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  1. #101


    The pointy-eared hijackers are back....
    "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." ~ T. Pratchett

  2. #102


    The ork fungal thing was always in the back of my mind; just crushed my adolescent imagination as it was swirling from a super sweet codex to find on the last few pages that your bad-*** kill-em-all army was a buncha walking mushrooms...
    How many inquisitors have devoted centurys of their life to curing planet sized athletes foot?

  3. #103


    Oh my God, some red meat at last. Barbot! Beer, large, cold, heavy on the hops. Go.

    First and foremost: Have the Emperor flush, and stand up. IOW, advance the Timeline.

    Second: Kill the current Ally matrix; it doesn't make sense as it is, and everyone and their freaking brother has taken it upon themselves to re-imagine what 'Battle-Brother' means. I am so sick of the whining about it, so just do away with it completely.

    Now rewrite the Ally matrix in strict accordance with each faction and sub-faction's fluff. Yes, every single subfaction gets their own line on the matrix. But do not have any game mechanics rules whatsoever for any level of ally. Why? Because we should have to actually think and be creative with the game! Just like it says we should. But don't. Because those rule-worshipping 'competitive players' (apparently) think it's cheating. Somehow.

    Oh, I also want a ruleset for point-value-ing custom vehicles. So I could actually table some of these things my imagination forced me to build with the bits and pieces laying around...

    I guess I would need a welding torch and a pair of tongs to go along with that hammer for that last bit. Oh well.

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by same_nips View Post
    The ork fungal thing was always in the back of my mind; just crushed my adolescent imagination as it was swirling from a super sweet codex to find on the last few pages that your bad-*** kill-em-all army was a buncha walking mushrooms...
    How many inquisitors have devoted centurys of their life to curing planet sized athletes foot?
    But it keeps the numbers of hippies under control, those mushroom are a seriously bad trip

    I would take the hammer to the current reference about psykers and the BT, I know blue shirts that have been so a long time that hate it as well.

    I think a lot of what I would want to do is add in old units and new ones, wargear and such, from old and current fluff, once this is done I would then lot at slowly advancing the time line.

  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by LordGrise View Post
    Because those rule-worshipping 'competitive players' (apparently) think it's cheating. Somehow.
    Now now, there's no need to be so divisive within our relatively small fanbase. As a primarily fluff/painting player, I prefer to have a tight, balanced ruleset - it makes the factions feel like equal threats, and the game more satisfying to play.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Suburbs of Hell.


    In addition to what I've [url=""]previously said[/url], I too would like to see the allies matrix corrected. I've mentioned this before, and maybe it's already been alluded to here, but they messed up the matrix when they said Sisters and Black Templars are Desperate Allies. The fluff indicates they're on fairly cordial terms, so they'd be at least Allies of Convenience. Meanwhile, there is simply no way in hell Sisters could work with Dark Angels without there being some friction there, given the DA's closet full of skeletons. Clearly, when they put the matrix together, somebody screwed up and transposed BT with DA.
    Necron2.0 (a.k.a. me) - "I used to wrestle with inner demons. Now we just sit for tea and scones, and argue over the weather."

  7. #107


    I get round that, in my campaign the allies matrix is barely worth the paper it's written on, other factors decide the level of allegiance instead. Such as whether you fought that faction in the last round, whether you fought them at all, whether they are mercenaries, and so on.
    Astra Miliwotsit? You're in the Guard now son....

  8. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by LordGrise View Post
    First and foremost: Have the Emperor flush, and stand up. IOW, advance the Timeline.

    I don't know what this bizarre obsession with breaking the 40K storyline is based on. What does "advancing the timeline" do? Needing to know what happens next, or to have some kind of resolution? 40K hasn't moved but a few inches in 25 years. Why does it need to jump ahead now?

    40K isn't a story. It's not going to change. It's just a setting. Can you tell stories within 40K? Sure. That's what the game is about. But the game itself isn't changing. Probably ever. Blah, blah Space Marines, blah blah grimdark, blah blah in perpetuity.

    40K exists because Games Workshop needs a world for you to take your "evenly" balanced armies of plastic toy soldiers and have them fight improbable battles across neutral terrain and in neutral circumstances. Everybody understands their faction and what that faction's place in the universe is. That position is "Wow, this place kinda sucks but I guess it's better than being dead" or "This place seems too nice. We should break it."

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