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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Detroit, Michigan


    [QUOTE=But the worst, by far in my opinion, are the folks who are unhygenic. If you can't be bothered to use deoderant and take a shower before you show up, then I can't be bothered to play against you.[/QUOTE]

    This, god, QFT.

    Me and a friend went to our local store for an Apoc game once. By Freya's bosom, this one guy smelled like a damn open sewer. Every time he walked by was nauseating.

    I mean, no offense to him, but c'mon. I know the hobby isn't the hippest thing on the planet and the GW store isn't a friggin club, but your in public for feth's sake.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Canberra, Australia


    Sneaks. I played in a tourney once where I killed this kid's Deathwing army with my Orks. It was a fun game - we seemed to be getting on well and all. It wasn't a total massacre even, I cut him some slack for the sake of fun (this was in 4th and he wasn't used to choppas I guess). I mean, he didn't seem too happy about losing but we shook hands at the end and all.

    Next week I was talking to one of the judges (my club organized it), and found out this kid gave me 2 out of 10 for sportsmanship. Because he lost. Why would he do that? Did he think slashing the sportsmanship store of everyone better than him would make up for his crappy skills? I'm sorry but that just violates the spirit of gaming on every level.

    Oh and silent powergamers in friendly matches. I play friendlies to chat, have fun, check out the other guy's army etc. Not be nailed to the wall by some idiot savant who treats me as if I'm the AI in a friggin computer chess match.
    Last edited by Kahoolin; 08-04-2009 at 03:46 AM.

  3. #43


    unhygienic people

    people who question my (perfect) rules knowledge AND dont even know the rules themselfes; I have no problems with teaching people the game if they accept what I and the rulebook say. Neither do I hold it against you if you want to have a nice discussion about a complicated rule and know your stuff. But those people that insist that my gaunts sitting next to a hive tyrant actually roll a pinning check against a common sniper rifle DO WIN a one way ticket to the moon.

    people that smack how much their army would kick your but and when asked out to proove it the army was left at home.

    people that want to do theoryhammer but dont even know the basics about statistics'n'probability (or however that science is called in english).

    people who cheat (I dont care if the rhino moved half an inch more once in a game but I can get angry if you want to pull a first turn charge with non-fleeting infiltrators on foot!)

    so in genreall: people that stink and/or waste my time.

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Commissar Lewis View Post
    This, god, QFT.

    Me and a friend went to our local store for an Apoc game once. By Freya's bosom, this one guy smelled like a damn open sewer. Every time he walked by was nauseating.

    I mean, no offense to him, but c'mon. I know the hobby isn't the hippest thing on the planet and the GW store isn't a friggin club, but your in public for feth's sake.

    Are you sure he's not a Nurgle follower??

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    Quote Originally Posted by TheKingElessar View Post
    Yeah, dice cheat...cheats of any kind really. Deploying models that can't deploy, moving models too far or wrongly...turning Chaos Dreads to shoot things behind them in the Shooting phase...also, people who give out rubbish tactics. They're just bad for the hobby.
    Walkers can turn to shoot in the shooting phase, because they are walkers. That one is in the rules.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    Family, I hate playing my brothers, yet I do this weekly. We have 30 years of build up desire to destroy each other. It all comes out every game. The tension grows every turn especially if it is a close game.

    That being said I think that people want to eat their cake and have it too. Rule Lawyers tend to rain on this parade. You might want to move your LR into a position giving cover to the rest of your troop and still shoot at your desired target. However it does not mean that you can. Rules Lawyers take the fun out of the game by making you have to think and plan your move strategically.

    I think that the Rules Lawyers that have been described up to now are less Rules Lawyers and more of Just *** HOLES. If you are going to play the game play by the rules. other wise you might as well playing with plastic army men in your backyard.

  7. #47


    People who play the "rules" rather then play the "Game"

    This is supposed to be FUN after all is said and done.

    If you must win at any cost, go play with Micheal Schumacher!

    I heard a story from a Friend the other day. He was playing at a local tournament and what you had to do was mark your opponents painting and sportsmanship on a scale of 1-10. The guy he was playing told my friend that he had borrowed the army from someone so my mate gave him a 1 for painting. The guy got really upset and demanded to know why and my mate said "You didn't paint the army, so how can I score your painting?" He then gave my mate a 1 for sportsmanship!

    This is why as a rule I tend to stick to friendly games with people I know.

  8. #48


    If the painting score is for the models, it doesn't matter if they're borrowed. If it's for the player's painting skill, a borrowed/bought army is reasonably scored low (if not zeroed).

    I HATE 1-10 sportsmanship scoring, as revenge scoring is a significant issue. But I've also received low painting scores for a nicely painted army from opponents as revenge scores, so paint judging is also an area where player scoring is undesirable to me as well.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Phoenix, AZ


    Cheaters plain and simple. I have seen every type from the guy who I played a small 1000pt game with and as I saw him deploying I thought he had too much on the table... asked to see his list and it was almost 1300pts. To the people who fudge dice rolls, bend rules, etc...

  10. #50


    People who refuse to write a list and insist on sneaking in an extra 500pts of their army and then when you beat it spend the next week gloating about how they let you win...

    People who scootch by measuring the distance really quickly and then moving the minis before you can argue that they may not be in range of your guys... yeah same guy haha

    People who whine about how they went to a tourny and were eaten by Nob bikers, 3 land raiders or dual lash ect ect. Its a tournament. You should expect the most over the top D-Bag lists and be prepared to counter them and stop whining about how your army cant compete. Yeah some armies have a bit of an uphill battle but it can be remedied by playing smart and good tactics and a little bit of luck.

    Lastly since I saw it a bunch on here is people who give low sportsmanship to someone just because they had a cheesy army. When I go to a tournament I will shamelessly bring out the big guns but I also enjoy talking with my opponent about his army or the hobby in general and I try to be as courteous as possible and try to make some new friends when I go to a tourny away from my local gaming store. That being said I still try to grind their army into the dust.

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