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  1. #1

    Default Nidzilla 1850 Fun yet menacing :)

    The Swarmlord - 2xTyrant guard - 385
    Tervigon - 195

    2 x venomthrope - 90

    10 Hormagaunts - 50
    10 hormagaunts - 50

    Fast Attack
    Hive crone - 155
    Hive crone - 155

    Heavy Support
    Exocrine - 170
    2 x Carnifex - 1 H. Venom Cannon - 2 adrenal glands - spine banks - 300
    2 x Carnifex - 1 H. Venom Cannon - 2 adrenal glands - spine banks - 300

    Pretty straight forward, ball walks up while shooting the venom cannons (st9) against heavy tanks, crones swoop up to burn troops in cover - exocrine shoots high save targets. Get to assault and have real fun.
    Venomthropes provide great survivability to the ball and if hidden in the middle can suck up alot of shots as can the Swarmlord.

    Swarmlord can be changed to make way for a flyrant and some Zoanthropes which would heighten the shooting or another crone. It´s just a base idea list mix it up a bit and Have fun.

    Cheers :3

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    I'd put the 2 venom cannons together. Then one squad of fexes can run while the other follows shooting on the way in.
    QUOTE Jwolf: "Besides, Tynskel isn't evil, he's just drawn that way. "

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by MrBleak View Post
    The Swarmlord - 2xTyrant guard - 385
    Tervigon - 195

    2 x venomthrope - 90

    10 Hormagaunts - 50
    10 hormagaunts - 50

    Fast Attack
    Hive crone - 155
    Hive crone - 155

    Heavy Support
    Exocrine - 170
    2 x Carnifex - 1 H. Venom Cannon - 2 adrenal glands - spine banks - 300
    2 x Carnifex - 1 H. Venom Cannon - 2 adrenal glands - spine banks - 300

    Pretty straight forward, ball walks up while shooting the venom cannons (st9) against heavy tanks, crones swoop up to burn troops in cover - exocrine shoots high save targets. Get to assault and have real fun.
    Venomthropes provide great survivability to the ball and if hidden in the middle can suck up alot of shots as can the Swarmlord.

    Swarmlord can be changed to make way for a flyrant and some Zoanthropes which would heighten the shooting or another crone. It´s just a base idea list mix it up a bit and Have fun.

    Cheers :3

    I'd so absolutely kill the swamlord. He just can't justify taking up almost 400 points in a deathstar that's unlikely to ever reach combat and can now be very quickly instadeathed by any dick librarian with a force sword and 50-50 dice roll. I ran a similar but a little different list against a competitive tau list with 2 riptides. I did lose but it was actually a closer game than I had before against this type of list. He had a lot of trouble with the dakkafex build, rolling up 60 st 6 ap- shots is a lot even for a riptide. and it took a lot of fire allowing my tervagon and gants to grab the relic and hoof across the board.

    I took

    +35 wings , +30 TLBLD, Electroshock Grubs +10, Ymgarl Factor +40, AG +15 Regen +30

    +35 wings , +30 TLBLD, Electroshock Grubs +10 AG +15

    Zoathropes x 3


    Termagant x 30

    Regeneration + 30

    Fast Attack

    Spore Mines x 6 = 30

    Spore Mines x 5 = 25

    Carnifex x 3 = 360 + 90pts for Devourers = 450 + 45 fo for AG = 495 + regen 90 + 15 Assault Grenades = 600 pts

    The spore mines are useful assassins and serve to distract his interceptor fire (which also buys you a free turn two from the 'rides to advance the fex death star). I recommend deep striking the two flyrants behind the spore mine giving him a choice between shooting either squad of spore mines or the two flyrants knowing that the spore mines will charge his buffmander and blow up doing x st9 hits causing instant death to his first failed save or shoot hte mines and get 24 twin-linked st 6 shots right at him without the riptide to defend him. Eitherway this turns out, it buys the fexs a turn to advance and maybe get into charge range as well as unleash their 36 st 6 shots. The crone is there for vector strike shenannigans and haywire shots then trubo boost to claim line breaker, assuming it doesn't die. The gants and Tervagon are there to stay in reserve then come on to nab objectives as late in the game as possible. The zoes are there to harass with lance attacks or throw out buffs/debuffs as they roll them.

    I should note the flyrant is a bit more than your swarmlord but you're getting a unit with a 2+ every other turn and a lot of nasty shooting plus furious charge and fleet he can also bump his attacks every other turn to smash with an extra attack on the charge. And he can vectorstrike at str 7 on his alternating turns. All this for less than the swarmlord deathstar that's slow and pretty easy to AP3 Ignore Cover to death even with the tyrant guard to tank wounds for him. Believe me I loved Swarmy all last codex and never gave up on him but I think it's time for the hive mind to shift that bio-matter to more dakka.

  4. #4


    Well if you read the whole post, it says that you can swap the SL for a flyrant + 3 zoanthropes to make the list more competitive.
    The main focus of the list is to do nidzilla, which is why there are 9 MC, while still competitive and fun, the intention of the list is not to win tournaments just to give people ideas for diferent viable builds ^^

    Second, technically, in this part of the forum you should comment on the posted list and change a few things around not post a completely diferent list altogether, for that you can just make a new post. (I do not mean to sound rude, i know it does, i just like each list in one post so comments are more organized potherwise it gets out of hand ^^)

    Nevertheless i will give my opinion on your list and since you apparently are going for competitive, seeing you comment on the SL, i will treat it as such.

    First, your carnifex deathstar, while on paper can seem brutal, has too many points invested for a unit that 6 missilesides can tear to shreds before you get in range to shoot all those devourers (Note that i say 6 because the other squad of missilesides can easily go for that juicy 310 point flyrand while the riptides break the other one) Tau will have afiel day on that squad, for 40 points more you can change to 2 carnies plus 2 exocrines whiche is way more versatile.
    Second, 310 for a flyrant, too much, will almost never pay back. Ymgarl factor is really bad for what it does since it only applies in your assault fase (there you have 40 points for what i said above)
    Third, Crones are great but you will need 2 to really pay of in air superiority.
    I would suggest you loose the second flyrant for the crone and 2 venomthropes.
    Venomthropes are great now and will help your carnies live up to there name way better ^^
    Spore mines really bad IMO just take Biovores if you want that.

    Cheers :3

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