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  1. #11


    @interrogator_chaplain: had the same thing about the scheme but thought what the heck lets try i, really love how it came out. Thanks for the compliments!

    @ Dread Corsair: Thanks!

    @Cardridge: Plan is really to get a good sized collection. I am currently working on a small 1000 points army list but am planning on fielding at least 10k worth of models.

  2. #12


    Olberon, from a guy who has coming up on five thousand points: Remoras. Forgeworld light flyer. Five to a unit, one unit = one fast attack slot, and each Remora is a 2HP flying networked markerlight carrying two seeker missiles and a TW long-range (R36) burst cannon...

    And they look seriously cool. Oohs and 'Can I see that?' every time I take them out of the case.

    Oh, and they come two to the box.

  3. #13


    @LordGrise: Remora drones are together with XV-9's on top of my list and they sure have a certain wow factor!! i really like them peronally!

    sneak preview of my newest project: one of two fireblades.



  4. #14


    started painting my fireblade this morning



  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Love your work always do! And our just making me want to paint tau when I cannot pick a scheme I like that doesn't clash with another army I have

  6. #16


    @lattd: thanks for the compliment! the key is to find a scheme that suits you. for me its this one its easy and fast to apply.
    you could always make a test model with the scheme you want. and always go for your first hunch (its the best!!!)

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Yea I just can't settle on one :/ I have been looking at the tau empire facebook group for ideas, but your weathering is a fantastic piece of work I would love a tutorial on it, if you wouldn't mind.

  8. #18


    keep an eye out of the FB page :P usually i past there first and then on the forums. i sure wouldnt mind posting a tutorial on it as soon as i hit my xv8's (which are after my fireblade)

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