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  1. #1

    Default What is a typical SM Command Squad payload?

    As the title says.

    I am putting together a DA Greenwing army (mainly for show) and I am in need of a command squad. I know that there's generally a champion, standard bearer and apothicary but is that part of you typical CS?

    Suggestions? Fluff-wise I am not sure what is mentioned for CSs?

  2. #2
    Occuli Imperator
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    Jul 2009


    Typically it will depend on what the command squad is doing.

    As you say you have the barebones. Normally there is

    Sargeant - CC Weapon + Pistol is traditional, being CA, I would take a power sword + plasma pistol
    Standard Bearer - (In games term I would probably take a Standard of Devastation, but this is a more fluffy discussion).
    Champion - Power Sword + Combat sheild
    Apothecary - CC Weapon
    Normal dude - Though you can take special weapons so Plasma/Melta/Flamer (I would probably go for Plasma for the whole DA Plasma theme).

    I would also consider giving them a ride, like a Las/Plas Razorback or some such.
    Fan of Fuggles | Derailment of the Wolfpack of Horsemen | In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

  3. #3


    Ok cool, more or less what I was going to go for.
    Converted Azrael as my champion, standard bearer, sarg with pawer maul & plasma pistol/combi plasma, and the rest storm shields and either power weapons or special weapons in a pod?

  4. #4
    Occuli Imperator
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    Jul 2009


    I don't have my CA to hand, but why not it's your hobby

    Don't forget you can tag along a HQ to your command squad if you like
    Fan of Fuggles | Derailment of the Wolfpack of Horsemen | In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

  5. #5


    If you mean fluff-wise, GW has gone back and forth a couple on times on implying whether a command squad is supernumerary to the squads of the company or actually drawn from them, although in my opinion the [current] weight of evidence suggests that they are supernumerary. That means a company consists of 105 battle brothers on paper (10 squads of 10, a captain, and four members of the command squad), plus an apothecary and a chaplain that are, while not technically part of the company, more or less permanently assigned to it. The apothecary is then included in the command squad in the sense that it makes sense to include your medical officer in your circle of advisors. I don't get the impression that fluff-wise he only ever deploys with the command squad, though. He's the company combat medic, and probably gets deployed however seems most prudent at the time. If the company is sending three squads on a mission (but not the command squad) and the rest of it is sitting that mission out, the apothecary very well might deploy with those three squads because they're the ones that are going to be in danger.

    The company standard bearer and company champion do seem to be standard-issue positions within the command squad. They're partly honorific positions, after all, so it makes sense to keep those positions open as a way to honor outstanding service and/or something for ambitious marines to strive for. I don't get the impression that they always operate in that capacity, though. The company ancient doesn't necessarily lug the standard into battle every time he deploys, for instance, any more than the company champion always eschews a boltgun. But for parade or iconic purposes, I think it's totally appropriate to include the standard bearer, apothecary, and champion.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Yarm, Teesside


    Sargeant - CC Weapon + Pistol is traditional, being CA, I would take a power sword + plasma pistol
    Standard Bearer - (In games term I would probably take a Standard of Devastation, but this is a more fluffy discussion).
    Champion - Power Sword + Combat sheild
    Apothecary - CC Weapon
    Normal dude - Though you can take special weapons so Plasma/Melta/Flamer (I would probably go for Plasma for the whole DA Plasma theme).

    I would also consider giving them a ride, like a Las/Plas Razorback or some such.[/QUOTE]

    This is pretty much exactly what I play but to be honest i never feel like im getting the best out of them. Any tips on successful tactics?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011


    So I've been playing both DA and vanilla marines for a few years, and generally, to win, you need boots on the table. I almost never take a standard, because it rarely does its points worth. Never take an upgrade without a good reason.

    As command squads are veterans (with two attacks each on the profile), I generally tool them up for combat. That's the apothecary and bolt pistols and close combat weapons for everyone to start with. Next I make sure there's a champion, because the power weapon/combat shield is normally at a discount, and I cant resist a bargain.

    I think the most important thing though is working out what you want them to do. Normally they will accompany a character, so making them complimentary to them is normally a good move. Generally if im taking the champion I will give the apothecary a weapon too. Normally power swords and I throw the unit at an ap3 target. Lightning claws are still affordable to Dark angel command squads so dont be afraid to take one guy with a pair of them!

    Having said that I have taken vanilla marine command squads all with special weapons- they can get close to shoot and still hold there own in combat if caught off guard.

    Ultimately I have a varied collection of veterans armed in different ways and I take equipment based on my opponent, or what I'm taking and what 'holes' I have in my army. With the latest ork incursion, Im likely to get the power maces back out. With the new shooting rules, multiple flamers have never been so good. Uniquely you can take models armed with a flamer and lightning claw, and it still be relatively cheap in points.

    The veteran squad has less options than a command squad. Thats a big advantage, the 'typical' load out is rarely worth its points.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Sacramento area


    Competitively, four special weapons, normally on bikes, with maybe a storm shield or two and an apothecary, though only the special weapons are necessary. Beyond that you won't see any upgrades unless there happened to be a few spare points left over.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011


    With the new jink rules storm shields and ranged weapons sent so good on bikes, unless you take both and then it's working out to over 45 points of upgrades per model... not including the original cost.

    Also, dark angels Greenwich can't take bikes. The ravenwing command squad are brilliant with their plasma talons, but not so good with new jink rules.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


    a rw blacknight command squad not good with the jink rules? Are you mad? Skilled rider and jink is awesome. 3+ cover save when jinking, 2+ if you turbo boost is great, until ignore cover comes into play, but that's another story for another thread. Jink until you get into assault range then open up with plasma talons and/or assault. These guys are gold, but cost as much in points and will be threat #1 when you field them.

    Personally for the DA, i would take at least an apothecary, maybe a standard bearer. I'd shy away from the Company champion as I don't think the blade of Caliban is worth it, having the unwieldly USR. Now if you can give the company champ something else on top of that and paying points for it, then maybe it's worth it.

    I've been toying with the idea of a CCS with apothecary and 5 plasma guns/power swords because it would look and be fluffy.
    Last edited by Dalleron; 07-12-2014 at 09:59 AM.

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