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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    its alright, theres only what...3?...4?books before we get to prospero.
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Under Yggdrasil


    Quote Originally Posted by AnEnemy View Post
    I want you to consider the irony of your post very seriously.
    You're *****ing about my *****ing about your *****ing about several of us *****ing about someone *****ing. This is so meta right now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by GAZ-NZ View Post
    I had a full pre heresy DA army i sold due to lack of support and rules for the HH.
    I know a number of HH players to whom are using current HH armies listed. Of the 10 players i know only half have there rules / models for there specific legions.
    Those that dont have there army/primarchs rules feel handicaped / frustrated by all this.
    Im now playing Blood Angels and yep feeling
    totally let down by FW. I remade a new legion hoping they would release there rules but nothing.
    My interest is fast declining and with more people leaving the game in New Zealand I seriously wonder if ill have anyone to play when the rules come out.
    It just makes me grateful for GW's speedier release schedule. I've long given up on the idea of Forgeworld producing anything unique for my armies (especially Dark Eldar and Wood Elves).

  3. #63


    While I admit I've done more than my fair share of complaining about how Prospero has been treated by FW I don't have anything against the vanilla legion list. Its fun and provides a lot of choice allowing me a varied playstyle whenever I get bored of a list.

    What bothers me is FW double and triple dipping on Legions while others have jack ****. I know that's the nature of Isstvan, but they didn't HAVE to draw it out over three books and they didn't HAVE to ignore every other Legion just because they weren't there. Oh well. See you in two years FW.

  4. #64


    FW are focussing on the legions that have featured in the HH books they've released. What is the point in releasing minis without rules to support them? But I suppose they could release a few mod kits like shoulder pads etc for the other legions rather than specific units like the new Gorgon terminators. But they have the interestin the current legions with teh current books. - witness my insanity

  5. #65


    What is prospero?
    What is the most important rule? That we should do whatever the hell we want, but preferably in the best interests of Games workshop when possible? :P Ill go with that

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by GAZ-NZ View Post
    I had a full pre heresy DA army i sold due to lack of support and rules for the HH.
    I know a number of HH players to whom are using current HH armies listed. Of the 10 players i know only half have there rules / models for there specific legions.
    Those that dont have there army/primarchs rules feel handicaped / frustrated by all this.
    Im now playing Blood Angels and yep feeling
    totally let down by FW. I remade a new legion hoping they would release there rules but nothing.
    My interest is fast declining and with more people leaving the game in New Zealand I seriously wonder if ill have anyone to play when the rules come out.
    Are you serious? FW's release pace has been incredibly quick so far. If you and your friends are going to leave heresy gaming because FW didn't do you first (even though blood angels, ultras, dark angels, space wolves, and 1k sons are all coming within the next three books) and took a little bit of time to make a quality product then we don't want you. Good riddance.

    This is also not to mention that FW now has provided the option to give your legion a legion trait if they haven't been covered yet.
    Last edited by Sevatar; 07-20-2014 at 09:29 PM.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    Quote Originally Posted by HsojVvad View Post
    What is prospero?
    That was a joke right?
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by HsojVvad View Post
    What is prospero?
    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    That was a joke right?
    Just in case it isn't, Prospero is thee homeworld for the Thousand Sons. - witness my insanity

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    London, England


    Quote Originally Posted by Krefey View Post
    Just in case it isn't, Prospero is thee homeworld for the Thousand Sons.
    or we should say whats left of it
    "I was there the day Horus slew the Emperor".....
    my blog

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    London U.K


    So I am back from Nottingham and a weekend at Warhammer World.
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    The four of us traveled up from London Friday evening. Traffic was bobbins but we got there fine and spent the night playing 'Chaos Marauders'. A GW card game from 1987. It was ACE!

    Saturday started with a terrible breakfast at a Toby Carvery.....I know.
    We got to Warhammer World fine and promptly found the two tables we had booked.

    I had been to WHW before, but this was the first time I had played there. Ultimately, you are just playing on a 6x4 table just like anywhere else but it just felt different, in a good way

    Nearly every table was in use and the atmosphere was great. There were lots of great armies on display and everyone was having a great time. As you walked into the space the first board you see was being used by what looked like the White Dwarf team. they were battling on a massive city fight board. It was a heap of Tau and Titans. It looked great to see armies I have seen in WD right there with dice being rolled next to them.

    My 2000 points of Iron Hands allied with Farsight got stuck in to a Horde of blood Angels. We went at it using the tactical objective cards, which I am starting to love, and we were having a great time.

