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  1. #21


    So who is actually applying?

    GW are a good company to work for in both my experience and opinion. You'll be paid to gather, compile and feedback And get the healthy 50% staff discount.

    You could do a lot worse job wise!
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by phoenix01 View Post
    1. Advertize. TV, Radio, Magazines. Tell people about GW stores, what GW sells, that sort of thing. No one outside the gamer community really knows anything about GW. Get rid of White Dwarf and Warhammer Vision magazines. Use other third party magazines and blogs to tell people.
    2. Get rid of the starter kits with the two armies like Dark Vengeance. Instead, take a plastic HQ/hero and two minimum size plastic troop choices/core units from each army, bundle with the starter kit templates, a small pile of dice (10 or so), and downloads for the mini rule book and a stripped down version of the codex/army book for the army in question. And by stripped-down version, I mean just the special rules for the army and the army list: no photos, no fluff, and no descriptions on what a particular unit is. For example, the Space Marine "starter" kit would have the Space Marine Commander, a Combat Squad with the old sergeant sprue, and a Scout Squad, along with the templates, dice, and downloads for $50 (you would essentially get the commander and the extras for free). Realistically, most new people would just buy one, and they wouldn't be saddled with models for an army they might never build. I know GW would take a loss, but so does Sony when they sell the Playstation consoles.
    3. Start having coupons, sales, and BOGO offers. What isn't selling, offer at a 20% savings for a week. Allow your local store managers to determine a sale of the week item. Offer courses on how to paint or how to play (like they used to) with a single model kit of the student's choice upon completion up to a certain value ($35 for example). Or buy a tactical squad get a Rhino free. Another idea is to have a birthday program: on your birthday, you get a 10% off coupon on anything in the store and they also get to spam your email with advertisments.
    4. Do away with free shipping at $50 for online sales unless shipped to a GW store. Most people buy enough online to get free shipping. So lets say shipping on a single box of Sternguard is $7, that means GW sold the Sternguard for $43 revenue.
    5. Reduce prices by 10-20% on current prices, depending on what the box is. I'd be more likely to buy two tactical squads at $35 each and two rhinos at $30 (total of $100) than two tactical squads at $40 and two Rhinos at $37.25 (total of $154.50). I would then put down $50 on a another unit.
    6. Get rid of the one man store paradigm. A one man store can't be open seven days a week (which is what most malls want to see). A one man store is ripe for theft.
    7. Find better locations. Putting a store in a strip mall with nothing around to draw people to the store isn't going to help make sales.
    8. Put a store in every geographic location. There are some US cities with three or four GW stores, but some US states with no GW stores.
    You have given GW the best advice possible that they probably will not listen too. If after two years the new position finds any other findings than the ones stated, I'll play high elves

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Memphis, TN


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post
    No no no.

    Apply for job. Not whine on interwebs.
    I have a job that pays better. Not applying for this crappy job...

  4. #24


    Advert doesn't mention remuneration.

    And as for crappy? Hardly. It's quite the opportunity for the right person. A sort of internal customer service Inquisitorial role, reporting directly to the CEO of a market leading multinational, involving a great deal of travel. And based entirely upon your own observation....

    Me? I'm not applying, due to reasons already expressed. Plus, I already have an Inquisitorial Mandate (no, really, I do!). I was tempted, but to keep me as is financially, it would need to pay around £30,000 a year and have greater promotional prospects, which is not guaranteed.
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  5. #25
    Iron Father
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Vancouver Island, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post
    So who is actually applying?

    GW are a good company to work for in both my experience and opinion. You'll be paid to gather, compile and feedback And get the healthy 50% staff discount.

    You could do a lot worse job wise!
    As much as the 50% discount is
    Your easily around double what a store manager earns, would you want 50 % discount in exchange for 50% wage cut lol.
    I'm not saying what I paid myself last year but £16000, wouldn't touch the sides no matter how much I enjoy the plastic crack.

  6. #26


    Indeed, plus career path before me could mean more than doubling my wage within 5 years or so, if I play my opportunities correctly!

