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Thread: 7th ed in hand

  1. #191


    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    I wonder how viable it is to make a "fortress" list now? maybe 2 primary detachments to unlock 2 fortification slots? Or just go straight unbound?

    what do you guys think?
    I know for a fact I'm looking at multiple Fortifications via multiple detachments, but then again I'm looking at a series of detachments to allow me all sorts of things, not the least of which will be my fallen GK detachment, small and cheap to provide me with access to a Flyer with Mindstrike Missiles. Welcome to the world of Auto-Perils! I think a castle list is quite possible, although until I reread the various Fortification rules in the new system I'll be somewhat cautious. 6th Edition Fortifications were entirely worthless except for the Aegis and Skyshield.

  2. #192
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    Yeah Im thinking of a "priory" list, keep SoB numbers low and supplement with fortifications.

    Not sure whether to go with the single fortification that is multiple bastions and defence lines, Or go for say the aquila strongpoint and a defence network.
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  3. #193


    Well I'm not sure if it's an everywhere thing but my FLGS go word today they were clear to start selling the book, so I'm home with my copy. Now to wait for the inevitable and massive FAQs.

    Something I'd been curious about that no one has mentioned yet, they clarify that vehicles can take cover saves against Graviton weapons, or anything else that would cause them damage. So that's nice. Of course they say this reference is sort of buried, but it wouldn't be a GW book without that sort of thing. Need to go find out if they make the same clarification for Invulnerable saves...

    I don't know if anyone confirmed it, but the Sanctic Primaris power in the english rulebook is listed as Warp Charge 1, unlike the on the card where it's 3. Given what it does the correct number seems obvious but I'll wait till they actually clarify it before taking a sharpie to either...

    And two more bits on psychic powers; first, unless I missed something, a psyker can use powers in the psychic phase on the same turn they arrive from reserves. So Librarians in drop pods aren't completely pointless anymore. Second, and a bit annoying, the only psychic powers you can cast while embarked in a vehicle anymore are witchfires out of firepoints. So no more buffing yourself/your unit as you roll across the table in case you're forced to disembark, you're just screwed.
    Last edited by Patrick Boyle; 05-23-2014 at 05:34 PM.

  4. #194


    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    Yeah Im thinking of a "priory" list, keep SoB numbers low and supplement with fortifications.

    Not sure whether to go with the single fortification that is multiple bastions and defence lines, Or go for say the aquila strongpoint and a defence network.
    Same here. It really depends on where I go with things. By dropping a Fortification I can ensure LOS blocking terrain if I want to kick back with a tricked out CSM (who is also a Daemon) casting Summoning spells. Pretty much the new rules have made everything open to everyone. I could care less about those "comes the apocalypse" penalties.... so if I want a Chaos Knight... I'll build one. The key is deciding how to handle the broke *** crap. Be'lakor is going to be in my list... pretty much an auto-include given these rules. The issues are those broken Deathstars. A lot is going to be hinging on the Faqs and Errata.

  5. #195
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    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    I was under the impression that the cover save rules mentioned galncing and penetrating hits now, but that grav still only mentioned hull points and the results ergo: grav is still ambiguous
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  6. #196


    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    I was under the impression that the cover save rules mentioned galncing and penetrating hits now, but that grav still only mentioned hull points and the results ergo: grav is still ambiguous
    Page 77, the last bullet point in the first column of the section "Vehicles and Cover - Obscured Targets"

    "If the target is obscured and suffers a glancing hit, a penetrating hit, or is otherwise hit by an enemy shooting attack that inflicts damage upon it (such as being hit by a weapon with the Graviton special rule) it must take a cover save against it, exactly like a non-vehicle model would..." etc.

    They specifically call out graviton as an example. Presumably this would also apply to stuff like any ranged attack that has Haywire, for instance.

    While looking into vehicle damage, rather than keep adding more posts I'll make this edit, Exploded vehicles no longer leave a crater behind, which I guess makes sense as area terrain is gone. So yay, your guys in your transport that just blew up aren't moving through difficult terrain...but they're also not getting a 5+ cover save from followup shooting. The model left behind by a wrecked vehicle is now just difficult terrain.
    Last edited by Patrick Boyle; 05-23-2014 at 05:43 PM.

  7. #197
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    cool that works

    another nuanced question. What is the rules for IC joining a unit during deployment
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  8. #198


    And P. Boyle... THANK YOU for the look ups. Here is the 64 million dollar question. Do you still lose the moment you have no units on the battlefield?

  9. #199


    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    cool that works

    another nuanced question. What is the rules for IC joining a unit during deployment
    If I shouldn't be directly quoting things mods let me know, but for this one "An independant character can begin the game already with a unit, either by being deployed in unit coherency with it or, if the unit is in Reserve, by you informing your opponent which unit it has joined." Does that answer your question?

    Quote Originally Posted by Caitsidhe View Post
    And P. Boyle... THANK YOU for the look ups. Here is the 64 million dollar question. Do you still lose the moment you have no units on the battlefield?
    Sort of, it's not an immediate loss when your last model dies, if you have more in reserves and if you went second. In the Victory Conditions section under the header "Sudden Death Victory", "If at the end of any game turn one player has no models on the battlefield his opponent automatically wins" with units embarked in buildings counting as on the field and units in reserves, including ongoing, not counting. Game turn and player turn are still exactly the same terms as they are in 6th, which is to say if your opponent kills your last model on the table, but you successfully roll reserves to bring something in at the start of yours, you're still good...unless you went first, as the end of your opponent's Player Turn would be the end of a Game Turn. So armies aiming to table are going to want to go second.

  10. #200


    EDIT: Man did I Get this rule wrongo r what? Turns out you need to EQUAL the number of warp charge points that succeeded, not just reduxe them below a certain point. OOPs.

    Glanced at the psychic rules from my new book and it IS very close to the current mechanic used for magic in Fantasy.

    E.G: Player A chooses to use X number of dice to cast with each Y+ counting as a warp charge. If he gets a number equal to the charge then it goes off. If he gets multiple sixes, he perils. Any excess successes are noted but otherwise do not affect the power itself.

    Player B then chooses a number of dice from his own pool to 'deny the witch'. When a power is cast he can counter it by expending X dice and rolling them. For each Y he gets that negates one of the player A's successes. If the number of successes drops below the number required to use the power then it fails. There are bonuses you can receive if the power is targeting a unit with certain USRs, or psykers in it.

    So yes that warp charge 3 power may let you summon an ever increasing horde of warp death but it'll also mean you're very VERY likely to fry yourself in the process. It's also not to difficult to counter it by simply throwing one's own dice into an all or nothing attempt to prevent that power from activating.
    Last edited by George Labour; 05-23-2014 at 08:37 PM.

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