    Then a fella turned up with a tray of models and plonked them down at the table next to us. We said hi and then noticed the models....they looked amazing. Not just good but great. There were flyers and a bunch of Sons of Horus models. They looked like the ones out of the cabinet from the hall of miniatures they were that good. Then the fella introduced himself and he turned out to be Mat Murphy Kane the Forge world painter and the models were the ones out of the cabinet! They looked amazing up close.
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    The chap he was playing was running late so we took a break from the game to chat to him about his models. He was a really nice guy and was very generous with his advice on painting. We were asking questions about his army and what he had been painting but he wouldn't give us any hints at what's coming out next I did try though. I said I was Iron hands player and had seen the new Gorgon colour scheme and was wondering how it was done. He then got his phone out and showed me the pictures of the step by step process he had gone through to paint up the iron hands legionaries! It was awesome! He was telling what to do, what mixes, colours ,washes and glazes to use. It was an awesome one on one lesson and I have already ordered all the bits and bobs he suggested.
    He came over and looked at the charcoal of my Iron Hands which was incredibly embarrissing but he was a gentlemen and just said " Yep, charcoal." I'm normally pleased if someone want's to look at my models but not an awesome painter like that. He also commented on my buddies weathered Landraider which made him very happy.
    His buddy turned up, who had an incredibly painted mechanicum army, so we all got down to playing. My allied force won the game and we stopped for lunch, a trip to the shop and to the hall of miniatures.
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    In the afternoon I started a battle against a Dark Angels Deathwing force. After a couple of turns I was being swamped by terminators! Luckily Mat Murphy Kane came in to save me. He had gone to the hall of miniatures to get the models out of the cabinet that he was going to be displaying the next day at the open day.
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    There was the official Ferrus and fulgrim models and he said that Ferrus was his favourite model he had painted. They looked amazing and we got to pick them up and get a really good look at them. Again, he told us how he had painted everything. It was really cool. We were looking at the models and chatting for so long that WHW closed and we were left in there still chatting and taking photos of the models. It was great and I felt like we had had rockstar access
    Mat was such a nice guy. He gave us so many great tips and it was a real privilege to get up close and personal with The Forge World models that are used for the books and website.

    Saturday night started with dinner at Hooters followed by more rounds of 'Chaos Marauders' back at the hotel.

    Sunday morning we were there bright and early for the 40k Open Day.
    We all queued up, got our lanyards and went in. We booked our places at the seminars, bought loads of FW stuff and a wodge of books and then went to the first seminar.

    It was a panel with Jervis Johnson, Phil Kelly and Matt Holland.
    They started by saying they would not tell us anything about what is coming out next. I didn't expect anything different. The first question from the first audience member was about squats.... surprisingly the panel weren't impressed with the guys creativity.
    The second seminar was also with Phil Kelly and then Robin Cruddace and Jes Bickham. That was supposed to be about their latest releases.
    Both seminars blurred in to one to be honest. I can't say I learned anything from them to be honest. The main mantra through out the seminars was the switch to smaller army releases more often through supplements and white dwarf. they said it gave them more 'agility' to work on what they wanted and that it was now more likely they could get to things people really wanted like 'Speed Freaks'. They used that example on more than one occasion. I don't know if that was significant or not. When someone asked about Sisters or Deathwatch etc they would respond with ' It is now more likely that we can get round to these things with our new approach '.

    They asked the audience a few questions but nothing major came out of the morning seminars in my opinion. I enjoyed a lady telling Jes Goodwin the sisters models were too old and needed updating too which he replied that ' I think they are still pretty good and I'm very proud of them. ' the lady was a bit 'um er' I guess she didn't know who he was. Noobs.

    I had an 'Iron Drake' burger and then we went into the 'studio' area were members of the GW team were available for a chat.

    The White Dwarf guys, Jes Bickham and Dan Harden, said that the plan is to regularly have rules in the issues and also some more mini games like the knight card game and the treeman game thingy.

    One of the army painting chaps, Chris Peach, gave us a great tutorial on how he painted the 'marble' effect on one of his knights.

    Two of the artists, Kevin Chin and Paul Dainton, had their portfolios there and that was so nice to see the originals of some of the future classic pictures from the 40k universe up close and personal, brush strokes and all. They were really nice chaps.

    Mat Murphy Kane talked us through using the FW weathering powders which was great.

    The Model designers I spoke to were great. Trish Carden may or may not have given me some info about upcoming releases. Maxime Pastourel had two of his personal armies there. He had an INCREDIBLE ork army with some BRILLIANT conversions! He also had a striking eldar army with some great converted bikes.

    Jes Goodwin was up for a chat as always. He was telling us about how excited he was about their new approach to releases meant that they could get round to lots of more interesting things rather than getting ready for just one big release. I asked him about the lack of new Eldar jetbikes. He said he was told he had to make a choice between the bikes and the wraithguard. Personally, I think he made the wrong choice

    We were the last to leave WHW and we had a great time


    The only new models on display were the big tyranid model and the new contemptor dreads. The night Lords one looked so, so good. The Raven guard one displays the 'tribal' markings that are going to be the hallmark of the Legion.

    The updated Imperial Armour 4 was there. I only had a brief look through at the D99 elysian stuff. It looks like the warlord traits of the inquisitor in the book affect what gene therapies the units have undergone, giving them positive and negatives over regular elysians. They have a different army list with named squads like executioner squad, instead of special weapons squads. Their stat lines are slightly better than a basic guardsman.

    I tried really hard to get some info but the only piece of knowledge I got is that Konrad Kurze is most likely to be the next Primarch release and he is designed to be slotted in to Vulkan's base in the same way as fulgrim and ferrus.

    I had a great time at WHW and I'm looking forward to going back for another event.

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