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  1. #1

    Default 2014 any preliminary rules????

    in general just asking for direction on the following so I know what to get to painting.

    dataslates ?
    escalation ?
    stronghold Assault ?
    points level ?
    allies ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Houston , TX


    That is a great question, but I believe this section is fire and forget. I rarely see any responses from admin here.
    When you hear hoof-beats, it's best to think horses not zebras.

  3. #3


    big red has to be alive someplace in the warp

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Tx


    Hey guys, Wolf and I will get together and hammer out the final details and post them soon.
    BOLScon 40k Judge

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Caldera02 View Post
    Hey guys, Wolf and I will get together and hammer out the final details and post them soon.
    Still nothing posted regarding rules or even what events are going on at Bolscon this year (I refuse to call it Texas gamescon). I'm getting really skeptical that this con is going to happen. We should of had events, rules and tickets available 2 months ago.

    Fyi this is not hoe you increase attendance, my gaming group has been attending Bolscon for the last 4 years and has loved it each year but it looks like the con might be dying. Moving from the amazing Renaissance venue back to the sub par Diuble Tree hurts but I understand why they needed to make the move, it's just mind boggling that there is no information about this years con with only a couple months until the event. Sadly my friends and I might have to find a new yearly con to attend.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Houston , TX


    That's my thinking also. The last two years, rules and event info was posted 6+ month from the con. Now we can't even get answers from the organizers on the official forums.

    I'm curious about the name changes every few years, also. The information blackhole worries me.
    When you hear hoof-beats, it's best to think horses not zebras.

  7. #7


    Howdy everyone.

    So yes, I have been delaying information about the con rules. This 100% has to do with the rapidly changing 40K landscape and nothing to do with being disorganized. And the first year we didn't even know we were having a convention until 3 months out and that came off fantastically, so even if nothing had been done, we would be very able to pull this off without breaking a sweat. And we've been working on the 40K GT plans since Saturday of last year.

    So, here's the scoop on 40K Grand Tournaments:

    When we started doing 40K tournaments 6 years ago, no one in the US was doing anything terribly competitive with a very competitive ruleset. Tournaments were often 3 to 5 games, and not much was done to look for Swiss or even solid evaluative methods for the whole field. Now there are many fine competitive events available, with up to 8 games played to find the winner, so competitive is pretty well represented. That said, the ruleset has made a drastic shift in the other direction - codex power is not done justice with the term creep, 6th edition and airpower mean that games are much more complex and the possibility of walking up to a table with an near-automatic win or loss is very present. TOs are playing editor with portions of rules, expansions, and dataslates being modified for play balance or what have you. I have never been a fan of partial rules sources or rewriting rules that were not obviously unclear for my own nefarious purposes (though I know others have read this otherwise).

    So, how do we respond to the madness of 6th edition, dataslates, escalation, breakthrough, and gross imbalance between books?

    Like this:

    The 40K Limited Grand Tournament: 1500 points, all lists MUST BE submitted and approved. Codexs ONLY - no Escalation, Breakthrough, or online-only content (current exceptions include codices only released online). On what criteria are approvals given? If I would walk up to the table and play against your army without thinking "lame netlist, I'd rather play against something else," which roughly equates to a list most people would scream and curse about. Some examples - Screamerstar, Seer Council Shennanigans, a fistful of Wave Serpents, some Flying Circuses, and very little else. Really it's hard to give an all-inclusive list, but the goal here is to have a tournament that allows casual players to play the game, not scoop up models.

    The 40K Unlimited Grand Tournament: 2000 points, no list submission, all add-ons allowed except Forgeworld. Yes, you can shoot people with D weapons from your crazy fortress of doom. Yes, this is double force organization. Expect to walk up to the table having essentially won or lost the game before it starts.

    Both of these tournaments run 4 games Saturday, 2 games Sunday, identical timing. Both have sign-up limits and similar prize support.

    So there's the story. I apologize for the appearance of ignoring you all - I've been busy, and the landscape has changed so dramatically and rapidly that I am very glad that we held off on announcing anything specific for so long. Last year we announced very far in advance and the game shifted significantly between the time we announced and the tournament, leading to some rather ugly incidents with Forgeworld rules and new codices.

