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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Badtucker View Post
    also i have my own codex now... id be happy to answer questions... but not with pics :P
    I've got one: can you make an armoured fist company with the new codex?


  2. #12


    By Armoured Fist do you mean everyone in Chimeras? Yes....but Chimeras are much worse now

    If you mean Tank Company, you can field a Tank HQ that can give tank orders but no troops, so in total 5 squadrons of Leman Russ....which puts you close to a double force org in points... So theoretically up to 10 but you'd not manage it points wise.

    This Codex got hit with a serious nerf bat, all the good stuff got considerably worse or removed....some interesting orders but no new stuff of note....

    GW must not want people to play guard...

    Only good thing is the tank HQ and some points reductions on the LR variants, the basic LR is no longer the cheapest....

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Campbelltown NSW (Aussie)


    I spent heaps of money on forge world Colossus and Griffon models. I tend to play traitor guard using the standard IG codex. I hope we can still use the old IG codex or the IA codex equivalents. I want to use my Griffon and Collussi. They were some of the only things I could use to deter my Tau/ Necron opponent from using the old gun line in cover trick all the time.

    He hated the accurate artillery followed by str 6, ap 3 ignores cover templates. It forced him to diverge from boring tactics, and advance or outflank and make the games interesting. Of course I would vary my list from battle to battle. Sometimes CSM with Daemon allies, sometimes Traitor Guard with Ork kult of speet allies, etc.

    I agree the IG, now renamed Astra Nerfitarum, have been hit very heavy with the NERF stick. Chimeras were expensive to begin with. and vehicles being easier to kill off since 6th edition, they should have had a points drop. Fliers are one of the saving graces that made vehicles worth taking in an IG army. With the points increase, they Valkyries are on cheaper if you take all the upgrade options. decide to not take any, and they are way over priced compared to the old costs.

    Artillery ruled for IG. That was their trade mark signature unit since the earlier 40K codexes for them. Remove the best artillery, because it easily removes enemy (especially space marines or CSM) hiding in cover, and you destroy the way IG worked as a combined. Air support with artillery and heavy artillery to remove dug in enemy, backed up by armoured colums of tanks and APC mounted infantry, followed by the poor foot slogging PBIs.

    I do not think much of the over all nerfing of special characters, equipment basics for models like master of ordnance, astropaths, officer of the fleet, etc who should have a short ranged side arm, as well as a close combat weapon.

    I have not had a thorough look at the new codex or compared the old with the new codex and the IA codex yet, but it looks like I may have to field only IA codex armies from now on.

    What a waste of $83.00 Australian. I did not buy a Taurox, nor do I intend to buy one of the Dorky APCs. Not unless I can convert it to a half track with 2 wheels on each side of the front axle assembly. Even then I would dedicate it to Slaanesh with icons and desecrated imperial symbols.

    Hahahaha. Another Army I do want to field. My SOB, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Custodes, and female Space Marines are all either sitting in their carry cases, or still awaiting assembly and painting as I have lost the desire to field them in games.

    At least my old time favourite CSMs is still a viable force. With the help of my new kult of speed force - 31 bikes and a dakka jet, I should be able to filed a decent army.
    The world is Chaotic, so why not join the party. Slaanesh welcomes you with open arms. Certa Cito

  4. #14


    I'm expecting GW to release Data slates/ formations for the missing units to be honest, but that's likely to mean Eldar and Tau having access to Bombards and Griffins.....great news.....

    It's actually the same codex reprinted with new orders and higher costs....Primaris Psykers could be interesting with 0-3 available....other than that it's just going to mean carrying less models around :/

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    London, Ontario, Canada


    Here's my reaction.

    Orders are really powerful. Too powerful actually. The ignore cover one just breaks the game I think. A HWT with 3 heavy bolters with that order will devastate so much like Pathfinders both Tau and Eldar, Genestealers, Venomthropes, etc. Great for guard, sucks for everyone else.

    I like the new advisors. Cheaper and more useful. I don't understand where the bodyguards went and why. Camo gear and carapace are so much cheaper now though.

    Creed got nerfed into pointlessness. You get one extra order and free voxes from him. Not really worth it since you can buy a Command Squad with Carapace and Camo gear for his upgrade cost! The loss of his ability to outflank a unit was a huge loss to me!

    Not sure about Nork. He got cheaper and has a hilarious headbutt that might be too awesome not to take. Plus he's the only body guard we can now get.

