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  1. #1

    Cool Eldar army project

    There's no reason to spread my progress in many threads (now that I know that I have the willpower to finish this army )
    So...having finished my first two Wave Serpents, and having a week+ with no inspiration on what my next two will be like, I thought of making represent the four elements. The first one will be fire, the second one earth(being a cherry tree dragon) and the next would be air and finally water.

    Since this is a progress log I'll post them all again..

    Wave Serpent: Reikaryuu (cold fire dragon):

    Wave Serpent: Sakuryuu (Cherry blossom dragon) :
    I need to touch up the blossoms a bit...add some more pink tone to them...

    The new addition, Wave Serpent: Reifuryuu (chill wind dragon)


    Still haven't decided what his back will be like...I was thinking of braided hair and/or good concept sketch so far...
    Surely I will add a couple of clouds + something else to fill the center....if I go for feathers on his back, maybe a little scene of feathers falling ...dunno yet

    And a family photo of the painted part of my army! The other serpent is painted ready for its' freehand...I'm kind of happy I had no inspiration for a week+


    They might not be identical, as most mech armies look, but they look like an army IMO and I'm very happy about that. I was a little worried about that...

    P.S. Why are smilies considered images? lol


  2. #2


    Cool freehand and funky gems too. Nice work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    gingerbread house


    Sir, these are simply gorgeous. Your freehand is amazing. More now!!

  4. #4


    Long time no post!!
    I haven't been as dedicated as I started to be lately, but here are the pics of my Jetseer...

    [URL= .jpg.html][/URL]
    [URL= .jpg.html][/URL]
    [URL= .jpg.html][/URL]
    [URL= jpg.html][/URL]


  5. #5


    Completely amazing. Inspirational. I'm gobsmacked. Please do more! Please show us!
    Social Justice Warlord Titan

  6. #6


    WOW, fantastic work sir. Really different from normal painting threads and great freehand skills.

  7. #7


    Fantastic stuff!

    I love the flowers, specifically how well the pink/magenta work so well as a contrasting color with the blues/teal. Aces!
    Visit my war gaming blog at:

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Geryon View Post
    They might not be identical, as most mech armies look
    Correct, they are not identical, but there is that massive unifying scheme running through them, so to me this really works.

    Awesome job

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    awesome work
    I am loving your freehand skills. Nice cherry blossom work too!
    I agree that they are not identical but that is a good thing because it shows the awesome variety of your freehand skills and the blue does tie the army together well
    Last edited by Red Angel; 01-24-2014 at 03:13 AM.

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