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  1. #1

    Default Taurox Fire Points

    Fire Points: two fire points on each side of the hull....

    When I first read this I read Taurox has two fire points, but clearly it has two on each side...

    But does this mean it has 4 or 8 fire points? Imagining the Taurox is surrounded by a blob of orbs or Templars or something.....

    Crux of the question is does it mean on both sides or on all facings? Therefore front and rear also?

  2. #2


    it has 2 per side, thus 4 models can fire out totally.
    If your unit inside doesn't have split fire then the target units has to visible to both firepoints.
    The simplest way to show this is take 30 termagaunts and form a line, then have the Taurox pointed at the center of the line. since each of the firepoints have LOS to a termagaunt in the unit then 4 models can fire. If the Taurox was parallel to the line of termagaunts, then only one door (2 firepoints) would have LOS and thus 2 models can fire.

  3. #3


    So each side mean's Side (as in side armour) and not on each side meaning front and rear also....I know how they work, the front does have side windows that could be considered Fr fire points, but does the rear also?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southampton, England


    When it says side it means side. Otherwise it would say 'each facing' or list front, back and each side.

  5. #5


    Ok I can see that, though "both" sides rather than each side would be specific, still 4 fire points isn't bad.....better than the chimera, though in reality the same...

    How does this work for over watch? Can you shoot 4 hotshots or only with LOS? Because you shoot OW prior to the move into base contact, yet it's quite normal to end up with the vehicle assaulted on multiple facings?
    Last edited by Blood Shadow; 04-13-2014 at 01:14 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southampton, England


    The rules say that a unit embarked in a vehicle can Overwatch out of fire points when the vehicle is charged, so you can fire a weapon for each fire point that has LoS to the charging unit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Arizona, USA


    yeah the wording on that one was wonky but the model itself has the two openings to the right and left side none on the rear and the two in front have drivers sitting right behind them, based on that Id take the rule as referring to the actual left and right sides rather than each facing

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Anggul View Post
    The rules say that a unit embarked in a vehicle can Overwatch out of fire points when the vehicle is charged, so you can fire a weapon for each fire point that has LoS to the charging unit.
    Do the rules specify LoS is needed?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Blood Shadow View Post
    Do the rules specify LoS is needed?
    They don't, no, but the Overwatch rules do. As page 21 says:

    An Overwatch attack is resolved like a normal shooting attack (albeit one resolved in the enemy's Assault phase) and uses all the normal rules for range, line of sight, cover saves and so on. (emphasis added)

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Anggul View Post
    When it says side it means side. Otherwise it would say 'each facing' or list front, back and each side.
    And if this still isn't clear enough move on to exit points "One on each side and one at the rear".
    Astra Miliwotsit? You're in the Guard now son....

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