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  1. #51
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    S00N3R FR3AK: The latest rumors have a Grey Knights codex as the last in 2010, or the first in 2011. If that ends up being true, then that means that there will (thankfully) be no inquisition codex; we'll get good ones instead.
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  2. #52


    The question is does that mean a Sisters/Witch hunters codex on its heels or another year of waiting (i'm going to go ahead and assume the latter)

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    NY, USA


    Well of the Ordos Xenos codex I would like to see, oh wait, a F***ING CODEX FOR STARTERS .

    I agree that the existing Inquisition codexes are none too impressive in game terms, but I don't think that means they should be cut. What they need is an update. If anything, I really think that they should be combined into a mega-codex, something at least as hefty as the SM dex with specific choices of Inquisitor equipment determining their Ordos and opening or closing different options for the rest of the list (like the SM captains on bikes, or the inclusion of a Master of the Forge). The Inquisitorial Storm Troopers need to be at least up to par with the Guard STs, and should be cheaper to reflect that they are troops instead of elites.

    I have come to agree that the Sisters at least deserve their own codex, but I think the GK should still be unified with the Ordos Malleus. In the fluff they are far more unified than the other Ordos and their Chambers Militant, for instance the one of the most senior Grandmasters of the GK sits on the Malleus Inner Conclave, and the GK homeworld (homemoon maybe) of Titan is also the de-facto headquarters of the OM. Everything about the two organizations is inextricably intertwined.

    I also don't think the "best vs. daemons" bit should be eliminated, that is what they are all about. It could be hand-waved away by saying "oh yeah, it also works against everyone else," but that is kinda cheap, and really only panders to the tournament crowed. If anything they need to be made better against daemons, with the new Daemon mechanics they lost some of the punch they previously had.

    As for new GK terminators, I am hesitant, I truly love the models we have now, and don't really see were they could go but down if they were changed. What exactly are the rumors? Whole now design? Plastic versions? I have heard tell of a terminator clad GK chaplain, could that be what we are hearing about? Plastic power armored GKs on the other hand would be awesome... Also, the sheer coolness factor of GKs on jetbikes is mouthwatering...

    Short term, I would like to see Dark Eldar and Necrons finally get the update they deserve. The 'crons deserve more plastic models for sure, as well as more options in their codex, while the DE primarily need a rebalance and new less-sucky models.

    Long term the Tau, CSM, Chaos Daemons, and even Eldar could do with an update(when a list or unit has only one or two loadouts that enable them to compete, then there is a problem), none of them need anything really major, a rebalance and something done about those summoned daemons rules...

    In the wishful thinking department, I would like to see the Kroot Mercenaries and Lost and the Dammed get properly addressed with official codexes, or at least new PDFs, and I would kind of like to see an Adeptus Mechanicus codex. I also think we could support a new non-Imperium faction, maybe a codex that is a collection of mini lists representing some of the minor xenos powers.

    In terms of general trends, I can't help but notice that Psykers have become much more dangerous, and psychic powers are now something to really worry about instead of dismissed as minor irritations. I expect to see more and useful psychic powers and psyker units in most new codexes.
    Cry woe, destruction, ruin, and decay:
    The worst is death, and death will have his day.

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