    But for someone looking for a career, say a recently graduated person this is a serious opportunity, and not to be sniffed at!
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Ontario Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Caitsidhe View Post
    Which market are we talking about. I think we have firmly established that the United States and Europe have very different markets and customers. What we Yanks consider customer service appears to be very different. I wouldn't venture a guess anymore as to what makes European customers happy. Games Workshop, by the same note, really shouldn't be guessing what makes us happy either. I'm happy to give feedback, but I'm not certain they really understand the problem and hiring someone with this wording feels like a public relations move.
    I will go for the position. But thats because I have PR, marketing and the likes to back me up. Its funny, here in Canada there isnt as much pushing for sales in the way GW stores sell their products. Most of the sales of GW products (40K, Warhammer, etc ... ) are not from GW stores. Its from the little guys. The highest selling store for 40K products in Ontario is a privately owned games store. An independent operator that GW has been screwing over. Anyways, your right. Europe vs US markets are very different and value different methods to "sell" a product. But the issues isnt selling so much as costumer service and building the brand back to where the religious buyer feels they are wanted and not used. GW has removed almost everything that made US want to be at their stores. Price, respect, fun and a social environment to enjoy their game(s), are the keys to improving their issues. It doesnt matter where you are in the world, those are what needs to be repaired or rebuilt. Learn from the independent retailers, they at least have a leg up on the GW stores.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Memphis, TN


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post
    Advert doesn't mention remuneration.

    And as for crappy? Hardly. It's quite the opportunity for the right person. A sort of internal customer service Inquisitorial role, reporting directly to the CEO of a market leading multinational, involving a great deal of travel. And based entirely upon your own observation....
    Money doesn't have to be mentioned.. I can read in-between the lines.

    No mention of experience or education tells me all I need to know about this job. Major companies don't offer good salaries to people with no experience and no education.

    I've also seen these type of positions before. A work group wants to clean up their operations so they form a mini group to deal with bloated procedures. The mini group will be given a heap of data and will be told that every one of their ideas is not workable. At the end of the project, the mini group will be thanked for their input, watch their memo go into the trash, and be escorted out of the building.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by katurian View Post
    So I saw this on the interwebs:


    "We are looking for someone to spend the next two years turning over every – and we mean every – stone to find opportunities for how we can improve the customer experience in our stores and recommend the ones that will work. We aren’t talking about incremental improvements; we want to completely re-imagine what it is like for people coming into our stores, engaging with and buying our wonderful miniatures"

    So I'm curious: what could GW do that would make you want to come back to their stores. How would you reimagine the experience?

    I guess the stock price hit maybe woke someone up overthere. Who knows.

    I got like 50 pms about this so I thought I would just answer here:

    GW says according to their website they do not sponsor non-resident aliens for work permits. So, this job is open only to legal residents of the UK or the EEA.

    Cheers friends

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Eldar_Atog View Post
    Money doesn't have to be mentioned.. I can read in-between the lines.

    No mention of experience or education tells me all I need to know about this job. Major companies don't offer good salaries to people with no experience and no education.

    I've also seen these type of positions before. A work group wants to clean up their operations so they form a mini group to deal with bloated procedures. The mini group will be given a heap of data and will be told that every one of their ideas is not workable. At the end of the project, the mini group will be thanked for their input, watch their memo go into the trash, and be escorted out of the building.
    With two years experience answering only to the CEO of a successful multi-national.....

    And really? Can read in between the lines? Salary will be ok. No great shakes, but ok. Likely what a UK Manager is on to start (£16k I'm told).

    Read the role again. They want someone passionate about the hobby. Not a yes man. Not a negative nancy. Someone who is open to new ideas, to go and gather them.

    It's a solid opportunity for the right person. You putting it down isn't going to change that.

    And what bloated procedures would those be? I know stuff about GW most don't, on account of having been on (and failed) their management course back in 2010. My info is likely out of date now, but I know their sales ethos better than most. It's pretty straight forward stuff, and easy to get right, but just as easy to get wrong.

    This seems like they're looking to refine this further, or possibly go an entirely different route. We won't know until whoever lands the job has completed their report and made their observations.

    But seeing as you're clearly an expert in this, why not simply write something to GW and save them two years wage?
    Fed up for Scalpers?

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