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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by DrBored View Post
    Here's the thing. With the exception of a few character models and maybe one or two entries, the following Codices are pretty much complete, with entire ranges of plastic.
    Grey Knights
    Dark Eldar
    Space Marines
    Blood Angels
    Space Wolves
    Dark Angels
    Astra Militarum
    hold on! lets have a look at this shall we?

    we have Cadian and catachn in plastic, Tallarn, Valhallan, steel legion, vostroyan and Mordian iron guard all in metal. okay well you can argue that they are suplemtary but how about our specail weapons? you know those things that every vets squad takes 3 of? yup metal blister packs.

    Straken - metal, Advisers - metal, Techpreist - metal, Primaris psyker - metal, Pask - metal and with Creed, Kell and Yarrick in fine cast

    others slots
    actauly not too bad, just Ratlings, Wyrdvane psykers in metal and no Rought Riders to speak of. (Vendetta being a forgeworld resin upgrade kit)

    if it wasn't for the fact that special weapons are still metal blister packs containing 2 different weapons that depend on the faction I might have let it slide, but it is still nearly impossible to build a Guard army that does not contain metal, finecast and plastic models. also you mention the age of some of the chaos models as a point against them but you seem to be forgetting that the basic guardsmen are just as old.

    I'm not trying to say Chaos doesn't deserve some new models at some point but Astra Militarum are far from being all plastic as well (because someone decided what we needed was new betterer twice the cost ogryn and a vehicle (taurox) that offers almost no advantages over the existing Chimera)

  2. #12
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    Aug 2009


    You seem to be forgetting one faction: Adepta Sororitas.

    Need I say more?
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  3. #13
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    San Diego, California


    Quote Originally Posted by Valkerie View Post
    You seem to be forgetting one faction: Adepta Sororitas.

    Need I say more?
    GW seems to keep forgetting them, so I'm just following suit :P

    Also, @Reldane:
    Most of the troops you listed are old models that cover THE EXACT SAME CODEX ENTRY. I'm looking specifically at Codex Entries. There are, in fact, separate codex entries for Noise Marines, Thousand Sons, Khorne Berzerkers, and Plague Marines, and none of those four individual, different-rules, different-purpose, different-weapons units have new plastic models.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by DrBored View Post
    Orks - a few vehicles and some other things, not 100% on these guys
    Allow me to excomplain:

    Orks have a mixture of old and new kits. The majority (Nobz, Trukks, Battlewagons, Stompas, Lootas/Burnas, Stormboyz, Warbikers, the basic Mek Gunz, Tankbustas, Kommandos... the latter three of which are metal-converted-to-finecast) are all from 4th or 5th Edition. Killa Kanz, Deff Dreads and Bommers are from late 5th. Flash Gitz, Meganobz, the advanced Mek Gunz and the Gorkanaut/Morkanaut are new. Da boyz are the same boyz we had in 3rd edition (and not all the bits in the kit are still usable on a Boyz mob. Nob leaders haven't been able to take tankbusta bomms since 3rd...). I'm not entirely sure about Gretchin because half of them look just like the old metal sculpts so I can't tell when the switch happened. I'm also not sure about most of the HQ models, except that obviously the plastic ones are new, and all the Finecast ones are old enough that they used to be metal. Warbuggies, wartrakks and deffkoptas are the same models from 2nd edition (not counting the OOP plastic deffkoptas from Black Reach), or rather from GorkaMorka, and you can tell; the boyz are weedier. Skorcha trakks have just gone OOP altogether.

  5. #15


    I understand what you mean DrBored, it isn't exactly true as they same models make Platoon, special weapon squads, conscripts as well as Veterans. it is also the troops choices so unlike the cult troops you are forced to take some of them, codex chaos marines also has a few more units (37) than the Astra Militarum codex(31).

    But I will point out once again that special weapons are separate to the unit and in metal which was more the point I was wanting to make. are the special weapons chaos marines could take where not available in their box?
    Last edited by Reldane; 03-17-2015 at 03:50 PM.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reldane View Post
    I understand what you mean DrBored, it isn't exactly true as they same models make Platoon, special weapon squads, conscripts as well as Veterans. it is also the troops choices so unlike the cult troops you are forced to take some of them, codex chaos marines also has a few more units (37) than the Astra Militarum codex(31).

    But I will point out once again that special weapons are separate to the unit and in metal which was more the point I was wanting to make. are the special weapons chaos marines could take where not available in their box?
    chaos generally has none of its heavy weapons available in any of the boxes, there is no "havoc" box, therefore all our power armour heavy weapons are finecast
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  7. #17


    Well, no plastic Havoc box anyway.


    I'm pretty sure those folks come in one of the weeny boxes.

    The heavy bolter does come in plastic in the Chaos Marine box, though.


    What are these Imperial Guard special weapons that are only available in metal? Meltas? Plasma guns? Sniper rifles? All in the Command Squad box...
    Last edited by Houghten; 03-17-2015 at 04:38 PM.

  8. #18
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    San Diego, California


    As was said. Most of our ranged heavy weapons are only available as resin havocs. The only one that's plastic is the Heavy Bolter from the Chaos Marine kit. That leaves the Missile Launcher, Autocannon, and Lascannon completely resin. Could you imagine how much of a fit IG players would make if only the Heavy Bolter was plastic out of the Heavy Weapons Teams?

    A huge f'ing fit.

  9. #19
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    To be fair, Dark Eldar actually have quite a lot in resin. Mandrakes, Incubi, all special characters, Beastmasters and all 3 beasts, all 4 Court of the Archon models AND Grotesques are all in resin.

    That's a good amount of our range. Proportionally, we're probably about the same as Chaos, given that we have a smaller base range to start with.
    "Kill them, my children, but make it slow..."

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by DrBored View Post
    Could you imagine how much of a fit IG players would make if only the Heavy Bolter was plastic out of the Heavy Weapons Teams?

    A huge f'ing fit.
    you do know the the guard heavy weapon teams are a separate kit don't you? they aren't resin coming in plastic/metal depending on which flavour of guard but they are £10 each

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