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View Poll Results: If GW wants you to buy more and start new armies regularly what should they do?

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  • Prices are good - GW is costed properly for their quality now

    32 3.22%
  • Lower Prices 10% - GW is slightly overcosted now.

    88 8.85%
  • Lower Prices 20% - GW is moderately overcosted now.

    458 46.08%
  • Lower Prices 30% - GW is severely overcosted now.

    416 41.85%
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Results 111 to 120 of 149
  1. #111
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Lafayette, Indiana


    I've been playing 40k for years and love it, but the only thing I've bought over the last year or so has been the latest rules, Tau Codex, a few (maybe 4) White Dwarfs, and 2 models (Stealth Team box and SM Drop Pod). I used to purchase almost a model a month and buy virtually all the codexs as well as my White Dwarf subscription.

    I'll be sad to see them go, but if something doesn't change, I don't see them being in business much longer.

  2. #112
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Fort Bragg, NC


    The thing is GW prices are so high that in some cases they even exceed FWs models or are no on par. Its no wonder that more people play 30K. As for myself I have pretty much stop buying as much as I have and instead concentrated on painting my models of different armies. I buy the newest books for my armies and the paint and brushes I need and that's it. Trust me I use to spend a lot. I nearly have a complete space marine chapter and I have two complete first companies of terminators. Sure the argument is that I don't need this stuff but the counter argument is that GW does on the other hand must sell their product in order to make a profit. I'm no business major nor am I one of the super know it all's on this site. I am however a consumer and when something gets too expensive, like other consumer, I either stop buying or I find another game that both is fun and doesn't take all my money.

  3. #113


    Lower by 20%. I've started buying from independent retailers that give a 15-20% discount on GW products, and even then, I'm leery about spending.

  4. #114


    The trouble is their prices vary wildly, from a little overpriced to severely overpriced(Centurions spring to mind). Even comparable products they make can vary hugely in price(Wraithfighter/Razorwing). But it's stuff like the Witch Elves at £35 for ten small plastic figures that truly makes their prices seem ridiculous...

  5. #115


    I just accidently voted for "drop prices 30%". Actually, I thought 20% should do it, to be fair.

    It would be some cool move if GW dropped all of their prices by 30% just for one month or two (with appropriately huge publicity in the run-up of it) and see what they get out of that. Maybe some more hobby beginners.

  6. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Foxhound2delta View Post
    I am however a consumer and when something gets too expensive, like other consumer, I either stop buying or I find another game that both is fun and doesn't take all my money.
    Which is precisely what has happened in my case. Too expensive, too many new rules to confuse issues even more, revamping Codexes just to fit into 6th edition (soon be time to look for 7th Ed!), etc etc. I just cannot be bothered any longer to try to keep up with all the new releases of books, expansions, and so on. I have sunk a considerable amount of money into this hobby over the last 20 years, but the decision has been made to cease and desist spending any more, and instead look around for another game that as per the quote above "is both fun and doesn't take all my money."

    Malifaux and Bolt Action for me now.


  7. #117


    Also, with these crazy prices, and starting new armies every few months, we have to think on which armies are a better deal.
    Time to start a new 1500 point army. Let's choose Grey Knights. This could cost around £150
    Now lets start another army, Goblins this time. Now we are looking at around double what we could have spent on Grey Knights.
    They should consider how much units cost per army compared to other armies. Dropping the prices on these "horde" armies for instance would go a long way to letting players start the armies they want to.

  8. #118
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Kent, England


    Quote Originally Posted by Eldar_Atog View Post
    That sounds very cool! It also put the mental image of a bunch of falcons attacking the GW execs and authors
    That made me laugh, though as I learnt a hawk would be better as falcons are more about speed. After typing that I did day dream bout training a Harris Hawk to act as a Harpy/Crone, then seeing how much it would mess my with my opponent when releasing it over the gaming table!

    Quote Originally Posted by Psychosplodge View Post
    For £46? that's not bad at all.
    We were lucky as we were down in the West Country, where I live they only do full days for like £120+

  9. #119


    I agree on that point. But for the most part think the prices are all right though a little schizophrenic. Give fine cast flesh hounds fifty bucks. You'll get twenty chaos hounds for the same price. The flesh hounds are the same old sculpt while I believe the dogs are a new one... guess which one is going to be my twenty strong unit for my daemons. And the old battalion boxes while smaller where better for getting players into the game. I have two friend that love to play... with my armies because the cost is to high to get into the hobby.

  10. #120


    I voted 30% because that is just the pricing difference due to my global location. Factored against Malifaux I can get 6 highly detailed models from Wyrd for $60 ($10 each) or 10 space marines for $75 ($7.5 each) but I can actually play a game with the malifaux box. For a comparison to a non-skirmish game it would cost me $410 for the vanilla marine strike force (36 dudes and 3 vehicles) or I could buy a Mantic Forge father Army box for $96 (30 dudes and 2 vehicles) now I am assuming the strike force is playable but I would have to at least buy a codex. The Mantic box comes with the game rules so is more than playable out of the box.

    There just isn't any incentive to buy from GW. I can get nicer figures for skirmish games at the same price as one elite infantry box but actually play or I can get bulk figures at a similar quality level to the GW starter box for 1/4 the price and it comes with the rulebook. That isn't even going in to how badly perceived the GW rule sets are compared to other games on the market! Even a 30% decrease in prices probably wouldn't bring me back, they need to overhaul the rules and their attitude at the same time.

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