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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default [Cash/Trade] Warmachine (Cryx/Menoth) Confrontation (Wolfen) [USA]

    Hey guys,

    I am getting out of table top games mostly because all of my friends that played it lost interest or moved... so I just have stuff sitting here doing nothing.

    I have a Cryx and a Menoth Warmachine army I am looking to get rid of, fairly cheap. I also have a bunch of Confrontation Wolfen, some of which are still in blisters. It was all never used basically.

    Almost everything I got was through trades, so some of the stuff was painted poorly.

    Some other things had little bits break. It's nothing serious, and can all be fixed or replaced through Privateer Press.

    The Cryx and Menoth stuff includes the latest book and deck of cards. A few of the Cryx cards for things I sold locally are gone from the deck.

    I was playing the Mortenebra army for Cryx, so what I have left is mostly warjacks.

    Cryx List:

    1 bloat thrall. It was broken upon arrival, so I bought the legs to fix it, and never

    2 pistol wraiths. They were painted by someone, poorly
    1 Skarlock Thrall with a replacement bit.
    1 hell diver and a bunch of other bone jacks. They're almost all metal. There are about 12 of them, and I can't remember which are which. They're all the defiler and hellripper ones. I never had any with the buzz-saw things on them. There's also a bag of unclaimed bits/parts for the bonejacks.

    1 Leviathan
    1 Seether (His spikes were never there when I got him. I ordered replacements. They are here. Never glued them on because everyone quit like 3 days after I got them...!)
    3 Slayers (1 is plastic)
    1 Reaper
    1 Corrupter. His gun arm was broken. I have it, but it needs repaired.

    1 book
    a bunch of Gale Force Nine Counters
    The deck of cards

    Menoth List:
    1 Harbinger still in the box
    1 Avatar of Menoth 80% assembled
    the starter box with one painted light warjack
    the book
    the latest deck of cards
    gale force nine counters
    1 Hierophant, still in blister
    2 or 3 Paladin solos.
    1 High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
    1 Crusader warjack assembled
    1 Vanquisher. His flail chain snapped off. It's fixable, but you could probably just buy a new arm from Privateer Press instead.
    1 box of Holy Zealots
    Choir of Menoth (5 of them, IIRC). One of them has a broken cross on top their staff.

    It's fixable, or replaceable.

    Wolfen Stuff:
    This includes all of the cards and stuff for every model. The one starter set's group of wolfen are included, along with the rulebook and some little incantation books

    There are 10 figures in all.
    Wolfen Lone Wolf 2
    Wolfen Hunters 3
    Syriak the Intrepid
    Ophyr The Guardian
    Wolfen Great Fang
    Onyx the Prowler

    One of the hunters had his weapon break because the person who shipped it to me wrapped it poorly... It will need glued back on.

    Price wise, I was looking at 50% off whatever current retail is for the Cryx stuff.

    The Menoth stuff, I was thinking the same thing, except for the still boxed/blistered

    stuff, I was thinking 30% off instead.

    If you buy all the Warmachine stuff at once, I'd just sell it for 300$ + shipping. I'm sure that works out to half this stuff being free, but I'd really like to get it to someone who can use it.

    The Confrontation stuff, I was aiming for 130$.

    I'm open to negotation, as well.

    I am also open to trades if you happen to have:
    Legend of the 5 Rings Cards
    AD&D 1st or 2nd edition books
    80s-Early 90s DOS/Apple II/C64 games

    I will be shipping from Cleveland, OH. I will ship internationally too, but it will

    most likely cost some insane amount of money through the USPS!

    Here are photos of everything.


    Thanks everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Is there a way to get ahold of someone on this forum without just calling them out directly in a post? A person who was talking to me about some of this stuff has a full inbox so now I can't reply...

    and they may not be aware that their inbox is full.

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