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  1. #1

    Default Tyrants House Rules

    So our gaming group had three Tyranid players. The new codex dropped and all three gave up their ravenous ways. Mostly this wasn't an issue because one only had one model and is now just playing her boyfriends second army, another had space marines he already played half the time but the last player only has Tau to fall back on. The gaming group has a particular hatred for Tau because of some massive cheating on the part of a few players who are no longer in the group. So the group as a whole decided that they will house rules the Tyranids in order to keep the one person playing them.

    This is where the problem lies. We aren't sure what we should change. Should we just use 5th edition? Should we allow BRB powers? Should we treat all 1-3 on the instinctive behavior role as a 4-5 instead? Should we give Spore Pods back to the units that had them in 5th? I was hoping we could have a nice discussion and come up with possible rules to SIMPLY update Tyranids to make them not so unplayable.

    Ideas so far:


    Synapse Node: 10pt upgrade to one model in a unit of 5 or more models. That one model provides synapse to his unit until he is removed from play.

    Warrior Captain: Upgrade to bring a Warrior or Shrike to a unit of 5 or more models. The upgrade cost is the cost of the model. The Captain moves and runs at the same speed as the unit he is in.

    Improved Synapse: Any roll for Instinctive Behavior of a 1-3 is instead treated as a 4-5 instead.


    Scything Talons given back reroll 1's to hit in close combat for a single pair. Reroll all failed to hit in close combat for two pair.


    Trygon Tunnel Squad: A unit in reserve can be allocated to be following behind a Trygon. It doesn't roll for reserves until the turn after the Trygon has come onto the table.

    Spore Pod: each unit that could purchase a spore pod in the old book can continue to do so. Alternate 20? Pts Deep strike upgrade with same rules for scatter as a pod but no pod left on the table.


    Hive Tyrant: 20?40? Pt upgrade for 2+ armor save.

    Hive Guard: If remains stationary improves BS to 4. Can't charge same turn.

    Genstealers: Have Hunter-Killer

    *Stupid auto correct. If possible could a moderator change the title to Tyranid House Rules?*
    Last edited by Advent_Child; 01-14-2014 at 08:19 PM. Reason: Added Ideas so far

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Between Fact and Breakfast


    I personally disagree with your decision to disregard the current codex. It is not as easy to play I will agree, but the previous codex was designed for a previous set of rules. One of the challenges is finding what works when the meta changes. The Paradigm has shifted, shift with it.
    ALShrive; found somewhere between fact and breakfast.
    Horseman of the Derailment

  3. #3


    Where in my post did I say we were disregarding the new codex? I said we were going to use house rules and one of the examples I gave was to use the 5th edition codex. I'm actually more interested in how we could make the new codex more "User Friendly?" or so.

  4. #4


    I agree with Alshrive, It's time to leave Tervigon spam to the pages of history. Who knows Biomancy may come and you can have you broken Swarmlord deathstar again, afterall it wouldn't be the first time GW messed up and had to erata a brand new book (right Dark Angels). In the meantime remember the words of the Hivemind, Mate, Feed, Kill, Repeat.

  5. #5


    The player doesn't even have a single Tervigon. He has 6 Warriors, 60 Hormogaunts, 9 Raveners, a Carnifex, a Trygon, a flying Hive Tyrant, and a Doom modified Zoanthrope. I don't see why you guys have to post completely missing the point and not adding anything useful.

    I'm simply trying to come up with a couple simple rules that are fair to everyone and let him continue using his models without being the playgroup's whipping boy. The entire playgroup has agreed to this. We don't need you to tell us not to do it. It is already being done. We are simply looking for more peoples thoughts so as to be as fair as possible. Please don't post if all you have to say is get over it and use the rules as written.
    Last edited by Advent_Child; 01-14-2014 at 04:41 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Between Fact and Breakfast


    Didn't miss the point at all I was simply voicing my opinion on the matter. Perhaps posting on an open forum is not for you if you are going to get dictatorial over the responses.
    ALShrive; found somewhere between fact and breakfast.
    Horseman of the Derailment

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Advent_Child View Post
    So our gaming group had three Tyranid players. The new codex dropped and all three gave up their ravenous ways. Mostly this wasn't an issue because one only had one model and is now just playing her boyfriends second army, another had space marines he already played half the time but the last player only has Tau to fall back on. The gaming group has a particular hatred for Tau because of some massive cheating on the part of a few players who are no longer in the group. So the group as a whole decided that they will house rules the Tyranids in order to keep the one person playing them.

