08-11-2013 at 09:20 AM. Reason: video link change

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Chicago, IL


    The DRIFTERS are out now:


    Thanks in advance for the support!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Kickstarter Update time again. The big news in the last week is that Drifters are now available and will be on their way to backers, stores, and distributors shortly. Here’s a shot of the box art:

    And you can order these models here:


    The Drifter Box Set comes with 9 models including 4 Locusts, 3 Berserkers, 1 Beast Master, and 1 Explodaboar, along with all 9 full color stat cards to use in the game.

    If you would like your friendly local gaming store to carry Wreck-Age please contact [email][email protected][/email]. Matt handles all of our distribution as well as our budding Pioneer program that is designed to get people running demos of Wreck-Age in your region. Would you like to get involved in running demonstrations of Wreck-Age? Hit up Matt!

    Speaking of gaming stores, last weekend we were invited down to Next Dimension Games, a brand new gaming store here in Chicago, to do an interview and run a demo. We really enjoy doing this sort of thing if we can as it allows us to support each other. Next Dimension Games are focusing on miniature war gaming and board games and carry Wreck-Age and a bunch of other smaller independent gaming products. If you’re in Chicago stop by Next Dimension Games at 2934 N Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois 60657.

    Last week Anton submitted what has been dubbed Rules Document A to the rest of us at Hyacinth. Rules Document A is essentially the Basic Rules to the game. I’ve spent the last week scouring through the document looking for areas that need tweaking, better examples, or still contain fragments pertaining to old rules that have since been simplified. Since this document has gone through so many iterations this pass through the document is extremely important to a high quality finished product. Our goal is to get this document finished and released as a PDF very soon so that people can get playing and commenting while we work on preening and polishing the other areas of the book.

    Matt and Naomi have been working on editing and condensing the various sections of the book. Anton spent the last week designing the Drifter box art, stat cards, and going through various documents to be finalized for editing.

    Yesterday I sat down with a local sculptor to discuss the issues with the three Reclaimers that we received that were not designed for proper casting. He’s going to submit a time estimate in a few days but he has a fantastic understanding of design and the molding/casting process and had a lot of great ideas on how to make these models work while maintaining the aesthetic. More on this as it develops.

    And finally, in a tiny bit of free time I had, I painted up a couple of the limited edition Wreck-Age Barricades that came with the Adepticon 2013 Exclusive Starter Set. Here’s a couple pics from on my painting table.:

    As always, thanks for reading and your support for this project!

    Nick, Matt, and Anton.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Time for another Kickstarter update!

    Nick here again and the most important thing to announce is that the Drifter box sets are finally shipping tomorrow after a short delay. I know today is 10 days after the recently announced release date, but they are mostly packaged up and ready to go to the post office tomorrow.

    With that said, we’re getting everything organized so that we can release our third Faction box set on August 15th, and hopefully work out the kinks to prevent another 10 day shipping delay. You all should know which faction is next, but I put together this short teaser anyway.

    Last week I was editing the Basic Rules and this has continued into this week. Naomi has moved onto working on editing the Staker and Caravaneer sections of the book. Here’s an excerpt from the Caravaneers, one of the Minor Factions:

    Barter and trade are thriving again during the Resurgence. One of the integral parts of this cross-country trade is the Caravans that wander the rugged patchwork of trails and crumbling highways that still exist. They travel from isolated outposts into towns and cities to exchange goods and services, or to entertain and disseminate news. While Caravaneers are often seen as opportunists, each Caravan sets their own limits as to what they will use for barter. While many Caravaneers will maintain some semblance of morality, some will gladly traffic in narcotics or slaves if it suits them. In times of desperation even the most honorable merchant may see the boundaries of these morals tested, and an unscrupulous merchant may stoop to great depths of callousness to ensure their continued survival. Everything has a value to someone, and even though an item may have little worth in one area, Caravaneers are willing to transport them across great distance to an interested community where the item is needed. These roving bands of merchants and mercenaries see this accrued wealth as the key to living beyond basic subsistence.

    Anton released the Drifter Stat Cards, and is doing re-writes to the Rules Introduction and Narrator Chapter. Here’s a link to those Drifter Stat Cards:


    For the next couple of weeks we’ll be furiously preparing for GenCon so expect that to figure heavily into our update next week!

    As always, thank you for your support and patience.

    -Nick, Anton, and Matt.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Wreck-Age Update time is here again! This is Nick once again reporting on what we’ve been up to for the last week.

    Late last week I hit the post office and shipped out all of the Drifter Box Sets owed to domestic backers. They were all sent 2-3 Day, so most of them should be on your doorstep today if they haven’t arrived already. International packages will be a little bit longer still but we’re doing what we can to get them out ASAP.

