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  1. #1

    Default 1850 AntiTau/Farsight List. Assistance Requested.

    Becoming tired of the Tau/Farsight lolololol cheese spam I looked to build a list that would piss them off and win me games. This is a 6th Ed List.

    HQ: Chief Librarian Tigurius
    Psychic Powers wanted: Bimancy - Enfeeble. Biomancy - Endurance. Divination - Forewarning. Divination - Prescience. Divination - Perfect Timing.

    HQ: Inquisitor Coteaz (Inq)
    Psychic Powers wanted: Divination - Forewarning. Divination - Prescience. Divination - Perfect Timing.

    (I can do with out Enfeeble, and will be rolling on Coteaz first.)

    Troop: 10 man Tactical Squad w/ Rhino + Dozerblade

    (This unit will be kept in reserve and will attempt to keep it there as long as possible, also will be combat squading)

    Troop: 5 man Tactical Squad w/ Razorback + TLLC

    (This unit will also start in reserve and will attempt to keep it there as long as possible.)

    Heavy: 6 man Centurion Dev Squad w/ Grav Cannons and Hurricane bolters. Sarge w/ Missiles and Omniscope.

    (Both Tigurius and Coteaz will be joining this squad)

    Imperial Knight Paladin

    Imperial Knight Paladin

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Detroit, Michigan


    Looks good. As I'm sure you have figured out, Cotaez with a shooty squad creates a nice little 12" bubble of deep strike protection that can ruin Farsight's day. Grav Cannons are rather short range though, so this squad must be camping out somewhere? Keep in mind they usually won't be scoring...

    Have you considered Fortifications either? Void Shields stop Tau Markerlights as they hit the Void Shield instead of their intended target. Great way to ruin a Tau player's day.

  3. #3


    I was thinking about the short range I considering dropping a single centurion for a librarian on a bike (For majority 5 toughness) psyker lvl 2 and rolling on telekinesis. Wanting Gate of Infinity.

    I do not have a Void Shield. Damn limited run.

    The plan was to march it up the field at a safe distance from my Imp Knights, in-case of an explosion. If the dice gods hate me and for some reason I do not get the Invul and FNP IWND special rules they will be camping. I am not too worried about scoring, as my Imperial Knights will make short work of any Kroot spam, Fire Warrior blobs, or Crisis suit striking.

    If by some chance I do get Scriers Gaze more to my benefit. I can Roll 3d6 for Reserves and reroll them, thanks to Tigurius keeping my reserves out of the game just a little longer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    One of the best anti-Farsight Enclaves lists I've ever encountered was all drop pods. He was in my face on turn one and I never had time to use my longer range to advantage. Space Wolves do it best, but vanilla Marines and Blood Angels are not far behind. In fact it was a vanilla Marines list of drop pods that slaughtered the majority of my Enclaves list not long ago. I'll give you an easy list:

    Black Templars Chapter Space Marines

    Emperor's Champion

    Chaplain w/ Terminator Armour


    Crusader Squad #1
    plasma gun, combi-flamer, power axe x2, heavy bolter
    +Drop Pod w/ stormbolter

    Crusader Squad #2
    plasma gun, combi-flamer, power axe x2, heavy bolter
    +Drop Pod w/ stormbolter

    Crusader Squad #3
    plasma gun, combi-flamer, power axe x2, heavy bolter
    +Drop Pod w/ stormbolter

    Crusader Squad #4
    plasma gun, combi-flamer, power axe x2, heavy bolter
    +Drop Pod w/ stormbolter

    Crusader Squad #5
    plasma gun, combi-flamer, power axe x2, heavy bolter
    +Drop Pod w/ stormbolter


    5 extra, 5 x combi-plasma, 5 x combi-melta
    + Drop Pod w/ stormbolter

    Terminator Squad
    Assault Cannon
    + Drop Pod w/ Storm Bolter

    Vanguard Veterans
    5 x power weapons, 5 x stormshields
    + Drop Pod w/ Stormbolter

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Detroit, Michigan


    If you simply wanted the best list to shut down Farsight, I think it would be spamming Lascannon Saber Defense Platforms in a cluster around Cotaez with Plasma Servitors within several layers of Void Shields. That effectively stops marker lights and deep strike. Use orders to Ignore Cover on the Lascannons and you could wipe a squad of Broadsides a turn.

    But if you are going with Space Marines, Drop Pods are probably good idea. Tau are also weak against alpha strikes from scouting units if you can manage to go first.
    Where is my tinfoil hat!??
    Aka Arcane, veteran GW-Conspiracy Theorist

  6. #6


    Severen Loth - 175pts of Lv3 pick 3 powers from a tree... can expend a warp charge to be a 2++
    Coteaz - 100pts of don't arrive from reserve near me - Divination for re-roll misses and hope for 4+ save or ignores cover.
    Chapter Master - Artificer, Bike, Shield Eternal, Powerfist
    4 Dev Cents with gravs and hurricane bolters and omniscope

    Loth chooses gate, objuration and telekinetic dome for 5++ (which does help and can be funny when you bounce plasma shots back onto bikes)... doesn't matter really as he uses his 3rd charge to buff his armour to a 2++ and provides a rear guard while chapter master takes all the AP2 wounds and the dev cents take the rest from look out sir's... Chapter Master gets split fire from omniscope picks a soft target (so a lot of suits) and hits it with orbital.

    Using this in a tournament I came third, one of the armies was a white scars/ravenwing blend and with the alpha strike i pushed out... 3 bike units and a command bike unit gone in turn 1.

    Because you do not arrive from reserve you cannot be intercepted... to not scatter too you can either take scout bikes with a locator beacon or some other form of locator beacon... but it has to start on the board via infiltrate. I prefer scout bikes because you start 24" away... then scout up to 12" close if you get first turn or use your scout move to hide them if you don't.

    You're welcome.

    I have been up against a farsight bomb with loth in it and I lost 2 ravagers but ended up over the next 2 turns firing a ton of shots into the unit and managed to bring it down to just the iridium suit.... which promptly died the turn after from a dark lance. The trick... Kill the drones with massed fire first... then use your AP2 and 3 weapons to put the wounds onto the suits.

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