    See you at Bolscon / Wargamescon / Texasgamescon / Yournameherecon in 3 months!
    Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. - Nathanael Greene

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Houston , TX


    Thanks for the update!!
    When you hear hoof-beats, it's best to think horses not zebras.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Jwolf View Post
    Howdy everyone.

    So yes, I have been delaying information about the con rules. This 100% has to do with the rapidly changing 40K landscape and nothing to do with being disorganized. And the first year we didn't even know we were having a convention until 3 months out and that came off fantastically, so even if nothing had been done, we would be very able to pull this off without breaking a sweat. And we've been working on the 40K GT plans since Saturday of last year.

    So, here's the scoop on 40K Grand Tournaments:

    When we started doing 40K tournaments 6 years ago, no one in the US was doing anything terribly competitive with a very competitive ruleset. Tournaments were often 3 to 5 games, and not much was done to look for Swiss or even solid evaluative methods for the whole field. Now there are many fine competitive events available, with up to 8 games played to find the winner, so competitive is pretty well represented. That said, the ruleset has made a drastic shift in the other direction - codex power is not done justice with the term creep, 6th edition and airpower mean that games are much more complex and the possibility of walking up to a table with an near-automatic win or loss is very present. TOs are playing editor with portions of rules, expansions, and dataslates being modified for play balance or what have you. I have never been a fan of partial rules sources or rewriting rules that were not obviously unclear for my own nefarious purposes (though I know others have read this otherwise).

    So, how do we respond to the madness of 6th edition, dataslates, escalation, breakthrough, and gross imbalance between books?

    Like this:

    The 40K Limited Grand Tournament: 1500 points, all lists MUST BE submitted and approved. Codexs ONLY - no Escalation, Breakthrough, or online-only content (current exceptions include codices only released online). On what criteria are approvals given? If I would walk up to the table and play against your army without thinking "lame netlist, I'd rather play against something else," which roughly equates to a list most people would scream and curse about. Some examples - Screamerstar, Seer Council Shennanigans, a fistful of Wave Serpents, some Flying Circuses, and very little else. Really it's hard to give an all-inclusive list, but the goal here is to have a tournament that allows casual players to play the game, not scoop up models.

    The 40K Unlimited Grand Tournament: 2000 points, no list submission, all add-ons allowed except Forgeworld. Yes, you can shoot people with D weapons from your crazy fortress of doom. Yes, this is double force organization. Expect to walk up to the table having essentially won or lost the game before it starts.

    Both of these tournaments run 4 games Saturday, 2 games Sunday, identical timing. Both have sign-up limits and similar prize support.

    So there's the story. I apologize for the appearance of ignoring you all - I've been busy, and the landscape has changed so dramatically and rapidly that I am very glad that we held off on announcing anything specific for so long. Last year we announced very far in advance and the game shifted significantly between the time we announced and the tournament, leading to some rather ugly incidents with Forgeworld rules and new codices.

    See you at Bolscon / Wargamescon / Texasgamescon / Yournameherecon in 3 months!
    All of that sounds excellent! Thank you so much for the update, as I said above we really do enjoy our time in Austin every year we were just getting anxious for news as June grows ever closer and this tournament represents an 8 hours plus drive as well as begging for time away from wives/kids for most of us.

    Any update on other events (Apocalypse, X-wing, etc.)?

    With that said Click image for larger version. 

Name:	shut-up-and-take-my-money.jpg 
Views:	111 
Size:	33.9 KB 
ID:	7907

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lake Charles, LA


    I love Bolscon/Wargamescon and have attended every one since the first. I'm disappointed that's it's going to be back at the old location. The Renaissance was really big, and was in a great location (going to the Spa next door was the highlight of the trip for my wife). I'm not sure how they'll fit all these events into that small DoubleTree venue. I've pretty much given up on 40k tournaments, since the game has become ridiculously unbalanced since the last Wargamescon, this year i'll be doing Warhammer Fantasy. Will the info for the WFB tournament be posted soon?
    Last edited by UglyKat; 03-17-2014 at 11:10 AM. Reason: misspelling

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