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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    London, Ontario, Canada

    Default Grey Knights - Halberds vs Hammer on Strikes

    I've been thinking about the new weapons for the GKs.

    Strike squad, though not the best, but is the cheapest troop we got. Just trying to find the best way to equip them. Now armour is the biggest problem for GKs so I'm wondering what's better; hammerhand with 4 swords and one hammer, or hammerhand with 5 halberds. They're the same points, the hammer has AP 2, but I'm wondering if the amount of str 7 attacks of the halberds would be enough to strip the hull points off better against anything that isn't a Land Raider.

    Someone got the math for that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southampton, England


    Assuming charge here:

    5 halberdiers:
    vs AV10 - 4.444 hull points
    vs AV11 - 3.333 hull points
    vs AV12 - 2.222 hull points

    4 swordsmen & 1 hammerer:
    vs AV10 - 4 hull points
    vs AV11 - 3.111 hull points
    vs AV12 - 2.222 hull points

    The halberds are a tiny bit better, but on the other hand the hammer is very likely to get a roll on the damage chart, and has a fair chance of getting two. It also has the ability to smash through 2+ armour which is nice. The halberds are better against most other infantry unless you get hammerhand off, in which case unless you're up against Nurgle Chaos Marines you're wounding on 2+ anyway, rendering the halberds pointless.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    London, Ontario, Canada


    Dang. I was hoping to save some people from ripping their halberds off. Me included since I have the old metal models that only came with halberds. Gonna have to go through my bit drawer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southampton, England


    Quote Originally Posted by Halollet View Post
    Dang. I was hoping to save some people from ripping their halberds off. Me included since I have the old metal models that only came with halberds. Gonna have to go through my bit drawer.
    Well it does mean you're better without hammerhand, as you might not be able to successfully cast hammerhand on every unit you want to in the turn you need it. Halberds mean that unit doesn't need it as much, leaving dice for the rest of your army.

  5. #5


    Just go with 1 Hammer and 4 Halberds. Problem solved.

  6. #6


    It's worth remembering Halberds with Force are better than swords with Hammer hand vs. T4 and above, though vs. T3 Hammerhand gives insta gib on swords up.

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