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  1. #1

    Default Crimson Fists list help needed

    I finally finished my Crimson Fists using the AOBR and a few recommended extras. Here is what I have:


    Captain w/ power sword and bolter

    Terminator x5 Sgt power sword storm bolter, Heavy Flamer

    Sternguard x5 Sgt Power Fist, Plasma gun, Flamer

    Dreadnought MM

    Tactical Squad Sgt Power Fist, Melta, Missile Launcher

    Scouts, x5 Sgt CC weapon, 3 sniper rifles, Heavy Bolter, all cloaks

    I'd like a good list. I was thinking 1500 points. I'd like to use as much of the above as possible. Here is what I was thinking:

    Land Raider Crusader -
    Honour Guard x4, Champ with Thunder Hammer, Relic
    Sternguard, sgt power fist, 2 combi melta, 1 heavy flamer

    Tactical squad Sgt combi flamer and melta bombs, flamer, heavy bolter

    Tactical squad Sgt combi melta, melta, MM

    Scouts, x5 Sgt CC weapon, 3 sniper rifles, Heavy Bolter, all cloaks

    Devestator squad, Sgt power fists, 4 missile launchers

    To make it 2k I think adding the Dread and Terms should work

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southampton, England


    Power Fists on Sergeants aren't much good any more due to challenges. They might be killed before they can swing, or will have to refuse and not be able to attack anyway. There's also no need for a special close combat weapon on a Devastator Sergeant as they're long range fire support.

    Heavy Bolters aren't good on Tactical Squads, they're reserved for Devastators with four of them really. Try to get a Missile Launcher instead.

    The Scout Sergeant wants a ranged weapon, they're a ranged unit.

    There's no real need for Relic Blades in the Honour Guard, they hit pretty hard anyway. Instead, you could do with adding more men to the squad.

    The Sternguard are good but need a Transport, and could also do with more men, preferably with a third Combi-Melta as well for reliability. You seem to have realised that you mostly want combi-weapons rather than straight-up weapon swaps so that you can make use of the Special Issue Ammunition, which is good. Heavy Flamers are nice, can't really go wrong there.

  3. #3


    Thank you for the reply. I tried to use various articles for beginers, and my initial models are from the old articles on GW's site before they took them down.

    I was going to put Pedro, the honor guard, and Sternguard in the Land Raider C. (can I actually do that?) I was also thinking of giving one of the HG a banner, but I think it's unneeded with Pedro.

    I also have very little time to paint new models. and even less time to play. What are your thoughts on an alternative list using what I have?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southampton, England


    Ahh right, I see. No, unfortunately you can't put multiple units in one transport, with the exception of Independent Characters as they can join units.

  5. #5


    I disagree that tactical squads should not have a heavy bolter. They are in a rhino, so will likely be moving. The heavy bolter can fire 3 snap shots on the move, rerolling ones with fist tactics. As I see it, at best a tactical squad can have 3 anti-tank weapons in a unit of ten. However, if those special weapons are all devoted to anti-infantry, you can have a whole ten man unit devoted to anti-infantry. I like how you have your tactical squads equipped. Very focused.

    I do agree with Anggul that Power fists are generally too many points to spend on any sergeant. I would consider throwing a power weapon (sword or axe) on the sternguard sergeant. People often forget that sternguard have 2 attacks each base, 3 if anywhere near Pedro, 4 on the charge. They can really put out alot of hurt on the charge. Keep that in mind when using them. Also don't forget that they can fire their bolt pistols with special issue ammo before the charge. With the points saved from the power fists, I would try to increase the squad count for the sternguard and get them a rhino.

    Looks like a solid start otherwise!

  6. #6


    Take all the power fists and relic blades out and buy a drop pod for the stern guard. Give their serg a combi melta and melta bombs too.
    Maybe add flakk to the devs and a bolter boy or two depending on your local meta.

  7. #7


    That sucks about not being able to put two units in the same transport if there is room. I was sort of thinking a combo HG and Stern with Pedro would be good.

    Most of the recomendations I see are to put Stern in a drop pod. I think this makes a lot of sense.

    If that is the case then I'm not sure buying a Land Raider Crusader for just Pedro and a few HG would be the best use of points. Initially I thought about throwing them in a Razor, but then they wouldn't be able to charge right away...right?

  8. #8


    I got the tactical squad layouts from a couple of articles on various 40k forums. My current layout is Sgt Power fist, melta, missile launcher. The three recommended builds from the articles I've seen for Rhino squads are
    1. Sgt combi flamer melta bomb, flamer, HB
    2. Sgt combi plasma, flamer, MM
    3. Sgt combi melta, melta, MM

  9. #9


    The special characters I currently have include 2 power fists, melta, flamer, plasma, missile launcher, power sword and bolter. I would like to use as many of these as possible in whatever list I make because of a lack of time for painting, building etc.

    I also have the dread and terms which I didn't include in the 1.5k list based on recommendations from reading various article.

    BTW....thank you everyone for your recommendations. I really appreciate it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southampton, England


    Quote Originally Posted by bluepowerade View Post
    I disagree that tactical squads should not have a heavy bolter. They are in a rhino, so will likely be moving. The heavy bolter can fire 3 snap shots on the move, rerolling ones with fist tactics. As I see it, at best a tactical squad can have 3 anti-tank weapons in a unit of ten. However, if those special weapons are all devoted to anti-infantry, you can have a whole ten man unit devoted to anti-infantry. I like how you have your tactical squads equipped. Very focused.
    If that's what you're going for you're better off just not taking a heavy weapon at all. Firing a Bolter at full BS is better than paying for a Heavy Bolter and snap-firing with it, even re-rolling 1s.

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