    Summary Execution is hilariously awesome! The risk of your opponent picking the model is worth it not having to off your Sarge.

    Commissars are cheap and you can attach them to conscripts! Beware the horde! Plus, powerfists on non lords!

    0-3 Primaris Psykers that don't use up a FOC slot? Yes please!

    Infantry platoons haven't changed much. At all. Conscripts are now cheaper then termigaunts which makes them viable now!

    Cheaper vets! Yay! Cheap camo gear! I think a lot of people will be using these guys!

    Harker got nerfed hard. WTF? Seriously? There's no point in taking him, at all. None... For 5 points more you can take a HWT with 3 heavy bolters!

    The Chimera makes more sense now, though the points increase though is really out of place.

    Taurox seems to easily wrecked to last any more then 1 turn. This has first blood written all over it.

    Taurox Prime looks interesting though. Really expensive for its defensive capabilities but the Fast Transport shouldn't be overlooked.

    Ogryns didn't change at all. Useless then, useless now.

    Bullgryns. These guys look awesome! I plan on taking 4 of them and place them infront of my command squad in ruins with camo gear to give them a 2+ cover save! 5 points more over regular ogryn is totally worth the points!

    Ratlings, the only unit in the codex that can infiltrate. *facepalm*

    Wyrdvane Psykers. These guys are weird, I don't know what to do with them really. They end up with iron arm and they can become S5 T6 beasts? The diversity of this unit confuses me.

    Tempestus Platoon. Hot shot lasguns didn't get any boost. Since you can only double tap at 9" and wound a MEQ on a 5+ keeps them really lack luster. The lack of an option to infiltrate them does not make them a replacement for storm troopers IMO. 4 points cheaper per model though... and the Prime can give orders, might need some play testing!

    Rough Riders went up a point but also got 2 CCWs so they get more attacks after their boom sticks break. Otherwise didn't really change.

    As for the tanks, I don't use any armour in my army so I can't comment.

    Over all, the amount of hacks and nerfs are uncalled for. With this and the Nid codex I think there's a few people at GW that need to be fired. This is stupid.

    I do look forward to my all infantry army with Order and Pysker spam though. Will be interesting to say the least.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Outer Space


    sad to see the artillery go, was planning on trying to do another battery besides my basilisks. As much as some of these changes may be a little wack, and others not sooo bad, overall I cant say I didnt expect it comming, rarely has GW developed a good army/ruleset and then let it exist for enough editions to be enjoyed, but this isnt as bad as many other codex changeovers by the least

  7. #17


    I think it's looking great, a few observations:

    Tank commanders rolling d3 on warlord table is cool. Got a good chance of getting preferred enemy or d3 outflankers.

    The order that allows russes to move 6 plus d6 is cool. 12inch move in shooting phase could be useful.

    I don't get precision shot on the commissar st5 pistol heirloom?

    Rough riders have a vehicle stat profile on iBook version:/

    Ratlings being able to shoot then run sounds fun.

    Do bullgryns with big shields confer cover to there own unit models?

    Priests in bullgryns units! Yeah!

    Cammo netting always giving cover is win.

    Gets hot on executioner

    No penal legion

    Astropaths are psykers

    Access to divination

    Power of machine spirit from tech priests within 12inches don't know what this will be good for yet though

    Las gun arrays on chimeras is quite cool, means you can have 8 guns shooting from one chimera.

    Auto passing fear, morale and pinning with execution is really good(albeit with the chance of your opponent choosing who dies)

    Probably more, but anyone else anything to note?
    Last edited by Rodross; 04-13-2014 at 01:10 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    21 miles South West of the Maze Undue


    On the big full bleed double spread photo on page 86/7 there is a head I don't recognise.

    Just behind the Bullgryns on page 86 there is a Sgt with a similar gas mask to the Bullgryns masks.

    A future upgrade kit maybe? It does have something of the Steel Legion about it.
    Last edited by completeHook; 04-12-2014 at 01:48 PM.

  9. #19


    Vendetta squadron increasing by 180pts......I know it needed fixing, but to nerf the transport capacity too...

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by completeHook View Post
    On the big full bleed double spread photo on page 86/7 there is a head I don't recognise.

    Just behind the Bullgryns on page 86 there is a Sgt with a similar gas mask to the Bullgryns masks.

    A future upgrade kit maybe? It does have something of the Steel Legion about it.
    This guy? Can't say I recognise him either.
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