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  1. #61


    Having options is fine when EVERYBODY is having options, not just some people who happen to play the "right" faction.

    Also to be fair, people do not tend to use the one or the other Predator Variant or Tauros but go straight for the cost effective and powerful stuff.

  2. #62


    Which applies to xenos players as much as imperial.
    Or do most eldar players take falcons instead of wave serpents?
    I dont remember every codex having the same number of units?
    By your rationale the dexs with the most units have an unfair advantage.
    Hmm. Does that ring true, im curious now.
    Can someone with every codex please let us know if the codexs with the most choices are the most powerful.

  3. #63


    Banning Forge World means banning Repressors and Avengers, which makes Sisters very sad, (especially the Repressors, which are pretty decent to be fair.) Personally, I have a few FW models, and I always give my opponent a heads-up on what I'm bringing so they can bear it in mind, (they do the same for me.) I have a Ryza Vanquisher with co-axial Stubber, I have Autocannon Chimerae, the Medusa which used to be a Codex option but is now FW-only, and a Macharius Vulcan.

    My Tau have a handful of Tetras and a few XV9 counts-as, which I love to bits, even if they are horribly costed. I even have a Tauros for my Chem Dogs Kill Team, because a scavenged Technical seems perfect for those kinda guys.
    Read the above in a Tachikoma voice.

  4. #64


    Not a whole lot I can contribute at this point, but no, the Sicaran is not OP whatsoever. It's a pretty good unit, but it's not going to single-handedly win every game against every army. Those that rely on skimmers will have some stuff shot down, but what army has no answer to AV13?

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Popsical View Post
    Of course its your choice. Its just very sad that you point blank refuse to fight players who may have paid lots of money and spent lots of time painting a gorgeous army which isnt OP or broken etc etc because its FW.
    The reasons anti FW haters use to justify not allowing it are so absurdly hypocritical as a rule, its laughable.
    Every fault of FW is valid in abundance in codex armies, and thus are silly to say the least.
    Cant learn the rules as dont own the book = all GW is expensive so most dont own all dexs.
    Rules un- play tested = and codexs are sooo balanced
    Units are OP = thank god none of the dex units arent OP eh?

    Yep heard them all, yep theyre all hypocritical.
    Pre 7th we played Forge World & Super Heavies & large fortifications in Escalation (2000/2500 points) post 7th we do exactly the same.

    Its everyone's prerogative to agree or not to Forgeworld & the other extra's and set the parameters for the type of game they wish to play.

    I'd also like to make the point that not everyone can afford to splash large sums on such powerful units and the best matchups are against like minded armies.

    I was under the impression that the Sicaran was a 30k model anyway?

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by Popsical View Post
    Which applies to xenos players as much as imperial.
    Or do most eldar players take falcons instead of wave serpents?
    I dont remember every codex having the same number of units?
    By your rationale the dexs with the most units have an unfair advantage.
    Hmm. Does that ring true, im curious now.
    Can someone with every codex please let us know if the codexs with the most choices are the most powerful.
    Xenos don't have a whole second game that they can cherry pick models from. You cannot possibly believe that is a fair situation.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowcatX View Post
    Xenos don't have a whole second game that they can cherry pick models from. You cannot possibly believe that is a fair situation.
    It is only unfair in the sense that GW is unwilling to make PVs that are representative of a models on table abilities, otherwise it would be a nonissue as to who had the most toys to choose from. Plus over half the stuff FW has to offer is so overcosted in points that it is basically neglected. Atm the worst game breaking models are living comfortably within the pages of the main codecies.
    My Truescale Insanity

  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowcatX View Post
    Xenos don't have a whole second game that they can cherry pick models from. You cannot possibly believe that is a fair situation.
    This is exactly why we see 30K armies stomping Eldar and Tau at tournaments...right?
    Read the above in a Tachikoma voice.

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeGrunt View Post
    This is exactly why we see 30K armies stomping Eldar and Tau at tournaments...right?
    You are trying to imply something here, but you need to prove some things first. Can you can show at least three post 7th edition tournaments that allowed 30K armies, had said armies in comparable numbers to the eldar / tau, that were won by Eldar or Tau? If there's 30 eldar / tau armies, and 3 30K armies, then it is no surprise that an eldar or tau won after all. Without that basic ground work, your implication is pointless.

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowcatX View Post
    You are trying to imply something here, but you need to prove some things first. Can you can show at least three post 7th edition tournaments that allowed 30K armies, had said armies in comparable numbers to the eldar / tau, that were won by Eldar or Tau? If there's 30 eldar / tau armies, and 3 30K armies, then it is no surprise that an eldar or tau won after all. Without that basic ground work, your implication is pointless.
    Let me just go collect that data which isn't freely available because no-one bothers to collect and disseminate it. Well done, handing me an impossible task as a qualifier to prove my point...
    Read the above in a Tachikoma voice.

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