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  1. #1

    Default Wyrdvane psykers and psychic shooting attacks

    Just got my new astra militarum book in front of me and while there are so many things to wonder, this is the first i decided to turn to the trusted community:

    Wyrdvane Psykers have Brotherhood of Psykers (mastery 1) USR. They can take psychic skills from Biomancy, and alas get Smite.

    Now the question: If succesfully cast, does all of the psykers get to shoot or only one? (Only one precedent comes from the last codex, where this squads predecessor "psyker battle squad" had a statement that any one of them can work as a focusing point of the attack - thus making only one shot).


    BRB pg. 34 it states under Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers: A unit with this special rule counts as a Level 1 psyker, the unit follows all the normal rules for Psykers. Clarifications are made of using LD values and scenarios where unit suffers perils or similar effects and how these are allocated.

    Nowhere have i found so far where it states that brotherhood of psykers couldn't all fire the manifested power. It counts as a single psyker and a single psyker can manifest one witchfire power.

    Whats your take on this?


    Mr. "40 str 4 ap2 shots" :P

    Edit: Another precedent comes from Grey Knights, where single cast of hammerhand affects the whole group..
    Last edited by Wildcard; 04-12-2014 at 07:10 AM. Reason: fixed wrong word "predicament -> precedent

  2. #2


    If its a brotherhood, just one model can manifest the power. Believe me, you don't want it to be every model in the squad... pink horrors would become the greatest unit in the game overnight if they all could manifest flickering flames... 40d6 str 5 shots would get a little out of hand :P

  3. #3


    @ Moros: If that would be the case, one could only state that they are called "horrors" for a reason

    ..But back to the matter, can you point our where in brb (under brotherhood-, psyker- or psychic power rules) does it state that only one model in brotherhood manifests any given power?

    ..Otherwise explicitly state that it is so (without going into powerlevel speculations)

    Oh, and its not what i want them to be or be able to do. I am after crystal clear (or as good as we can expect from GW ), solution to this.

  4. #4


    If it's brother hood of psykers, then you only cast a single psychic power for the group.....Hammer hand specifically gives the models in the Unit +1 Str, Smite doesn't it's a single shooting attack with the given profile.

    Smite wouldn't be the worst abuse of brotherhood of psykers tbh....the 3D6 Ld test one would I think

    Though with 3 Primaris and Wyrdvane's that's still nasty....add in a priest and you have some nasty Biomancy combo's no idea of cost and viability.....but might be cool for a Thousand sons list
    Last edited by Blood Shadow; 04-12-2014 at 08:36 AM.

  5. #5


    Speaking of biomancy: What if wyrdvanes cast Biomancy: Iron Arm, that states it buffs the psyker. Does only one random model get the benefits or all of them?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Honolulu, HI


    "A unit with this special rule counts as a Level 1 psyker"

    So, all the models together count as *a* psyker. Kind of a hive mind deal. So, one fire action. And Iron Arm should work on all of them.
    Anuvver triumph uv orky know-wotz!

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by SquigBrain View Post
    "A unit with this special rule counts as a Level 1 psyker"

    So, all the models together count as *a* psyker.

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