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  1. #11


    And what point do you think you have proven?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Outer Space


    I dont think the problem is WK specific, I had a walloping good time against a friend of mines AM army rife with wyverns basilisks and Russ CO and Heavy choice squad, its all about uising cheaper/non-useful units to create meaningful threats balanced with larger units that create garunteed threats. something that tyranids can do very easily

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    San Diego, CA, USA


    I played in a GW store tournament not too long ago with my Eldar and two WriathKnights. First turn I insta-deathed his Dimachaeron and a Tervigon. I rolled very well and was killing 2 MC's per turn for the first 3 turns! My Wave Serpents and Night Spinner cleaned up the rest.
    WraithKnights are really, really good. Though for me I don't rely on them. I treat them as fire magnets and tend to run them up my opponent's face. They have to deal with them, and while they are the rest of my army (and my scorning and more important units) are free to maneuver and fire.

    On the other hand, vs Dark Eldar and all their poisoned weapons the WraithKnight's drop fast!
    Last edited by JMichael; 03-22-2015 at 11:20 PM.

  4. #14


    Barring exceptional luck like JMichael described, I have never had huge issues with WraithKnighs as a nid player. If you run a flyer list, you can ignore the wraithknights and kill the rest of the army. If you run a small bug list, you can tarpit the wraithknight with 30 fearless little bugs, of which it kills 4-5 a turn. Gargoyles are good at this, as they are fast enough to catch them and do the occasional wound with the poison. Walking big bugs struggle vs wraithknights, as even exocrines have trouble putting wounds on them, and carnifexes don't do enough damage. But then again, walking big bugs struggle vs a lot of builds.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    London, Ontario, Canada


    Um... what? A toxicrene from the hyper toxic formation will eat those things no problem. An assault flyrant will also slice it up. Genestealers with toxic sacs. Gargoyles will annoy the crap out of them and they can wound them. Skylord formation ( I think that its name), one big brood of gargoyles with an assault flyrant that can't be shot at will also eat it.

    I don't see them as that big of problem.

    You could always tarpit them for the game!

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