Hello everyone!

My name is Brandon and I've been working with miniatures for probably close to 8 years now. I was introduced to 40k by one of my dad's friends, who was a commission painter. I started with Orks, but eventually found Warmachine back in MkI. I played some Cryx to start, but dropped out of the gaming scene for awhile. When I returned MkII was freshly released, and I picked up Khador. From there, I've made my rounds to various factions, dipping into Mercs, Legion, Menoth, Circle, and now I'm on Trolls/Skorne.
During this adventure I've always loved painting. My methods were simple at first, drybrushing a horde of Orks. From there I've continually practiced and learned new methods. I've even been dabbling in commission painting for the past few years, and have a few large armies under my belt.
I'd like to present to you a showcase of what I think is my best work (so far )

Khador Bombardier Bombshell

Butcher Unleashed

Eyriss 3

Tristan Durant