I have two armies that I've been sitting on for a while that I'd like to move. Asterisks are photographed. I'd prefer cash, will consider trade. Looking for above retail in cash, and traded in my favor in trade. I can take better pics (these are fairly old) if you're making a serious offer.

Both armies have unfinished elements, which I'll complete for the right offer, and am open to doing expansion work on the armies. I probably won't break up the armies unless it leaves me with a core (the one that comes to mind is the Baldur theme, if you only want the non-scratch models).

Thanks for looking!

(Trade interests below the rest.)

Circle [url=http://spiralingcadaver.blogspot.com/2012/02/circle-of-jomon.html]Link[/url]
Baldur (from scratch)*
laris (unpainted, to use w/ pkaya & her spear as ekaya)

megalith/woldwarden (from scratch)*

Ravagers (3 painted, others converted but not yet painted)*
Wolves of Orboros (min)*
Shifting Stones (from scratch)*

Lord of teh Feast*

Cryx, with older photos [url=http://s73.photobucket.com/user/spiralingcadaver/library/Cryx-II?page=1]here[/url]

pGoreshade (converted, alt colors)
pAsphyxious (incomplete, partial conversion/paint)
IIRC I still have eAsphyx, unpainted, no ghosts

(the other core light from the core... )
slayer* (currently missing base)
deathjack (converted, same scheme as goreshade)
leviathan (base not finished)
a couple more plastic dog jacks (unpainted)

machine wraith (converted)*
skarlock thrall
satyxis captain (partial painted)

full mechanithralls (converted)*
+ brute thrall
min bile thralls (converted)*
min bane thralls*
+ 4 more and UA unpainted
full satyxis raiders, original (horns converted, 3 partial finished, the rest complete)
+ UA (partially complete)
cephalyx overlords (though I'd prefer to keep them for my mercs now that they're a contract)*

52 small based models
7 medium base
3 large


What I'm most interested in at the moment are vehicles for chaos, guard, and marines, with an emphasis on forge world stuff. If it's not on the list but you think I might be interested, feel free to offer other stuff.

FFG X-Wing
-TIE (not starter pack: looking for the additional cards etc.)
-TIE Advanced
-X-wing (not starter pack: looking for the additional cards etc.)
-Milennium Falcon
-I don't have anything from later waves. I'm not looking to build a fleet, just get a few more options for both sides, so I'm unlikely to take a bunch of stuff from one side only, unless it's a good deal.

Not currently interested in more boxed sets, A-wings, or Interceptors
GW scenery
-quad gun/defense line.
-any number of the giant marines from the ruins sets
-maybe others, generally more interested in the military look over the gothic look
Misc GW, necromunda, Specialist games, etc.
I'm attempting to build several Imperial Guard Veteran squads to look variously like gangers and pirates. I'm primarily looking for models armed with autoguns, lasguns, shotguns, meltaguns, plasma guns, will consider others. I'd also consider minis that are more heavily equipped to represent storm troopers.

Note: I'm fine with individual, mismatched, or incomplete minis.

Necromunda (least preference on heavy weapons (happy with special weapons) and juves, since they don't fit well)
ash wastes
* escher
* orlock
* dalaque
* ash wastes (not interested in steep prices, fine if not great condition
pit fighters
mercenaries(I think that's what they were called)

Chaos Space Marines (Night Lords)
*** codex: CSM
-FW or GW Night Lords bits or minis
-other lighter stuff, not very interested in demonic stuff or walkers
-maybe bikes
-plain old CSM
-bolter arms
-probably not cult troops
maybe vampire counts or other lines of bits that would fit well with NL
I'm very interested in some forgeworld pieces, and will work with you if you've got one you're willing to part with (I have many other pieces I'll be willing to part with, possibly including well painted armies, for the right pieces).

Space Marine FW
+++ Badab war part 2
+++ Horus Heresy books
+++ Caestus Assault Ram
+++ Storm Eagle
+++ Thunder Hawk
*** contemptor dreadnought
** venerable arms
*** variant armor sets: crusade, heresy, Iron, maximus, whole or partial sets.
** alternate FW termies (and upgrade pack)
** heresy era bikes
** Astral Claws stuff, may take partial kits
** red scorpions librarian (honor guard not necessary, but nice)
* maybe other kits

Imperial Guard FW
** possibly any Death Korps of Kreig DKK company HQ; regular infantry; lascannons; autocannons; artillery teams. Lowest priority on rough riders and grenadiers
** imperial guard tanks (probably not the ones that are just aesthetic variants)
maybe elysians

cool inquisitor stuff, or stuff that would fit with them/their retinues
*** arvus
Generic Space Marines. A potential list of interests:
***codex: space marines
**bikes (can be DV)
***attack bikes
Vanguard vets, possibly spare bits from the sprues (including cool looking armor etc.)
new tactical marines
that transport flyer

Blood Angels
gabriel seth (pref. Finecast)
death company (unassembled only)
maybe other BA-specific stuff, only characters if they aren't only BA, i.e. have a fluff reason to be in successor chapters
Imperial Guard
forge world (see above)
*** Tanith First and Only lasgunners and plasma guy, don't need characters
** Vostroyans: officer/officers and sergeants, a veteran squad's worth, or maybe a whole platoon.

1+ valkyrie/vendetta (crew compartments must be unassembled)
maybe others

Other armies
If things work out, I may be willing to take a detachment of something else:
-Farsight Tau: battlesuits, maybe warriors, preferably Farsight too of course. Both codexes preferred
-pirate eldar: prince yriel (sp?) and skimmers, or the FW eldar list.
-maybe others, not orks, nids, necrons,
*** Space Hulk
lightning claws; TH/SS; maybe others. Also, any spare copies of the rules, tokens, boards, etc. from anyone who cannibalized the set for minis. Would also take a full set for the right offer. (Not interested in more genestealers unless the whole set)

Space Marines:
** FW oldschool armor (priority on Heresy armor)
*** land raider redeemer/crusader sprue, complete (from GW's website)

Imperial Guard
** heavy weapons bases (the thick ones)
-I'm looking to do some automated turrets, and am looking for the IG heavy weapon tripods, and the weapons that go on them (lascannon, HB, AC). Basically, if you've made mortar or missile launcher crews, I'm looking for the other bits. I do want the power packs, ammo clips, etc. that are attached to the guns, and want the weapons separate from the tripods (not glued).
** vendetta upgrade kit

Misc. Fantasy bits
any good lion/winged lion pieces that would work for statues or armor (I'm looking at Astral Claws custom bits)

Chaos Space Marines
maybe some DV cultists

Board Games
Recently I've gotten the board game bug. Most interested in strategically interesting games with simple rules. Examples of recent favorites include Space Hulk, Catan, Dominion, Carcassonne.

Potentially interested in trading for KS board games. Also, don't have any good co-op board games.
Kingdom Death
Just about any, though I'll want a better deal on anything painted as stripping could cause damage given how delicate the minis are. If you don't see something you're interested in trading for, LMK what you're interested in, probably willing to give you a good deal on it.

Not interested in paying extra for 1st editions...