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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Carolina, USA

    Default Son #3's army list - what does he need?

    Okay, son #3 plays Tau. I play Space Marines, oldest son plays Tyranids, second son plays Orks. We play against each other mostly, and our lists are not designed to be killer, but mostly to be inexpensive.

    Son #3 has the following:

    Crisis Suit Commander

    Stealth suits (3x)
    Crisis suit (1)

    12 Kroot
    2 Fire Warrior squads of 12 with one devilfish available to be transport

    We have probably 8-12 drones, too, so he can add those to the commander, the crisis suit, or the fire warriors as he sees fit (or as points cost allow). Our battles are... well, HAVE BEEN so far 500 to 750 points. After Christmas they'll be a lot bigger!

    For Christmas he's getting a Cadre Fireblade, a Broadside Battlesuit, 3 more Crisis suits, and 5 more stealth suits. I think that'll make him pretty dangerous, but what else would be really useful?

  2. #2


    The best unit in the tau codex is the riptide. I'm surprised you haven't got him at least one of those, only slightly more expensive than a broadside, but massively better.

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