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  1. #1

    Default Best combo with Lord of Skulls, at 1850

    Got an 1850 tournament tomorrow, and I am hankering to use my Lord of Skulls as the regular Lords of War are okay to use WOOT!

    But I can't decide which of these options to use:

    Lord of Skulls/Daemongore (I like the gatling cannon for ranged anti-armor/anti-fyer, plus I lack many points)
    Belakor (for invisibility, duh)
    Balestar Biker Sorcerer ML3 Daemonheart and Sigil with Powerfist(Crimson Slaughter is the detachment here, prescience for big one)
    5 CSMs/Melta Gun/melta bombs
    5 CSMs/plasma gun
    5 Nurgle Spawn


    Lord of Skulls/Daemongore
    Nurgle Daemons Prince Wings n Armor ML3 Greater and Exalted Reward (for Grimoire)
    2x3 Nurglings
    7 Flesh Hounds (decent for Linebreaker) or I could get like 12 or 13 Horrors, but the Hounds get along better with everybody

    Invisible Lords of Skulls are just ridonkulous, and a Grimoired one is even moreso, but the Prescience is so awesome on that too for damage output, as I've had it miss plenty of times at BS3 and WS4. I know for 'winning' and 'missions' neither of these are optimal, but I get to use a Lord of Skulls!

    What say you?

  2. #2


    this list seems loads of fun lol

    Biggest issue is getting invis off :/ also the new powers allow standard CSM to have Divination. You'll have 6WC+d6? Nvm, that's pretty good to get one or the other off.

    I think it sounds awesome though.

  3. #3


    I did end up using the first list with the biker sorcerer and spawn, but just for one game (tournie was cancelled). It was a great game, hard fought for a narrow loss of 9pts to my opponent's 12. He had a very interesting list of Dark Angels with White Scars (and Centurions in there) and a Knight. Lord of Skulls lost 7 hull points in the first turn, but managed to thwack the Knight after it assaulted me. And whaddayaknow, I failed to get invisibility in that turn ! I also should've kept my Balestar biker closer to the Lord, as Prescience is very helpful on that model. Tactics showed that I should've put my spawns into the Centurion unit since they only can wound me on a 6 cuz of the grav rules, but lesson learned

    Belakor at first really only seems good for guaranteed invisibility, but I think with his flesh/armorbane sword and eternal warrior, shrouded, he's a great all-around daemon prince. The only reason I would pick a Nurgle one over him is for the Balesword and 3 Biomancies; but about the same points.

    CSMs did just fine, scoring a couple objective points and a bit of shooting. I just don't like Cultists very much.

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