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  1. #321
    Fly Lord
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas, United States


    We'll know how the story ends in about 3 weeks.
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  2. #322
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Interesting stuff, I've always been tempted to do a tomb kings army but never liked the core stuff - but since i don't play it wouldnt be a problem to buy up the stuff I do like (those snakes and the sphinx basicly) - perhaps I should do that and mount them on round bases lol
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  3. #323
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I'm actually picking up random kits that I like just in case they do go crazy and chop WFB up like they did the Specialist games. Stuff I would've eventually got but just hadn't bothered yet. Guess it's a point to GW.
    My Truescale Insanity

  4. #324


    im so mad lizardmen are getting the axe. i wanted a new slann model SOOOOO bad. what the hell is with REMOVING an army? especially one of the original races with such a rich story

    is it because no one plays them lol?

    regardless im running at LEAST two bloodthirsters and a mono khorne army. thank GOD FOR PLASTIC GD or id never ever play wfb

  5. #325


    We don't know that Lizardmen are getting the axe. People are speculating on limited information.

    We know some Lizardmen survived thanks to Lord Kroak's spell. Not all of them blasted off into space! (Some of them did blast off into space).

    I think once we see Archaon (or some storyline leakage) we'll have a better picture of how things are going to look. Until then - don't worry so much!
    Last edited by Cap'nSmurfs; 02-16-2015 at 08:25 PM.
    Social Justice Warlord Titan

  6. #326


    Quote Originally Posted by Cap'nSmurfs View Post
    We don't know that Lizardmen are getting the axe. People are speculating on limited information.

    We know some Lizardmen survived thanks to Lord Kroak's spell. Not all of them blasted off into space! (Some of them did blast off into space).

    I think once we see Archaon (or some storyline leakage) we'll have a better picture of how things are going to look. Until then - don't worry so much!
    whats the actual story btw i havent followed any of it lol. just getting back into the hobby

  7. #327


    Quote Originally Posted by eosgreen View Post
    whats the actual story btw i havent followed any of it lol. just getting back into the hobby
    In a very rough nutshell: Skaven assaulted Lustria en masse with Clan Pestilens, tried to drag the moon (Morrslieb) down which put the Slann in a coma trying to stop, then a bunch of Lizards got slaughtered, then the Skaven shot the moon and a bunch of it fell on Lustria and the Slann who weren't killed got burned out trying to stop those chunks from killing all of the Lizardmen, but the Lizardmen were doing their best to leave the planet already, sooooo... pretty much, those who didn't die, did their best to get the heck out of Dodge.

  8. #328
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


    Hmmmm.....with that "list" for 9th edition, I don't see any Empire. And with the whole "less cannons and warmachines" approach to the game, looks like Empire loses a good chunk of their stuff. Too bad. The black powder idea was a cool part for fantasy. And what happened to Beastmen?
    It's like killing two hobbits with one stone...
    And remember, there is no "I" in team but there is a "ME".

  9. #329


    Quote Originally Posted by flipchuck View Post
    Hmmmm.....with that "list" for 9th edition, I don't see any Empire. And with the whole "less cannons and warmachines" approach to the game, looks like Empire loses a good chunk of their stuff. Too bad. The black powder idea was a cool part for fantasy. And what happened to Beastmen?
    yeh i actually think they need to remove any monsters from the war machine factions and just fix the rules a bit. i think its safe to say humans/dwarves in most fantasy settings tend to not use monsters but some sort of science to make up for it. not saying copying is a good idea but it works well imo

    also the lizardmen were already trying to escape the planet? to where lol

  10. #330
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Nsw, Australia.


    Quote Originally Posted by eosgreen View Post
    yeh i actually think they need to remove any monsters from the war machine factions and just fix the rules a bit. i think its safe to say humans/dwarves in most fantasy settings tend to not use monsters but some sort of science to make up for it. not saying copying is a good idea but it works well imo

    also the lizardmen were already trying to escape the planet? to where lol
    Terra....or maybe they made a pact with Tzeentch and are living in a smaller "EOT" (Eye of Terror) rift bubble. then they reappear once the moon rock radiation settles enough to not blister the slann's froggy hides. then they gather power with the necrons who later give power back to nagash who with help of Ahriman and Tzeentch's heralds the blue scribes among others a reversal spell, causing none of this to occur and the game is as is at the moment minus a few changes. it'd fit GW's fundamental urge to see chaos fail. not to mention the end times could be indefinite but in campaign form and since we only have speculation at this point we can well only guess or grasp at straws until we know for certain.

    note: humor aside i was being 100% serious about the above. GW might possibly do what they always do. reset each edition back to default. nothing happens after ET's.....or everything happens.
    Last edited by Orkimedes1000; 02-16-2015 at 11:34 PM.

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