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Thread: Raptor Knights!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Bensalem, PA

    Default Raptor Knights!

    I'm looking for some feedback on this list to see if it's competitive or not.. I figured the Knights would draw most of the attention and handle most of the heavy lifting. The Scouts are there for massed cheap bolter fire (rending on the opening volley thanks to Raptors CTs), and Lias is there for his special abilities (the alpha strike attack, and reserve manipulation), although probably isn't worth the points since I'm not taking advantage of his infiltration rule. If I go second, then I might reserve all the scouts, not sure...) The Stalkers should handle AA detail and Wave Serpents. So what do you all think? I own most of these models, but before jumping into the Castigator and a few more Scouts I figured I'd let it get picked at a bit... is there a better set of units to back up the Knights that would benefit from Lias' abilities and Raptor CTs? Does massed Scout bolter fire actually work thanks to the rending? Are two Stalkers enough AA in the competitive scene? I normally play for fun and local tournaments, but looking to step out a bit and any feedback would be much appreciated!


    Imperial Knights
    Imperial Knight Detachment
    Primary Detachment
    Knight Paladin (Warlord)
    Knight Errant
    Cerastus Knight-Castigator

    Space Marines
    Combined Arms Detachment
    Lias Issodon
    Scouts (10) - bolters, melta bombs
    Scouts (10) - bolters, melta bombs
    Scouts (10) - bolters, melta bombs
    Scouts (5) - bolters

  2. #2


    Competitive on what level? Any adamantine lance is competitive on some level but this is not likely the best lance build.

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