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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    I have the probably insane idea to make up one as a Freeblade. But I plan to lean more towards a ronin motif. This assumes I get the cash together to buy one in the first place and don't get distracted by another shiny object first.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    winter, wisconsin


    I'm doing six. Three freeblades (for allying purpose) and 3 of hawkshroud (really like the fluff). Got one freeblade (the Black Rook) 80% done. Got second still on spruces.

  3. #33


    This thread is awesome! I picked a Knight up the other day and now need to decide on the House/Scheme etc. and assemble it.

    I think I'm going to go for the, IMHO, more Titan looking head on the bottom right on the back of the box. Good Times!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    London, England


    has anyone checked out FW new Bulletin [URL=""]Bulletin[/URL]

    they are showing another Knight varient

    Attachment 8089
    "I was there the day Horus slew the Emperor".....
    my blog

  5. #35


    Okies, I'm un-knowing on this subject (much more gentle phrasing than 'ignorant', no?) so pardon me if I'm asking basic questions.

    Anyone who knows me (or my handle here) knows I play Tau pretty much exclusively. Recently, (last year or so) I started investing in IG (now AM, I guess) and making them into gue'vasa. I really like the overall looks of the Knights - I can do w/o the smokestacks, but that's just me - and I'm wondering what the ally chart has to say about a freeblade hanging out with my Commander LongShot and his Force Echo?

    Second question I have is one of fluff. Are all current knights ancient artifacts from long ago, or are new ones being made somewhere? and if they are still being made, who's doing the making?

  6. #36


    A1) Knights and Tau are Desperate Allies; so you can have one, but keep it away from your main line (which it probably will be anyway).

    A2) The Knights are definitely still in current production, and they're built at several major Forge Worlds, as well as some production/major repairs being done on the Knight Worlds themselves. The decal sheet that comes with the Knight kit has two manufacturer's stamps to put on the Knight, one which says "Mars M.40" and the other which says "Metallica M.39".
    Thank you for voxing the Church of Khorne, would you like to donate a skull to the Skull Throne today?

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    As Desperate Allies with Tau the Knight will do nothing on a 1 on 6 chance each turn. Not awful but not something you probably want to spend nearly 400 points on.

  8. #38


    Gah. Guess I'm not buying any.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    You could use a Knight as an ally to your evil traitor Gue'vasa. Apparently they're perfectly fine helping those guys out as long as there are no Tau units around.

  10. #40


    Your pardon, gracious worthy, but our Gue'vasa are anything but evil - they are loyal, courageous, and remain faithful to the God-Emperor in spirit and in deed. They stand between us all - the Empire of Mankind and the Concordiat of the Tau both - and the darkness, and we hope they will provide an example that all might follow in the Future. The Greater Good is not exclusionary, you know. Your Commissar Cain is an excellent example...

    Rules-wise, I'm kinda in limbo here, Dave. On the one hand, fluff-wise, Gue'vasa are definitely part of the Tau... but rules-wise, the only options for playing Gue'vasa are either as Allied IG (I guess AM now?), which means allies of convenience - or as stand-as Tau, which lets me claim Battle Brothers status (I can use my markerlights) but denies me all the melee units and Commissars. Since I built my humies with Tau pulse carbines, I pay for them as Fire Warriors. I have some Tau-refurbed Sentinels that I play as counts-as Crisis Suits in the same way. I don't have many vehicles yet.

    Theme-wise, I don't see why an orphaned Freeblade or an impoverished House on the Mechanicus poopie-list might turn to the Tau for maintenance and parts, esp if they knew about Riptides...

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