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  1. #51


    ^what he said!
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  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Severn MD


    Mat Ward's butchering of the fluff

    People who expect to play tournament rules (deployments, terrain, or whatever) in a PUG or a friendly game.

    No consideration to fluff in list builds (as a WoC player with mostly Khorne units I would never run any Slaanesh units and I know that some of the Slaanesh spells complement MoK units but the fluff bunny in me will not run it)

    Lame count as units or unit fillers. Especially if there is no clear way to tell what the count as or conversion even is suppose to represent. For example I have from a few years ago, someone tried to play a nid army "modeled" after some cartoon show. One "model" literally looked like a ball of play doh. I did not know that these were the "models." Luckily a staff member at the shop said no to these "models" after he pulled that ball out and saved me the trouble of pulling my army out.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Quote Originally Posted by Baneblade View Post
    People who expect to play tournament rules (deployments, terrain, or whatever) in a PUG or a friendly game. No consideration to fluff in list builds (as a WoC player with mostly Khorne units I would never run any Slaanesh units and I know that some of the Slaanesh spells complement MoK units but the fluff bunny in me will not run it)
    You realize that not everyone plays for the same reasons for you? And you do realize that this doesn't make them bad people, either?
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    pittsburgh pa


    @BANEBLADE The problem with that is lack of communication between players. when i go to play a pick up game I generally will ask my opponent what he wants from the game if i do not know him. I will say if you go for friendly game then pull out a 4 tide list I will make sure everyone knows your a Dbag in a heartbeat. At that point I would stop the game pull out my tourne list and we can give it ago unless your ego is to bruised.

    As for fluff lists if you want a fluff game then that's on you not your opponent. Each of us plays for a variety of reason's maybe I'm testing a list for an upcomming tournament. If that were to be the case I would not bring a fluff list just to apease someone. I would look to game with a player who's willing or is even testing his own list. I as a player have the right to use that list You can complain that I'm using it but all you really can do is not play it...
    unfiltered since 85. Don't like me tell some one who cares

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Right. There's a distinct difference between just playing to compete, and finding a noob to spring a cheesy list on and then curb stomp them. The latter is pretty douchey (unless you're specifically teaching them to play competitively by tossing them in the deep end), the former perfectly normal.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  6. #56


    I dunno. I think I see his point here, as it's something I've encountered on several occasions.

    Challenged to a game in store. Whip out my usual 3,000 point Dark Elf list. Suddenly 'oh no. You can't use that. It doesn't match tournament composition. You'll have to re-write'.

    No mention of this before, no seeking my agreement. It's not a biggy, as I have plenty of units to choose from. But I do object to being forced to play to arbitrary rules because my opponent is unable to separate their hobby from the wider hobby.

    Same applies to various house rules. If it's not your house, just use the usual rules. Classic one? Warhammer 7th Edition. Large Targets could trace LoS over intervening terrain, and if they also have the Fly USR, can move over it. Combining the two? I can declare a perfectly legal charge over intervening terrain. Local tournament insists on having all trees 'infinitely high', so nobody can see over them. Which is fair enough if this is known by both sides prior to the beginning of the first turn. My cunning (and shockingly reliable) plan for my Savage Orcs of a first turn charge for my Warboss on Wyvern suddenly bollocksed, as my opponent insisted on this rule post deployment. I could no longer charge over the intervening terrain, leaving my Warboss and Wyvern open to several High Elf Boltthrowers....which did not end well for him, and because of a non-rulebook rule, cost me the game from the offset.

    So if you wish to use non-rulebook rules, best to agree and explain them from the outset yeah?
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  7. #57
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Memphis, TN


    Is 3000 points common for a 2 player fantasy game? It might be that the army size was just more than they could field and didn't want to admit it.

    As for the house rules point, I agree completely. If you are not going to use the standard rules, that needs to be mentioned before deployment. Otherwise, you are SOL

  8. #58


    1) People who don’t help new players and/or take great pleasure in annihilating new players when the guy/girl is clearly still learning. When I play people who are new to the game but are out of the “learning the absolute basics” phase, I explain what im doing, why im doing it and often point out the things I could do next turn so they have some chance of reacting/countering it. Also im more inclined to allow some leeway in their movement and measuring to keep the game flowing and encourage them. I remember what it was like starting out. We should encourage new players, not humiliate them. There’s a guy at our club who takes great joy in beating up on new players. But once you start getting better or beat him, he’s very reluctant to play you.

    2) People who make no attempt to paint their armies to a decent standard. I have no problems playing armies that are clearly in the process of being painted. What with work and other interests it takes me a while to paint up new models but as long as you can see it’s WIP, its cool. But even if you have never painted a miniature before, you can watch a few videos, get free advice on the internet and achieve a tabletop standard without too much trouble. So because of that, people who don’t/wont paint their armies irk me.

    3) People who have been playing for more than a year who don’t have their own dice, counters, measuring tapes, templates etc. Once you have decided you are going to play tabletop war games at least get the basics

    4) The game snobbery that often exists between some of the different games where people “look down” on games they don’t play and/or don’t like. Wamahordes not for you? Fine, but just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that it’s not a good game. It just means you don’t like it. Think 40K is broken and flawed? Fine, but let those who like the game get on with it. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that it’s not a good game. It just means you don’t like it. General Banter is fine tho

    5) Leading on from (4), people who don’t take a polite interest in other gaming systems. You never know you might discover a new game or model set that appeals to you. So you should look into all the other systems if you can. Merc’s, Bushido, Guildball, Battlefleet Gothic.

    6) The one exception to (4) is Magic players trying to play Magic on the end of a table that’s booked out and set up for Warmachine/WHF/WH40K.

    7) People who don’t adhere to the “dice flat on the green” rule. Or those who do, but only for your dice rolls.

    8) People who place their tea/coffee/coke/sandwich ON the playing area or mat.

  9. #59


    People that bend the wording of an FAQ to get saves they aren't entitled to, weak use of obscure rules that when you look into them aren't right just so a bunch of Genestealers can't remove their precious scoring unit in a building... Stuff like that, and usually from rules Lawyers who really play on you not really having the time to look it up and call them on it.
    Astra Miliwotsit? You're in the Guard now son....

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Detroit, Michigan


    Quote Originally Posted by BeardMonk View Post
    2) People who make no attempt to paint their armies to a decent standard. I have no problems playing armies that are clearly in the process of being painted. What with work and other interests it takes me a while to paint up new models but as long as you can see it’s WIP, its cool. But even if you have never painted a miniature before, you can watch a few videos, get free advice on the internet and achieve a tabletop standard without too much trouble. So because of that, people who don’t/wont paint their armies irk me.

    It's one thing to have some units/models unpainted or in progress, but an entire Grey Army, for years, just doesn't cut it. It makes you look like a Bandwagoner if it's a Netlist and makes the game a lot less fun. At least block color your army to be Red, Blue or whatever the base color intends to be.

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