So this list was one I was thinking of using in an upcoming tournament. Now just to explain my meta a bit, it is not hyper competitive with spammy net lists everywhere. It is a bunch of people that enjoy the game and are out to have fun, not purely win. I also did not want a spammy list and like to use a variety of units, as I'm as much about the hobby as the game.

I added the wolves as a means to quickly eliminate MC threats, such as riptides and Tyranids. It also adds some psychic defense against buffing armies (daemons, eldar, or tyrannies). So let me know your thoughts!

HQ - Autarch - 145
Mantle, Jetbike, Laser lance, fusion gun

HQ - Farseer - 100

Elites - 5 x Fire Dragons - 255
Wave serpent - SL, SC, Holo

Troops - 8 x Dire Avengers - 249
wave serpent - SL, SC, holo

Troops - 8 x dire avengers - 249
wave serpent - SL, SC, holo

Troops - 20 x Guardians - 210 pts
2 x SC

Fast attack - 8 x warp spiders - 152

heavy support - wraith knight - 240

Space Wolves
HQ - Rune priest - 100

Troops - 7 x Grey hunters - 150
plasma gun, drop pod

The farseer will join the guardian blob and roll divination looking for the 4+ invuln and play warlord. Everything else does what it does best!