    This is where the problem lies. We aren't sure what we should change. Should we just use 5th edition? Should we allow BRB powers? Should we treat all 1-3 on the instinctive behavior role as a 4-5 instead? Should we give Spore Pods back to the units that had them in 5th? I was hoping we could have a nice discussion and come up with possible rules to SIMPLY update Tyranids to make them not so unplayable.

    *Stupid auto correct. If possible could a moderator change the title to Tyranid House Rules?*
    I understand the dilemma, and while some will say that's not cool and junk. Let's be honest, the new tyranid codex sucks, it sucks completely. There's no hidden treasure, there's just going to be "try harder". The new codex is a prime example of what copy/paste can do! It's pretty much 5th ed, with some 6th ed FAQ, some minor changes. Price drops are redundant as upgrades now cost more. Things like regen are now not worth taking. ( I preferred rolling all dice for 6s, rather than 1 die for a 4+, you'd be surprised how better it really is. ) Certain units that did not require point INCREASES were brought up by the 40s, Tyranid Prime for example. Warlord traits are extremely lackluster. Scything talons are now useless on MC's and that's always the MC base loadout. We lost our spore pods, we lost Doom, we lost BRB powers, and gained a copy/paste table of all the tyranid powers from 5th ed, with some adjustments (nerfs) to fit into 6th ed. Whoever really made this codex, hates Tyranids, GW, hates Tyranids. If you're a space marine player, guess what, GW is releasing a tyrannic war vet data slate so you can kill Tyranids more so than usual.

    So the main point, it is a wise idea to keep your group capable of using tyranids. Honestly, I'm about ready to write a full codex that would balance, and solve several tyranid problems. As GW is unwilling to do so. It'd be more for the heck of it, but hell, I could show it to someone and they would agree it'd be 1000 times better than the book of nerfs we got now.

    So do go on to find a way to make a balanced, fair tyranid house rules. I sure as hell would love to be able to balance my army at my local game store.

  8. #8


    Agreed, writing a rule is not as easy as busting open a rulebook and getting a sharpie. Changing one word has massive effects on balance. A anyone will tell you there is a group of wargamers that think a unit is no good if it isn't T9 EW with a 2+ re-rollable invulnerable save. So, I would worn to start but just changing one word of one rule and play testing it a lot. Eventually, you're writing your own codexes that are fun for everyone.

  9. #9


    Kublade you remember that's what they said about CSM, and Dark Dangels, and Tau, and Eldar, and Marines people complained that they took away Broadsides railguns, they thought the wave serpant was over priced for what it did, they complained that marines had no flavor. And once people started play testing and finding secret like mantle of the laughing god all the nay sayers looked foolish didn't they?

  10. #10


    Well most of those units didn't get changed in bad ways... Unless they are all kitted out with scything talons? I know hormagants, trygons and raveners have scything talons and rerolls to hit are nice... I always liked to toss rending claws on the raveners so it was only reroll 1s for them anyhow. Hormagants was reroll 1s too. Now trygons lost the reroll all hits. But maybe run him as a mawloc instead, they basically look the same.

    So I guess if it made a huge difference in games you have played put the old Scything talon rules back in and you are good there...

    Personally that army list looks rather boring to begin with. That player needs some more variety, Biovores would be a good start. The exocrine looks really good also... Venomthropes got a good boost, atleast until they are FAQed... giving Shrouded to any unit that has one model within 6 inches(I think that will be FAQed and the BRB rule of any model in a unit that has shrouded gives it to the whole unit will not apply to Venomthropes)

    Doom is gone but zoanthropes are still good and a bit cheaper plus doom didn't have synapse and he was a bit cheesy anyhow, tell him to buy 2 more zoanthropes and run a full squad instead of the doom.

    Pods are gone... that was a big hit if he had used those, don't see them listed so guess adding them back would not help.

    Tervigons took the biggest hit but he don't use them... Warrior prime also took a big hit in its cost but is otherwise unchanged but again your player does not use them...

    So in short I think your player needs to suck it up and try the new codex... maybe add some of the better new models/ rules and he will stay competitive.

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