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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Carolina, USA

    Default Second Son's Orks list - what does he need?

    You've seen my other posts by now, I'm sure. But just in case, the quick version: I play WH40K. I have three sons who play (14, 12, and 10). Oldest plays Tyranids, I play Space Marines, younger one plays Tau. 12 year old plays Orks. Here's his list:


    3 Meganobz (kind of custom-jobbies I bought on ebay - /wink)
    7-10 nobz depending on how he arranges his boyz mobs

    about 40 ork boyz available, including 3 or 4 big shootas

    Fast Attack
    3 Deffcoptas

    He does pretty well with this list... when he gets good dice rolls or we get careless (like when I charge a mob of 13 ork boyz with 6 space marines - bad idea), but usually he places last in our tournaments and either squeaks out a win vs his brothers, or loses big.

    For Christmas I got him 5 lootas/burnas (I'm going to encourage him to make lootas for the long-range shooty goodness), 10 Stormboyz, and the remnants of a Stormclaw set - 3 Killa Kanz, 5 more nobz, and two herds of gretchin. And I have a painboy and another Meganob I'll probably let him have later. From what I can tell, he really badly needs transports, like a Battlewagon or a Trukk, for the Meganobz, and maybe a Big Mek?

    Obviously, we don't play competitively, so I'm not looking to completely revamp his army list, but I want to see him hold his own a little bit better in our family tournaments, so your suggestions are appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Antipodean heaven


    Lootas are definitely a good idea, but in cover because they only have Ld 7 and will run on two casualties. 10 is probably better and that looks hysterical when he rolls x3 for the shooting. 30 S7 shots coming down range has got to be a laugh. Probably a Battlewagon for the Mega Nobz because they take forever to get across the battle field otherwise. I used to play orks and had a mech' boy walking with Kanz & a Dread, for runnin repairz. Load them up with rokkits and those Kanz can create havoc with that BS3. Just a bit of luck and even SM could find themselves feeling the breeze a little.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Carolina, USA


    Yeah, we played a 1000 point battle the other day, I forget what the mission name is, but it was 1 victory point per unit wiped out. He chased me around the board with his Stormboyz and his Killa Kanz. I barely squeaked out a victory by 1 KP. AND, he didn't even have his Lootaz in that battle. So I think they're going to make a significant difference, especially since I don't typically have any units with a range greater than 36" in my army.

    But to make sure, you're suggesting another 5 lootaz, and a vehicle for the meganobs? From what I've read, putting a Painboy and a Big Mek with the meganobz will make them nearly unstoppable.

  4. #4


    since you are just having fun - try playing the koptaz as buggies - same utility - same models ! - lower points cost and no morale to worry about.

    ive converted from shoota boys back to choppy boyz now that they can all have heavy armour - splotting is what orcz do best.

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