    Now that many of you have a small band of vicious barbarians in your possession we’d love to see what you do with them. All of us at Hyacinth Games love the WIP (Work in Progress) threads that pop up on our forum and it would be great to see some Drifter love. So throw on Mad Max, crack out your paints, and let Lord Humungus and his berserkers inspire you - then post up the results for us all to see:


    Speaking of works in progress, several months ago, before I was a part of the Hyacinth Games team I had volunteered to help coordinate the Hobby Section of the rule book. I contacted a bunch of my friends and my favorite hobbyists and asked them if they would like to contribute something in exchange for their name in bold type alongside photos of their beautiful models. One of my old hobby friends from Buffalo, NY, Johnny Newman, stepped up and sent us these shots of the Stitchers he is working on right now. As expected, they are coming out fantastic. We really appreciate his contribution and are looking forward to more work to come in for the Hobby Section in the coming weeks.

    If you follow us on Twitter you may have seen that Matt is taking contact info from people who would like to run demos in their FLGS when the rule book is out. We refer to this as the Pioneers Program and we’re really hoping to get some enthusiastic and energetic hobbyists involved to swell interest in the Resurgence. If you are interested in doing this contact [email][email protected][/email] and let him know you want to be a Pioneer. If running demos is a little too “in your face” for you, one of the best ways you can promote interest in Wreck-Age is by posting photos of your new models on your blog, favorite forums, or in web galleries. Show people what you are working on or what you are interested in. Being such a small company we need that grassroots support desperately now, and into the coming year.

    Every week I give the play by play of what everyone has been doing, so here’s what people have been working on. Over the last week I continued to work on making editorial suggestions on the Basic Rules document. I put together a rough draft of what we are currently calling The Fringes, essentially the mercenaries, vigilantes, and adventurers who don’t prescribe to one of the Factions, allowing you to essentially build your own Faction or just run a traditional rag tag adventuring party. I also spent some time giving my friend Rob Ferrick a crash course in the Resurgence. Rob worked with me at GW Walden Galleria in Buffalo, NY and he is very keen to help us out however he can. His first project was to refine the Drifters portion of the rule book and its coming along great. Expect an excerpt from that next week. Anton did re-writes of the Narrator and Rules Introduction sections of the book and he put together an overview of the Stitchmen for the book. Matt worked on a piece about The Vale, one of the Minor Factions, and has been working on distribution. Stores and distributors should contact: [email][email protected][/email] by the way. Naomi, our editor, was working on packing to move halfway across the country. We wish her the best of luck and look forward to her getting settled in and ready to telecommute! I think that covers it for now. We’ll be spending the next week working more on rules and Factions, as well as taking some Stitcher photos for the box art.

    Thanks again for your support and patience!

    Nick, Matt, and Anton
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	4465  

  6. #6


    Thanks Nick! We are all super excited about this product, I think those are some of our best sculpts.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Nick here once again. This update is coming a little later in the week than usual but it should be worth the wait. Presenting the Stitcher Box Set!

    The Stitchers are horrifying and self-serving individuals. They originated from the doctors and medical staff whose ship crashed back to Earth during the Exodus. The struggle for survival through the Big Push and the Dark Times twisted their worldview. As humanity preyed upon itself their intimate understanding of the human body gave them an edge. Those who were willing to embrace the darkness and forsake their Hippocratic Oath used that edge to both hunt and heal strictly for their own survival. Tranquilizers and narcotics were the preferred methods of hunting so they could drag their victims back to their makeshift med camps. When they sustained injuries they could repair themselves and when their blood got tainted by poisons and disease that blood could be transfused. As time went on and their bodies deteriorated they found their own failing organs could then be replaced with those of the young and spry. This has kept them at the top of the predatory chain, spawning tales of terror wherever they may roam or settle, as the unsuspecting are carried off into the night. Despite their technical knowledge of the human anatomy, the one thing they still cannot replace is the human brain. Centuries of psychological trauma and physical degeneration have taken their toll on many of the Stitchers. The Doctors and Administrators reign under the influence of dementia, psychosis, and an intermittent supply of corrective medications. The Stitchers are medical scientists driven to a nightmarish extreme, hunting those they once healed, and harvesting their organs to promote their own longevity.

    This box contains five unpainted 28mm Stitcher models including one Administrator with Shock Staff, one Administrator with Jaws of Life, one Hunter with Narco Gun, and two Hunters with Tranq Rifles. It also contains five blank 25mm bases and complete stat cards so that they can be played right out of the box with our Quick Start Rules.


    For those of you who already own some Stitcher models here are the updated Stat Cards:


    Stitcher Box Sets will ship to backers the week after GenCon.

    Sadly, I have no time to give the play-by-play of the last week. We are hurriedly readying ourselves for GenCon next week. If you are going to be in attendance look for our booth to get a demo and chat us up and stop by The War Store booth to pick up some of our models.

    As always, thank you for your patience and support, and hopefully we’ll get to meet some of you next week!

    Nick, Matt, and Anton

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Chicago, IL


    On another forum someone complained about the lack of stills of the individual STITCHERS, so I'm adding them:

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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  9. #9


    Here is a teaser from the softcover! [url][/url]

  10. #10


    I wanted to drop a line in here and show you some of the wreck-Age Miniatures I painted/Modified. These are Reclaimers, 2 scouts and 2 Servers Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	5506Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	5505 Hope you dig the miniatures, and go get some of your own.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC03408.jpg 
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Size:	117.1 KB 
ID:	5504  

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